[Instead of Saturday at noon, the meetup will be on SUNDAY at 12:30. It is still at Amma. Please be noting date and time change– thanks. :)]
But first, a rushed write-up of what went down last time:
- Icebreaker: The battle of the Jessicas- who is hotter, Alba or Biel? There were two poultry-submitted abstentions.
- Adorable Munish changed his vote when he realized he was, in fact, supporting an Alumna of Seventh Heaven: “I thought you meant the woman from Flashdance!â€
- Once we started playing, “Who has the tiniest apt†after one of you suggested having meetups in our homes, Jay said we should have used THAT as the icebreaker—“Hi, I’m ___ and I have 400 sq ft!â€
- It was the reverse of our college years– Southies Reprazent!
- There was a minor TamBrahm crisis when we discovered that Amma had run out of vada, for the first time in nine years.
- I was smacked. Thrice. By our waiter. You can’t put a price on that kind of abuse.
- Two of the above three spankings occurred as THIRTEEN more people than the sixteen we expected showed.
- Once we ran out of table space: “Start sitting on laps. Sigh. I guess I’ll begin.†Plop.
- What is UP with the lack of RSVPing, meetup-crashers: “This isn’t a wedding, people!â€
- Murthy’s Law: Next time, we should reserve the entire restaurant. That way no one will show.
- We actually had to turn people away, for lack of space. 🙁
- Can’t make it to the bathroom to wash your hands? Use the “Indian Faucet†a.k.a. a poorly-approximated finger bowl via drinking glass
- Subcontinental Drift (we love you!)‘s MySpace page might induce seizures.
- Me to Jay (of the blog Weaselplasty) “All our friends are apparently stand-up comics (and they performed at SD)â€
- Said one, “Tortoise porn is available on YouTube.†Said the Terp, all dismissively, “I know about THAT”, as the rest of us exhibited the proper reaction to that statement, which is shock and horror.
- One attendee confessed that while this meetup was fabulous, they had “hobbit envy†about Houston.
- Library Science: it gets no respect
- Second Best line of the meetup: “Why are men always giving me money and then leaving?â€
- A Tamil girl who was raised in Bombay tried to reconcile her identities by saying…she was like a “paneer dosaâ€
- Paneer Dosa has said she will be at the June meetup; that way you can mock her for her metaphor in person! 😉
- I ordered two Salt Lassis and four Madras Kappis. I received ONE Madras Kappi.
- Lemon Rice for me, dosas for EVERYONE ELSE
- Best line of the meetup: “Your picture on Shaadi.com was so much better!â€
- More on Sunny Leone and the greatness of snuff films.
- Despite our most obnoxious attempts to be porntastic in order to clear the restaurant, so more of us could be seated, the packed place wasn’t bothered at all by our antics. Contrast this with Heritage India, where we sent them screaming out the door. It would appear that South Indian families are immune to our offensiveness. 🙂
Now, after reading the merriment-filled minutes of our last meetup, who feels like getting together again for more? 🙂 I’m craving dosa and you, well, after I published this post, I learned that you are ALL craving dosa, ALL the time.
WHERE: Amma’s Vegetarian Kitchen, 3291 M St. NW, Washington, DC 20007, 202-625-6625
WHY: Because you nosy little monkeys want to pepper me for non-existant gossip about the Mutiny.
Think of it as a post-Subcontinental Drift “survivors’ brunch”. Kill your hangover with Madras Kappi and Rasam! 😀
As for New York…Maybe mid-late July? 🙂
San Francisco? End of August, we’ll keep you posted.
I couldn’t resist the opportunity to type Snuff Meetup, and find the whole thing far too amusing. 😀
I will be there for the SF meetup!! How fun.
Is it too late to get in on the Sunday meet up?
