My singer-songwriter buddy Shaheen Sheik just got her first video onto MTV Desi. Brownie, you’re doing a heck of a job!
We cut a video for ‘Wildflower World.’ MTV came to the set to shoot some behind the scenes footage and an interview with me. I even got to hold the MTV microphone! It’s all so surreal… the segment is airing on MTV Desi News every day this week at 6:50am, 10:50am, 2:50pm, 6:50pm, 10:50pm, 2:50am.
p>She’s a law school dropout, classical dancer and blogger. Afreen afreen, eh, Nusrat?
… i have literally grown up on stage. since the time i can remember, i have been rehearsing or performing… maybe there are folks who’ve never had to strip down on the side of the stage to make a 45 second costume change with the tech guys politely turning their heads and your fellow dancers frantically tucking things and wrapping you in costumes while you can feel the sweat running down your body…
there is not another thing in my life that i’ve experienced that has given me the kind of high from dancing with abandon. not drugs, not sex, not even a first kiss with a new beau. [Link]
Amen, sistah. Listen to ‘Wildflower World’ from her new indie album, Rock Candy. I promise you she’s better than the last singing phenomenon from Berkeley Taking struggling-artist dedication to new heights, she’s even singing the national anthem tomorrow night for the hockey team with the implausible name, the
Anaheim Los Angeles Mighty Ducks.
Previous posts: one, two, three.
pretty damn cool…. will take some time to listen/find her music… and a blogger too? sweet jesus, where does she get the time do do it all?
must ask her for advice on multi-tasking 😉
She must really love to dance…
damn straight. reckless abandon…
She looks so beautiful in the Pic.
still looking at her with two wide eyes…… 🙂
i may have to disagree, dancing with abandon is a great high which is usually even better when you use the right type of drugs…i’m not advocating the use of drugs tho…but the whole rave scene is based on that.
Manish!!!! I was enjoying your post so much and then you had to allude to the Hung. Why, Manish, why? Will will never go away!!!
Oh, my ears are throbbing from memory.
No, seriously, great post. I’ve been meaning to pick up that CD since Abhi blogged about a show way back when. Good on her!
I was at the CD release party for Shaheen at the Laugh Factory in Hollywood, and I was rather disappointed. Honestly, I couldn’t figure out why she was totting an acoustic guitar, because despite playing open-chords with a cable jutting out of the body, you could hear jack for rhythm, even when the band had a tacit moment all you could hear were choked, barely audible cowboy chords…I mean please. Now a South Asian artist who truly deserves some airtime on MTV Desi is Ananda Sen. I heard him play at Artwallah fest, hands down…one of the better and talented performers out there today.
Did Shaheen going to Berkeley? I think I met her when I was a student there.
(Sorry if this question has already been answered in a previous post).
You know, as pretty as that girl is, no power in this world would make me install evil Flash to watch/listen to songs. Her site needs mp3/wav/wmv streaming and some bigger photos. Not everyone uses 640480 these days…..some of us use 16001200 too you know! That said….I really want to listen to her tunes…anyone got a few mp3’s I can “borrow”? 🙂
WOW! This gurl got mad skillz!!! SHE IS SOOO GOOD!! I’m now a fan for life! I checked her out on Allmusic ( but they didn’t really have a review for her.
Ok Ok…I didn’t install flash but I found her songs on MSN Music (
Now I am gonna buy it. 🙂
I don’t know if anyone else caught this but she sounds like a classier “Heather Nova”…yes???