Shah Rukh Khan Detained at Newark Airport

So remember last week when I mentioned that Shah Rukh Khan was starring in My Name is Khan, a movie about a Muslim man detained by U.S. authorities on suspicion of terrorism? Turns out the truth isn’t that far from fiction.

Khan revealed he was held at Newark Airport yesterday for two hours by security.

“I was really being hassled, perhaps because of my name being Khan,” actor Shah Rukh Khan charged Saturday, a day after he was detained for two hours. “These guys wouldn’t let me through.” The 43-year-old “King of Bollywood” said he was waiting for his bags Friday when security pulled him aside after his name popped up on a computer screen. “I was really taken aback,” he told an Indian television station. “I did not want to say anything just in case they took everything wrong, because I am a little worried about Americans because they do have this issue when your name is Muslim.”


Another case of mistaken identity? Or just the usual profiling? When my family travels, they factor in an extra few hours because it’s inevitable that one of my brothers, cousins or uncles is going to be pulled to the side and questioned. So it’s not really surprising to hear that Bollywood stars aren’t immune from such treatment.

Better win that Oscar, SRK. Maybe it’ll get you through security faster.

104 thoughts on “Shah Rukh Khan Detained at Newark Airport

  1. . If it can happen to a powerful Senator who is far more famous in the US that “King Khan” then Shah Rukh should just shut up and realize that US CBP is not going give him a red carpet. They have rules to follow and are not going to bend it because of an egoistic foreign actor.

    The problem is not that Shahrukh was not treated as a celebrity. The problem is that the US customs has become callous, rude and discriminatory. What makes the Shahrukh case exceptional is that this so far a. nothing has come out that he did not have proper papers b. It seems that he was not was on any list due (by mistake.) c. Due to the coverage he has got over the years, Shahrukh Khans credentials are particularly easy to verify d. The matter could have been easily resolved quickly, with little effort on the customs side. By allowing a phone call earlier .. and seeing given how quickly people start making calls as soon as they land in EWR, I do not see why this was difficult for the customs to do.

    So it basically seems that the customs folks were acting on their own and did their job inefficiently and clumsily (to be charitable)

    “red carpet. ??” Where did that come from. Nothing I have read so far has suggested that Shahrukh was being difficult, or was through his ego around. If you have read something of the sort, point it out. Or stop projecting.

    The real problem is that this sort of behaviour makes the US a more difficult place to do business in or with. And also leads to an erosion of goodwill. There are already several comments saying that India should treat US travelers in the same manner. And this would be justified (although I would be against it for various reasons). Hey rules are rules .. and what is gravy for the goose is gravy for the gander.

    This sort of behaviour and attitude should be stopped, not necessarily because of any moral imperative, but because, at a time the US is at its weakest in decades, the US is losing influence and soft power across the world because of easily avoidable stupidity.

  2. Fact is he is not famous in USA, as they are incapable of any language other than English..anyhow, it is hard not to believe this was a publicity stunt, or a very lucky coincident..but on a general level yes Asians of Indian -Pak appearance espcially Muslims will have to endure this in USA..Hell Turban wearing Sikhs have to

  3. I am Indian, but have a christian name, since I came from Goa. I wont mention my name, but it sounds very very hispanic. I was still detained as I had a flight via the middle east (cheap tickets). Wasnt a good idea.

  4. sukanya@31 : Where I see the disconnect is.. shouldn’t he have been “flagged” when the visa was issued to him?

    Excellent question. With the most advanced technologies in the world why is the US embassy’s list not connected to TSA/airport database and flag the potential suspect before they are given US visa ? Btw didn’t Bush base his war campaign on the slogan they they will hunt down terrorist before they enter US soil ? Note visa is not given on spot anyways…visa is applied online with all materials including passport and interview call is a couple of weeks before the final interview and stamp. So this processing can be easily done by embassy staff.. The only reason I can think of is inter-agency rivalry. The other agencies who have the terrorist database don’t want to share it with the State department’s embassy staff in foreign countries.

  5. The immigration officers were completely and totally in the wrong, but I’m definitely cynical about SRK’s wounded pride. I smell a publicity stunt here too.

  6. According to the custom officials – he wasn’t stopped because of his name. His baggage was lost and when he went through immigration he didnt have any baggage to be inspected or claimed. So they took him aside and asked him questions for 66 minutes, not 2 hours. Thats not detainment, thats just questioning. He wasnt stopped because of his name or his race. The security personnel were doing their job and good for them.