NOT AT ALL! I’m increasing our reservation by one as you read this. 😉 I hope we didn’t give off the wrong impression with the post/banter. It was fantastic that 30 people showed up last time, it’s just that on a busy Saturday, we didn’t have the ability to expand beyond the already large table they had reserved for us. The whole reason we choose Amma isn’t the fact that it’s desi, it’s because I’m close to the people who run it, so they go out of their way to try and help us/not chase us out. 🙂 We can have 40 next time, I just need to know who is coming in advance…which brings us back to you. Thanks for RSVPing!
The list:
1) Me 2) Karthik 3) SJM 4) Portmanteau 5) Coffeeface, a.k.a. our Paneer Dosa 6) Prasad 7) Sriram 8) Jay 9) + 1 10) + 1 11) Sweet tooth 12) Natasha 13) Lion 14) Msichana + Love expert husband? 😉
Lion, are you in for sure? We’ve changed the details since your last comment. 🙂
G-Unit, since you already lunch at Amma weekly, did you already have plans involving others or would you like to sit with us?
Any questions? My email is linked via my handle. 🙂
that’s great news…can you make it +1 then? Seeing that this is my first SM meet up…I’m going to bring a friend…just in case you guys are really weird… JK :)..see you Sunday!
What do you mean “just in case”?? We ARE really weird. It’s part of our charm.
hey, paneer dosas are yum! don’t know what you havent tried :-p
What say bone marrow drive at both meetups?? 😀 Of course, maybe all mutineers are already v. responsible and already registered, in which case, i take it back! but if not… man… that would be cool. anna, let me know! yay.
Like rice , roti, dosa can be had with anything. Paneer dosa hasn’t obviously tried qeema dosa!
I have a hard time eating resturaunt dosas. they just pale in comparison..
Are you telling me I look old in the pictures? Guess I’ll hit up the Nice N’ Easy hair color before sunday.
As your supposed elder (*gasp! I’m 25ish) I think we all look exceptionally good for our well-traveled, “wierd,” interesting, and incredibly nice kundis. That being said, now I am very curious to meet you and see how truly baby-faced you are. I hope you join the meetup crew for some dosas:)
We have plenty of charm to spare too should anyone leave theirs at home that day.
i felt REALLY ackward in the last NYC meetup i went to….
Do tell?
LA meetup?
ANNA…we have another friend who wants to come…so that makes us three. I hope its not too late to add one more kundi in the mix?
Not at all! Duly noted for the purposes of reserving enough area. 🙂 You, plus two? Yayyy.
We’re up to 18, assuming “Lion” is in:
Anyone else? 🙂
Nineteen! The infamous mind behind “Happy-No-No Place” is coming. 😀
Any ideas on when the NYC meetup will be? I might go to California the weekend of July 15, and would hate to miss the meetup.
AFAIK, the NYC Meetup will not be on that date. 🙂 More like August 11th/18th, though there is a slight chance it could be July 21/28. I’m trying to coordinate schedules with Mutineer Vinod (who is as hard to pin down as Osa-…oh, wait…that’s not funny).
Thanks, Anna. Don’t push it past August 18 though, I’m out of the country starting August 25 🙂
DUH, Rahul…that’s totally why I had my childhood friend schedule his wedding for August 25 in San Francisco. It’s because I knew that. 😀 We will meet before you abscond, no worries.
Well, A N N A, you’re the queen of (Christian?) timing, after all. It’s really important for a quality SM (snuff meetup).
msichana: interesting, interesting. would this third person possibly a female who likes brit-rock, jazz from the 20’s – early 60’s, the douglas adams book “last chance to see” and is staunchly opposed to the death penalty?*
throw me a line here; have to go to a cousin’s wedding in a couple of weeks and i’m pretty much dead to all of them if i don’t at least have a prospective.
Jay, I took a compatibility quiz for us on eharmony and even it says we’re destined for life in eternal sin. Sashay on over to Dupont Circle to meet me tomorrow evening.
Aww..unfortunately, No. The third is a malu catholic man who is actually shy and will most probably be amazed/shocked at the brazen display of sepia gone wild antics that these meetups are famous for. 🙂
I am trying to see if I know of any shy malu catholic girl. hmmmm, shy being the operative word :))
all ya’ll rock. prasad, msichana, rahul- thank you, I think. I can just imagine the look on ba’s face…
Jay..I have a line for you and Ba..
