[Instead of Saturday at noon, the meetup will be on SUNDAY at 12:30. It is still at Amma. Please be noting date and time change– thanks. :)]
But first, a rushed write-up of what went down last time:
- Icebreaker: The battle of the Jessicas- who is hotter, Alba or Biel? There were two poultry-submitted abstentions.
- Adorable Munish changed his vote when he realized he was, in fact, supporting an Alumna of Seventh Heaven: “I thought you meant the woman from Flashdance!â€
- Once we started playing, “Who has the tiniest apt†after one of you suggested having meetups in our homes, Jay said we should have used THAT as the icebreaker—“Hi, I’m ___ and I have 400 sq ft!â€
- It was the reverse of our college years– Southies Reprazent!
- There was a minor TamBrahm crisis when we discovered that Amma had run out of vada, for the first time in nine years.
- I was smacked. Thrice. By our waiter. You can’t put a price on that kind of abuse.
- Two of the above three spankings occurred as THIRTEEN more people than the sixteen we expected showed.
- Once we ran out of table space: “Start sitting on laps. Sigh. I guess I’ll begin.†Plop.
- What is UP with the lack of RSVPing, meetup-crashers: “This isn’t a wedding, people!â€
- Murthy’s Law: Next time, we should reserve the entire restaurant. That way no one will show.
- We actually had to turn people away, for lack of space. 🙁
- Can’t make it to the bathroom to wash your hands? Use the “Indian Faucet†a.k.a. a poorly-approximated finger bowl via drinking glass
- Subcontinental Drift (we love you!)‘s MySpace page might induce seizures.
- Me to Jay (of the blog Weaselplasty) “All our friends are apparently stand-up comics (and they performed at SD)â€
- Said one, “Tortoise porn is available on YouTube.†Said the Terp, all dismissively, “I know about THAT”, as the rest of us exhibited the proper reaction to that statement, which is shock and horror.
- One attendee confessed that while this meetup was fabulous, they had “hobbit envy†about Houston.
- Library Science: it gets no respect
- Second Best line of the meetup: “Why are men always giving me money and then leaving?â€
- A Tamil girl who was raised in Bombay tried to reconcile her identities by saying…she was like a “paneer dosaâ€
- Paneer Dosa has said she will be at the June meetup; that way you can mock her for her metaphor in person! 😉
- I ordered two Salt Lassis and four Madras Kappis. I received ONE Madras Kappi.
- Lemon Rice for me, dosas for EVERYONE ELSE
- Best line of the meetup: “Your picture on Shaadi.com was so much better!â€
- More on Sunny Leone and the greatness of snuff films.
- Despite our most obnoxious attempts to be porntastic in order to clear the restaurant, so more of us could be seated, the packed place wasn’t bothered at all by our antics. Contrast this with Heritage India, where we sent them screaming out the door. It would appear that South Indian families are immune to our offensiveness. 🙂
Now, after reading the merriment-filled minutes of our last meetup, who feels like getting together again for more? 🙂 I’m craving dosa and you, well, after I published this post, I learned that you are ALL craving dosa, ALL the time.
WHERE: Amma’s Vegetarian Kitchen, 3291 M St. NW, Washington, DC 20007, 202-625-6625
WHY: Because you nosy little monkeys want to pepper me for non-existant gossip about the Mutiny.
Think of it as a post-Subcontinental Drift “survivors’ brunch”. Kill your hangover with Madras Kappi and Rasam! 😀
As for New York…Maybe mid-late July? 🙂
San Francisco? End of August, we’ll keep you posted.
Sunday works for me too. Its your call ANNA.
Some respect? She gets all my respect. I can never say some of the things she’d said :))
Ardy, let’s just hang out by ourselves and call it an SM Meetup in ATL. What say? Good idea, no?
As a long time lurker here, will do my best to attend. Sunday is better. Is Heritage India an option? Vaguely recall some funny business in comments about previous meetup(s).