  7. Some of the commenter’s are saying, Shah Rukh has done this for publicity. For you all information, he doesn’t need publicity, according to “Newsweek” last year SRK was one of the world’s 50 most influential men. In my almost three decades in America I’ve seen enough racial discrimination because of national origin, color of skin and religion. So please be realistic, it won’t hurt you, neither will cost you any money. At least I, my family members, friends & relatives have enough respect towards Americans or white complexion. And I want the same towards others.

  8. Finally – the truth comes out. Yes, it is confirmed – SRK was NOT detained because of his last name. It was because baggage listed under his credentials went missing. It is extremely shameful that he would exploit the situation.

    @ Inthis, Lupus Solitarius, Shafiq, Malathi, DizzyDesi – your ignorant comments only served to feed the stupidity that spewed thereafter. Your statement “it is of course sad that he (or any other visitor) was even subjected to the additional questioning becuase of some stupid security guard’s paranoia” fails to take 3000 lives lost on 9/11 into account and corporately insults and undermine the steps taken since then to prevent a re-occurrence. Shame on you and everyone else mucking around for the chance to play a victim.

  9. As reg. this issue being a publicity stunt by SRK I don’t know whether it is true or not so I wont’ comment on it. But just as it is the right of some low-level US official to take effective action and carry out his responsibilties, desis (common or VIPS) should stand up to be treated fairly and with dignity even it means sometime going gung-ho and over the top like this issue. One white/American gets killed anywhere in the world, the US embassies and US media gets into frenzy and desis/third-world folks should start demanding that same level of treatment especially in US. Btw I call it BS if somebody says nobody is taking into account the 3000 lives lost in 9/11…..US agencies makes such hue and cry over human rights all over the world and not to mention the number of lives lost coz of US govt. policies and action across the world. At the same time I do agree that with respect to fair treatment of people US beats the rest of the world.

  10. Btw sometimes desis need to learn the arrogant and aggressive attitude as Americans…In that sense I appreciate SRK actions (moreover he is an Indian VIP like any other celebrity like the Clintons) .

  11. It was because baggage listed under his credentials went missing. It is extremely shameful that he would exploit the situation

    Is this what happened the last time you lost baggage while flying? (or if you have’nt ask your friends/family if this has happened to them)

    You haven’t had baggage lost by airlines, have you?

  12. @ Inthis, Lupus Solitarius, Shafiq, Malathi, DizzyDesi – your ignorant comments only served to feed the stupidity that spewed thereafter. Your statement “it is of course sad that he (or any other visitor) was even subjected to the additional questioning becuase of some stupid security guard’s paranoia” fails to take 3000 lives lost on 9/11 into account and corporately insults and undermine the steps taken since then to prevent a re-occurrence. Shame on you and everyone else mucking around for the chance to play a victim.

    The problem I stated was stupidity. The problem could have been solved right away, if the customs were clear on what were the options they needed to resolve the issue, communicated it, and seen if SRK could meet the requirements needed to clear him. What resolved the issue was the consulate vouching for SRK. This could have been done in 5-10 mins, immediately, if the customs was competent. I fail to see how wasting an hour to do this made America more secure.

    Stop throwing 9/11 around as an excuse. Post 9/11,some procedures have been made more secure. This is a good thing. A vast number of them though have just made a mess of things. Especially since they have been implemented badly. This has been documented widely enough in various places.

    The US is a nation that benefits tremendously from being a global hub and with businesses coming in. If it is going to act as incompetently as a third world nation, and still charge first world prices, then sooner or later businesses and people are going start treating it at one.

  13. @ DizzyDesi – Perhaps you should take some time to read and understand the context of the situation before putting out illogical statements like you continue to do. The SRK situation was not about him missing the luggage – it was his failure to account for luggage registered under his name. Knowing this now, perhaps you understand why idiotic comments like your latest drive sensible discussion haywire.

  14. He’s the biggest celebrity in the world. But is he ready to lead? With India Shining, Shah Rukh Khan says no to profiling and says he’ll conquer Hollywood via Fox. No more side shots and Meghan Fox off the market — that’s the real Khan.