‘Ba..lau che’
Any advice for a potential attendee on overcoming nausea/shyness?
plenty of alcohol or nitrous oxide beforehand.
Dramamine dosa with a chaser of spiked kaapi.
Because it is really really really bad food, and it is overpriced to boot. I think we discussed this earlier, yes? 🙂
Rahul, I thought you were in the DC-metro area?
I, too, vote July 22 for NYC (if there’s a meetup in July) since my fam is coming to visit the weekend of July 15. I know, so demanding.
I don’t know. The snarkiness in response to my comment has sufficiently scared me away I think…
bro, relax. snarkiness is how we operate. join us once and i guarantee you’ll be a convert.
Nah, we really are harmlessly innocent in our snarkiness. It;s actually a sign that we want to meet you (and possibly snuff you) Join us!
You can’t leave a comment like this and expect for NO ONE to respond. Those who replied weren’t throwing snark at you without provocation.
Look, Bidismoker…I am thrilled when I get to meet anyone who takes the time to read this site; if they comment regularly, as you have done, it’s extra gratifying. If you are “scared”, then don’t come over from whatever corner of the restaurant you are in, it’s that simple. I’m not going to chase and cajole you by typing, “Don’t be upset! Please do come, we won’t be mean!”.
I’m not being insincere or snarky when I state that I’d like to meet you, despite your low opinion of my career, education and accomplishments. I’ve always said everyone is welcome at meetups, lurkers, newbies and trolls included. The question here really is, do you want to meet us?
I’m trying to get settled in for school (starts monday morning)…but I’m hoping to be done by Sunday in which case I’ll be there as well 🙂
What made you think that? My glibness? I promise you though, that unlike Jim Webb, I will not indulge in dosa pandering. Or paneering.
We’re up to 21, assuming “Lion” is in:
If you want to devour dosa and are NOT on this list, please email me (linked via my handle) or leave a comment, so I can make reservations accordingly. If you are on this list and you’ve changed your mind about laughing so hard you’ll want to pee, but you’ll be stuck on the other side of the table and unable to do so, then let me know about THAT, too. 😉
thanks for jim webb link, rahul – now i’m going to want dosa-idli-vadai-sambar-chutney-rasam-pongal-upma for the rest of the day. thanks, man.
ak, I think you have a bright career ahead of you hawking food at Indian train stations. Just practice saying “chaaya” too. Chaaya, not chaiya.
Ah, Rahul, I’m so glad you linked to one of my favorite songs…thanks!
i prefer the beach – thenga-manga-pattani-sundal sounds much better. i guess the other professional ambitions will have to take a back-seat.
btw, i sort of wish i could make it to the DC meet-up – sounds like the best of all the city meet-ups.
Have fun at the Meetup guys and girls!
BTW, is this still on, or have we moved it forward by a week? I just got my copy of Maximum City yesterday, and read a few random pages out of order last night. Just now I discovered it does have 3 sections! Anna, will you be flagging us off, and give us a suggested reading schedule, so we can get started in earnest? 🙂
I’m more a verkadalai-elanir person myself, but the life of a beach bum peddling “snakes” sounds quite appealing. Unless there’s a tsunami in which case you end with Real Soggy Sundal.
You must be THIS
TALLOLD to ride that ride.Anna – count me in for sunday.
I have no idea. Maybe I’m just a cracksmoker?
All of you are so lucky to be able to attend this, I live in Canada… womp womp 🙁
Maybe one day I’ll be able to go…one day 🙁
ok, check it. i just went to Cafe Greco yesterday and it’s a nice place, for now. give me two years to gather the rupees and i’ll build an excellent meetup venue in SF, a bar perhaps, a bar named Caste No Bar, perhaps. i have no sense for decor so i’ll need suggestions and themes that will work the name in.