While I heart Heritage, everyone seems to overwhelmingly prefer Amma, for the dosas and the prices. 🙂
If I swung a cat with a very long tail from where I’m standing, I could reach New York. Hopefully, I can make a meetup there in late July.
raises her hand Los Angeles meetup anyone? sniffle
FYI- if we do change our meetup at Amma to Sunday, it would be at 12:30pm. 🙂 I need time to rush over from church. Queen of all Christians, and all. 😉
NYC. July 15.
NYC – Sun Jul 22nd, there’s a good show at Central Park Summerstage. Not as cool as Talvin last year but still pretty interesting.
i vote for jessica rabbit would people lay off anna, please or sack up and post up under your real names – she does
Wish I could make this one too – I have more ammo for the Biel > Alba battle, but sadly (no wait, I mean awesomely!!) I’m on vacation this weekend 🙂
Save me a Dosa – make it a Paneer this time 😉
And more notice for the next one please? Heck, i wouldn’t be averse to driving up to NY for one either, if I can synch with my (interning) cousin there, and stay the weekend!
one vote for NYC, July 15; i’ll be in the city that weekend, and in the mood for mayhem.
Alright, this has gone too far. Paneer dosas are to dosas, what the Iraq war is to Iraq. Sensible people realize what a disaster the idea is, and only the deluded can persist in its defense.
This reminds me of a neighborhood Indian restaurant, Gandhi, that has kheema dosa on its menu. All I can taste is the cognitive dissonance though.
Paneer in dosa is hideous – that too the burjee paneer. I’d rather have a crisp fried tofu (like they do in lettuce wraps at PFChang’s) stuffed in dosa than a paneer burjee.
The darn waiter made me eat that during our last meetup – this time around, I ll be on time to make my order. sniff :))
Shhh – Rahul, why do you think I’m offering to eat a paneer Doas in absentia? It’s so I don’t ever have to order one in person 😉
What you two didn’t ORDER paneer dosas? Someone forced paneer on you? 🙂 I’m so confused.
Thats a short story to it. I think Jay ordered the paneer dosa, but had some ingredient in it which he didnt want. The waiter took the plate, put in front of me and said – (I paraphrase and you may read that in a dulcet mallu accent)
‘you order a dosa, this is a dosa – EAT’
I put on a brave face and stuffed it all. Not to invite his wrath, I licked up the plate; shiny. No wonder the two pretty girls sitting next to me wouldnt give me their numbers. I wasnt mard enough to claim my dosa. This weekend though, there gonna be a dosamutiny. Its only gonna be special spring rava masala dosa…
prasad, too funny! though it does not surprise me – the waiter was being both efficient (no wasting of food!) and logically (dosa = dosa)commanding in a way that is only rational to desis. if he is there this weekend, please tip him extra on my part – one rarely sees such stand-up service these days.
Sunday afternoon will prolly work better for me and mr msichana.
Nice one. Anna. Nice one.
There is nothing much to agree against sensibility, right?
I wouldnt know about the tips. I was one of the very few men who gave money to Anna and didnt leave. She took all the spanking and I presume she tipped well.
damn, i didn’t know i wielded that much power. or, it could be that anna would rather have me sacrificed over salil. whatever works.
i take full responsibility for that…if i see an onion i freak out. mixed (crushed) into foods? ok. disguised with batter and fried? ok. sour cream and onion chips? ok. tis a phobia, i know. i’m working on it.
PROMISE you’ll show? 😉
Jay, squirm all you want. Your fate is sealed. Can I help it if Anna has it in for you? Well, probably, but now I’m not going to do anything about it 😀
See you guys on Saturday…I think? Is Saturday still on?
And hey, does anyone want to try le parkour this weekend? Where the heck is coach diesel these days?
Jay, come on – no such transgressions, please. It was never on any dosa to ‘eat responsibly’ 🙂
The following people will have sambar fingers this weekend:
DC: Me Karthik SJM Portmanteau Prasad Krusty? Sophie + 1?
If Sunday: Jay Lion Msichana + Love expert husband?