  15. What resolved the issue was the consulate vouching for SRK. This could have been done in 5-10 mins, immediately

    firstly, i doubt any bureaucratic body would respond to anybody in 66 minutes. mumbai was burning down in november and it took them several hours to send in the counter ops. secondly, this would not have been standard protocol for a security person to start calling the consulate general. think about it.

    “can you call the consulate?”. “why sir?” “they can vouch for me”. “are you a member of the indian diplomatic staff”. “no.. but…”. “it can not be permitted sir”. “but.. you see.. i am a filmstar. everyone knows me”. “no sir. we have to follow procedure.” etc.

    relax man. this was fishy from the start, and it isnt just about the actor’s resemblance to a large amphibian.

  16. According to the custom officials – he wasn’t stopped because of his name. His baggage was lost and when he went through immigration he didnt have any baggage to be inspected or claimed. So they took him aside and asked him questions for 66 minutes, not 2 hours. Thats not detainment, thats just questioning. He wasnt stopped because of his name or his race. The security personnel were doing their job and good for them.

    My baggage got lost once on a trip from Bangladesh. I went home, and they sent it to me by mail. I was not stopped and not allowed to leave for 66 minutes to 2 hours – depending on which account you believe. In what sense is pulling aside and questioning people for between one and two hours in response to a lost luggage claim (if that’s what it was) “doing their job.” If anything, it seems like a colossal waste of time for security.

    I’m also curious what they were asking him for 66 minutes:

    1. What is the purpose of your visit? I’m an international movie star. I’m going to Chicago.
    2. You’re a movie star? Yes.
    3. Really? Yes. Can I call the Indian embassy?
    4. Sure.

    Presumably the other 62 minutes were taken up trying to find a phone? Or if he was being a diva, perhaps this above section would have taken 10 minutes rather than 4, leaving 56 minutes to find a phone?

    Also, how do you know he wasn’t stopped because of his name or his race? Have you been in touch with the people who pulled him over?

  17. First, when you go through immigration, you have not collected your bags yet. Immigration is Step 1, and then they are out of the way. They either let you in the country or they don’t. They do not coordinate with airlines about bags at the immigration check point.

    After that you collect your bags, you go through Department of Agriculture/ Customs. They are only concerned about the contents of the bags, and value of the item. Immigration does not step in at that time, and they will only if Department of Agriculture/ Customs wants them to.

    Bags get lost or displaced all the time. It has happened to me about dozen times over the years. It is the airlines that coordinates with lost bags, not the US Government. While this happens all the time, including Senator Kennedy, I think we do not know the whole story yet.

  18. sukanya@31 : Where I see the disconnect is.. shouldn’t he have been “flagged” when the visa was issued to him?

    For many reasons (good and bad), immigration check point and embassies (granting visas) work independently.

    Also, immigration check point has the final authority over any visa/ green card, etc.

  19. In all likelihood, when he reported his bags were displaced, and he with a Muslim last name, they wanted to know more details about the contents of his bag.

    With probably, hundreds of bags displaced each day @ Newark, they cannot question everyone for 60 minutes.

  20. /offtopic That article says this about Chidambaram: “In the new government, he has been determinedly dragging his feet about visiting Washington for bilateral talks as union home minister.”

    So PC is penalising the whole of India for an insult to an individual ? I hope this isn’t true, but if it is, its a display of colossal selfish stupidity from a man who is supposed to serve India’s interests. He should protest the insult to his person in a manner that doesn’t affect his duties.

  21. Many of the TOI readers are plain sick of SRK’s egoism.

    Yes, I saw that. But while you seem to accept it at face value, I am troubled by it. I am no fan of Bollywood privilege, in general, and I recognize collective middle-class, ordinary-cog-in-the-wheel-man grievances against the Indian (and international) glitterati because I am prone to having them myself. Still, I strongly think this incident is neither the time nor the cause to club one of our own on his head. I wish that mistreated actors, politicians, writers, activists, scientists and statesmen in the past (whether from india or elsewhere) had not down-played their feelings.

    I have lived in the Soviet Union state system and there are certain things about it (and its effects on the mindset of people) that I do not miss or wish to ever see again (but unfortunately for me, I have personally experienced events of humiliation at the hands of border officials in the lands of ‘the free’ than in the lands of the ‘worker bees’ as one American disdainfully described the Soviets). But it seems to me that more and more ordinary people (especially Americans) have no qualms about moving in that direction.

