72 thoughts on “Something Wicked This Way Comes

  1. Whoa!!! It took me a while to make it out. Congratulations. When did it happen? ΓΒ°ΓΒ½ΓΒ°ΓΒ»ΓΒΈΓ‘β€šΓΒΈΓΒΊΓΒ°.

  2. You buying a used Lexus? I don’t think Lexus uses that marketing campaign anymore. The specific commmercial you refer to either on purpose or inadvertantly is for an older model lexus. The new models have different themes and commercials.

  3. puli runs naked down 5th avenue like lady godiva?

    Didn’t lady G. ride on a horseback? It was Protima Bedi who ran naked on Juhu beach. πŸ˜‰

  4. Didn’t lady G. ride on a horseback? It was Protima Bedi who ran naked on Juhu beach. πŸ˜‰

    Don’t think Puli doing either would be a sight to see

  5. Is it God? Please, please, please let it be God….but, i hope it’s the one true Christian God and not those – Hindoo Gods…who seem to be everywhere these days. What with their Yoga and vegetarianism and Goldie Hawn and Richard Gere!!

    ps – I pray it’s not that Allah dude either…..he is always so angry.

  6. ok..i would need to jack a police horse first….
    Jack as in steal, or jack as in handjob?

    If you jack (as in handjob) the horse, may be you won’t have to jack (as in steal) it?

  7. My guess: Sepia Mutiny was sold to a magazine/newspaper. New York Times bought Freakonomics blog. The Atlantic bought out M Yglesias and others. I wonder what magazine/newspaper would want this blog though.

  8. FaceBook has just been valued at $20 billion (via the Microsoft minority stake) and following that news SM has been valued as anmol by some MSM or MS software/Media co??

  9. Sepia Mutiny’s orbit around the Earth will position it between the Sun and North America on Monday, blocking the Sun’s light. At that time you should not observe Sepia Mutiny directly, even with sunglasses! Use a piece of cardboard with a hole cut in it to read Sepia Mutiny’s shadow on the sidewalk.

  10. Let me guess. NASA declares that they have proof that WE are the Martians. Life on planet Earth was first implanted by invading Martians, and therefore we are all decendents of these ETs. I wonder if Charles Darwin is turning into his grave!! Or may be – and I am dreaming – Abhi is going to propose someone on the SM !!!

  11. err 15bn

    $15 billion or $20bn its all the same, I purposely exaggerated to show my opinion that this valuation may be high. AMZN’s market cap is $36 billion after being in business for so many years and FaceBook by swapping pictures is worth half that, sounds a little incredible.

  12. I agree. If you come here for “community” not intelligence this is the place to be.

  13. By the way, hillside, nice utter neglect of proper comma usage to demonstrate your mad writing skillz.

    Nothing screams “I am qualified to express an opinion as a professional writer” better than screaming “I am qualified to express an opinion as a professional writer,” after all.

  14. RC,

    Feels like the dotcom time again, it is incredible that facebook is valued at 500 times its 2007 estimated earnings.

  15. My guess: Sepia Mutiny was sold to a magazine/newspaper. New York Times bought Freakonomics blog. The Atlantic bought out M Yglesias and others. I wonder what magazine/newspaper would want this blog though.

    You cannot be serious Chocolat. Those fighting the good fight cannot be bought!

  16. I don’t think Lexus uses that marketing campaign anymore.

    Sadaiyappan, what about the Bradbury novel?

    But I did love that commercial just for the voice of Eartha Kitt.

  17. my top 3 guesses:

    (1) bobby jindal will become a contributing writer?

    (2) live gambling for desis and friends?

    (3) a shiny new matrimonial section?

  18. It’s amazing how folks assert that to write, one needs to be “professional”. Since when do you need qualifications to express oneself?

    • A Non-Writer