Okay, what’s the consensus? If you haven’t already weighed in on the “Sunday” question, kindly do. It seems like more people can do Sunday brunch, but let’s decide so I can update the post accordingly, please. 🙂
What about those of us who think you’re awesome/hot/funny. If you actually get the NYC meet-up organized, I promise to pull you aside in a mature manner and tell you why you are so delectable. Anna rocks the NYC-SMer world.
I do! If the Man wakes up late..I’ll come by myself!
I can be down for Sunday lunch, as well. I’ll adjust, so long as I have a front-row seat at Jay’s Big Sacrifice.
We know that really means 1:45, Anna. 😀
Yes! I’m In!! And, yes, it is possible to love you some bambaiya pav bhaji, pani puri, and frankies AND also some thayir vadai and NOT have the bindhi/pottu fly off your face:P
I forgot to add that I did reclaim full TamBram status as I declared a deep, deep love of thayir sadam with uruga (yogurt rice and mango pickle).
P.S. Paneer in dosa kind of grosses me out a little…but it is a nice melding of north and south.
Coffeeface alias Paneer Dosa,
Girl – I feel you. I love my vada pav and thayir sadam, puran poli and athirasam , chakli and murruku etc etc
SUNDAY it is. 12:30. Amma. Prepare to smell like rasam, people. 😀
not sure why there’s so much hate for Dosa in SF. i’ve never been. i just heard it was trendy. but not bad. anyway it was just a suggestion. i’ll end up trying it on my own sometime.
and yes, i know a good dosa when i eat one. used to have them at least weekly when i was growing up … miss those days =)
Actually, the bhaji they make for pav-bhaji goes very well with thayir saadam. And molagoottal with phulkas…strange attractors of the north-south divide.
would love to come…very curious, but I don’t think I can make it b/c of guests visiting. Please have a dosa for me, though Amma’s dosa is not as good as my mom’s 🙂
may i pleaaassseee bring two guests? you will have three bodies to sacrifice…
Hiya there, Anna! This change to Sunday afternoon is awesome timing- I hope it’s not too late to RSVP…
You are so sweet to ask– of course you may! More (to sacrifice) the merrier! 😀
Of course not! Can’t wait to meet you. I have a sweet tooth, too. Teeth, actually. 😉
We really should do an LA meet up. Why should people on east coast and middle coast have all the fun? especially since we have more fodder to work with and Sunny Leon actually lives close by.
Instead of Paneer Dosa, we can do Tofu Dosa, which tastes a lot better and goes well with my world famous “gol-gappa martinis”.
-sunny at 1857mutiny.com
1 almost certain RSVP for Sunday brunch, miss.
I’ll most likely (90%) make it on Sunday.
Keema dosa is a north Indian travesty, I’m ashamed to admit. It’s very nice on a cold winter’s day at the coffee house in Simla, but I would never, given the chance, pick it over the real thing.
The real fun begins when you try a Chinese dosa…with desified “Manchurian” filling.
I have lunch at Amma every Sunday. If it’s not a problem, I might pop over to say hello.
…though judging from the pictures, I might skew a little younger on the age scale than the average mutineer.
Why do people feel the need to declare this? Who cares?
huh? though i doubt you are MUCH younger than the “average mutineer,” even making a comment like that makes us wonder if you’re thinking on a “younger” scale.
but, i also want to thank you for the comment, because you may have volunteered to take my place in the sacrifice.
Capital idea, Jay. Though I’m a bit sad that you’d so willingly yield your exalted position as “most likely to get sacrificed at a Snuff Meetup”. 😉
And i am sure that if you do need a babyseat G-unit, your kind and cute hostess will be able arrange for one. Thanks for being so considerate and letting others know.
not exactly yielding my position, as i’m sure i will hold the coveted title for many, many meetups to come. no, i’m simply taking a break – offering, if you will, an opportunity to allow an uninitiated mutineer the chance of a lifetime.
incidentally, isn’t “most likely to get sacrificed at a Snuff Meetup” a bit redundant? I mean, doesn’t everyone at one of those types of meetups get knocked off anyway? 🙂