    For the price of US$6 and during a 10- to 15-minute face-time process, all temporary visitors to the US have to be finger-printed at the port of entry every 6-month cycle that they are in the US. (A rule that has been in existence sometime after 9/11). Which means SRK’s fingerprints are in their new-fangled computer system since he comes here so often. If these computer records cannot be accessed during times like these, what is the use of all that massive amount of data they are collecting on every single visitor?

  22. This is all Bush’s fault. Once he’s out of office all this harassment will stop. The new president will fix it all. Oh wait…

  23. This whole argument of that “no rules were broken” and “there are rules to follow” … are academic and bogus arguments. The job of the immigration officer was to a) check if paperwork was in order b) Ascertain SRK’s reason for visit to the US c) To make sure that he is not a threat.

    Facts 1) paperwork was in order. 2) Several people where SRK was taken for questioning asked for his autograph, thus proving that he is infact who he is claiming he is. (And not a threat to US)

    At this point the job of the immigration officer is DONE and he should have let SRK go or atleat have him make a call immediately to his handlers in the US.

    This is not why my tax dollars are paying for the immigration officer’s salary. He/She is supposed to look for the real threats and not be a unreasonable and stupid bully because of the power.

  24. He’s the biggest celebrity in the world

    I’m sorry, but this is just nonsense. He is not the biggest celebrity in the world. I really think that Indians have an overblown sense of proportion about their film industry and their film stars.

  25. I really think that Indians have an overblown sense of proportion about their film industry and their film stars.

    I’m sorry, but this is just nonsense. I really think that you have an overblown sense of proportion about Indians and their sense of proportion about their Film Indusrtry and their Film Stars.

  26. I’m sorry, but this is just nonsense.

    When people go around saying that SRK is the biggest celebrity in the world, you know they are hilariously, farcically clueless, who have no idea about the perspective about this actor and their movie industry. So much of it is hot air. Its laughable, the overblown sensibility.

  27. Lizzie, It’s 3am and your children are safe and asleep. But there a couple of movies on and the actor’s are singing and dancing. you will decide which movie to watch. whether it is a 5′ 6″ scientology idol or someone who already huge in Russia, knows the world’s leaders. someone tested and ready to dance in a dangerous world. its 3am and your children are safe and asleep. Who do you want to watch on TV?

  28. In response to having scanned the above: There is religiious profiling depending on how tight your pants are. America has good reason to be paranoid. And I’ve been held up for two hours or more in Newark long before 9/11. It’s New Jersey, folks! Love your website,


  29. To Liz, The debate here is not on whether SRK is big or not, it is about whether CBP was justified in stopping him for secondary inspection. And besides western movie stars have an even bigger ego and sense of entitlement who think they are the cat’s meow. Debate the point being made not some periphral BS.

  30. It’s 3am and your children are safe and asleep…Who do you want to watch on TV?

    Well, I have, in my sobering middle-age (alternatively known as ‘cheeky aunty’ stage), discovered selectively the pleasures of Hindi cinema from the pre-Bollywood & Bollywood era; 70s/80s Tamil cinema; 80s/90s Malayalam cinema; and so on. My plan is to watch one Indian movie a week to make up for all those simple pleasures of Indian life that wasn’t accessible to me while I was growing up. To think that nobody pointed Kamalahassan & Sridevi in Meendum Kokila as a must-watch for when I turned 16 (or even 23 or 28) but instead allowed me to waste my time on that empty piece of cute muck called ‘Grease’ …travesty, I say.

  31. If anyone was offended by my earlier comment, I knowI should apologize, but there will be no apology forthcoming as it is just not the “in thing” anymore. I would be happy to join you for a beer though. And I say that as a mature adult who wants to thrash out issues on race like the experts.

  32. to the group/type of people represented by uber metro mallu, is there anything that you like about India/Indians/Indianisms? Or is it that you guys like only things that come in blond hair and white skin? If so, we do understand. Having met many mallus, and esp from the kottayam/thiruvalla area, it is fairly typical. wish you luck in your pursuits. My apologies to everyone whose desi, and in that unfortunately mallu upbringing (huh, those moustaches, coconut oil, lungis, and the simbly simbly accents.. sympathies) does not prepare them for any foreign pursuits..

    Btw, Abhi and co, befor eyou such to uber–mallu’s defense and ban me, note that I have only made my comments about the ‘group of people’ represented by uber..mallu. If you still go ahead and ban me, it will be just the same as the ‘disorderly conduct’ thing when you cannot find other reasons. whatever, hey it is your blog, and free speech might not apply.

    Anyway, yeah, the ‘luggage did not arrive’ claim is stupid, the us immigration just offering vague excuses and avoiding any apologies – everyone knows that while at the immigration you have not even gone to baggage collection, your bags are just getting unloaded. whatever. They caught him re. that khan name, and would certainly not admit it. as someone who has been routinely checked at a little county airport shuttle every time bush felt like changing the alert level, I know much more about this anyway.

    You know what’s DISGUSTING? the amount of desis using this as a chance to mouth off against SRK. if the guy was that egotistic and a **hole deserving all sort of humiliation, why is he such a star with such fan following? Even more disgusting is the number of folks from desh taking the american side, offering excuses and justifications that even Americans have not bothered to come up with. I think about 95% of desis in desh should be granted an honorary US citizenship right away. They seem to see things from an American POV much more clearly than Americans. Must be the experience of living under Queen Sonia and looking for consulting job handouts all over the world.

    Have to appreciate Gandhi much more these days. Methinks he went bald teraring up his own hair in frustration trying to motivate these desis against British in the freedom struggle. I am very very sure now that about all of them must have said “arrey mohandaas.. what’s so wrong with british. if they beat us up there shoudl be a reason fo it nah? after all they are just doing their job of running a colony. just be deferential and you will be fine. afterall they did so much good for india naah?” etc etc

    Desis : always afraid of offending the american boss. Why SRK and Kalam (who was infact searched by a desi guy in desh, against the law of the land which exempts ex-presidents from such searches, just because an american boss ordered him to. Wonder what else he will do if his american boss orders him?), average desi will strip search his mother if ordered by an American. Ask Narayanamurthy, he already demonstrated his willingness by not singing the national anthem becuase his american interns did not want him to. They would have felt bad if Indian national anthem was sung in India, Murthy said. I nominate Murthy for the frisking job where he will frisk desis for Americans at the cheapest rate available.

    I bow to Brazil, which had the guts to fingerprint americans when america started fingerprinting visitors. And, no, my dear desis cowering at the thought, Brazil is still on face of the earth and with its self-respect intact.

    What SRK should do is try for an American citizenship. What’s the point in being a star and icon in a land like India, which, despite the bloody 1 billion people cannot even give a voice of support for you when you are singled out for profiling? If anything, it shows that behind all the damn fanfare, you are nothing in their minds. You are in fact something that they would relish having beaten up by someone, humiliated by someone. Saw the glee in their postings and words when you felt humiliated? They themselves cannot do that, so they are happy to have someone else do it. That country is not worthy of you. It was not worthy of Kalam either. Only person it deserves is, Sonia.

    Even little countries such as Bangladesh will routinely maim capture, torture and maim our soldiers and dump the dead bodies across our borders. What do we do? Lodge a protest and forget it. Mumbai gets burnt by some 10 ppl, and what do we do? Lodge a protest. Another teeny country like Malayasia imprisons an Indian CEO on false charges – again lodge strong protests. Looks like desis are collectively good for one thing. Lodging protests and then bending over.

    How many more years before desh develops a backbone?

  33. Why people are crying so much for SRK and not speaking for Abdul Kalam who in my sense/mind is much much more bigger than SRK. This shows how the modern generation of people eventhough are literate still has a major portion in them which is illiterate and rules them. When Abdul Kalam was stopped, questioned and harrased I never saw a major uproar of Indians…. What’s going on??? WAKE UP INDIA – So, as they Say “JAGOO INDIA” Jai Hind!!!!

  34. As a security policy, India have decided to random frisk those who are named Adam, Bob, Pete, Mike, Rob, Tom, Brad etc.

  35. Com on guys..whats wrong with u ..? cant u see it’s just a publicity stunt.. u should understand that when u are traveling to any foreign country u need to go through there rules like everyone else..u r no celebrity there….once it had happened to Mr.Abdul Kalam but very few people are aware of the issue, because Mr. Kalam knew that it’s just a procedure he needed to go though.. he did nt make it a big issue..once even Amitabh Bachchn had to face the situation but he remained quite..i just dont understand what’s wrong with SRK….?In fact we should learn from them and tight out security department to avoid any terrorist attack…

  36. Just when you thought America was moving forward (black president, etc..)

    she comes right back and rips you a new one. Bush supporters, raise your glasses with me.. racism still has a place in the USA!

  37. hallaballa, Your assumptions are controversial. Didn’t you see the rediff piece that “Shah Rukh Khan” was heavily used as an alias by LeT terrorists, of the type behind the Mumbai attacks? Maybe India should learn a bit from the US in terms of who it lets through the borders without proper checks. Don’t hurt or demean others, but let’s keep safe, OK?

  38. Well, I am not surprised that Khan was stopped at the airport. The way that so many first-generation FOBS attire themselves, it wouldn’t be surprising to learn that they’ve been hanging around Osama Training Camp 1 in Karachi. When in Rome, do as the Romans do (at least in the presence of Romans)…… lose the long hair, lose the goatee, lose the body odor, lose the skull-cap/turban…. in other words, try NOT to stand out, try to blend in. Else, if you make it to customs in one-piece – tight waist hugging jeans, tight t-shirt, and reeking body odor intact – you just may get pulled over.

  39. lose the long hair, lose the goatee, lose the body odor, lose the skull-cap/turban…. in other words, try NOT to stand out, try to blend in. Else, if you make it to customs in one-piece – tight waist hugging jeans, tight t-shirt, and reeking body odor intact – you just may get pulled over.

    Ah good. No racism here.

  40. SRK probably looked sloppy and had a terrible accent. This guy is sloppy by nature. As far as Bollywood goes, I can’t remember this guy actually playing a serious role, ever. The opposite would be Amitabh Bachan – cool, calm, and collected. Amitabh Bachan is a class act, which probably explains why he still gets good roles at his age. Anyway, my point is, SRK probably showed up at customs looking like a clown. Combined with his accent and last name, this would have set off alarm bells.

  41. how many white men named Tim were denied Ryder vans, the day after oklahoma city ? Thank you.

  42. I love how the so many of the posters on this thread feel that since SRK is either a terrible actor, part of BS industry, or is just unattractive that stopping him and detaining him was not only justified but should be lauded.

    Especially given that a quick google search could have ended this whole thing in two minutes.

  43. I do feel bad he got detained, but after 9-11 homeland security can not take any risks. Has everyone forgotten that we are still at war? Unfortunately, there will be inconveniences, even for celebrities and diplomats. I am sure everyone would rather have an inconvenience than have a plane blown up.

  44. Ann racist cook,

    its not that he’s a celebrity or diplomat, its because he just fit some stupid cartoonish profile that’s wedged in people’s heads about what a “Terrorist” looks like or is named. If I was someone who wanted to conduct terrorist acts, I’d thank the heavens there are people as silly and stupid as you who think all trouble looks and is named a certain way, and just find the most non “arabic” looking person to do the deed (which is exactly what theyre doing)

    I understand most americans (looks like you’re included) won’t do something because its morally correct to do, but how about doing something just because its the most practical and effective thing to do?

  45. 99:

    What about religious profiling. If 99% of all potential suicide bombers/wanna-be suicide bombers/delusional suicide bombers and every other type of suicide bomber comes with a certain complexion and belongs to a certain religion, does it make sense to start body searching old grannies from Iceland?

    Let’s face the facts. If 9-11 had NOT happened, then there would be no shoes/belt/random baggage crap at airports. The 9-11 threat has NOT gone away, in fact. Maybe what needs to happen is that those from a particular religious sect need to have a round-table discussion and chalk up a new PR plan. Causing massive damage in a major financial district of the last remaining superpower is BOUND to have consequences. America is not gonna sit back and smoke pot while the tears fall, such as India did after the Mumbai. I am not singling out this particular religious sect out of sheer animosity. Almost all of the world’s major religions have gone through this period of religious fundamentalism where good sense and fair play was stifled by those in the venerable robes. The difference is that, for whatever reason, be it the Enlightenment or the rise of science, they have more or less become liberal, and any fundamentalists within are hardly the leading spokesmen. Unfortunately, it seems like the particular religious sect I was referring to earlier is a few millenia behind. Which in my opinion, provides ample justification for religious profiling.