[Instead of Saturday at noon, the meetup will be on SUNDAY at 12:30. It is still at Amma. Please be noting date and time change– thanks. :)]
But first, a rushed write-up of what went down last time:
- Icebreaker: The battle of the Jessicas- who is hotter, Alba or Biel? There were two poultry-submitted abstentions.
- Adorable Munish changed his vote when he realized he was, in fact, supporting an Alumna of Seventh Heaven: “I thought you meant the woman from Flashdance!â€
- Once we started playing, “Who has the tiniest apt†after one of you suggested having meetups in our homes, Jay said we should have used THAT as the icebreaker—“Hi, I’m ___ and I have 400 sq ft!â€
- It was the reverse of our college years– Southies Reprazent!
- There was a minor TamBrahm crisis when we discovered that Amma had run out of vada, for the first time in nine years.
- I was smacked. Thrice. By our waiter. You can’t put a price on that kind of abuse.
- Two of the above three spankings occurred as THIRTEEN more people than the sixteen we expected showed.
- Once we ran out of table space: “Start sitting on laps. Sigh. I guess I’ll begin.†Plop.
- What is UP with the lack of RSVPing, meetup-crashers: “This isn’t a wedding, people!â€
- Murthy’s Law: Next time, we should reserve the entire restaurant. That way no one will show.
- We actually had to turn people away, for lack of space. 🙁
- Can’t make it to the bathroom to wash your hands? Use the “Indian Faucet†a.k.a. a poorly-approximated finger bowl via drinking glass
- Subcontinental Drift (we love you!)‘s MySpace page might induce seizures.
- Me to Jay (of the blog Weaselplasty) “All our friends are apparently stand-up comics (and they performed at SD)â€
- Said one, “Tortoise porn is available on YouTube.†Said the Terp, all dismissively, “I know about THAT”, as the rest of us exhibited the proper reaction to that statement, which is shock and horror.
- One attendee confessed that while this meetup was fabulous, they had “hobbit envy†about Houston.
- Library Science: it gets no respect
- Second Best line of the meetup: “Why are men always giving me money and then leaving?â€
- A Tamil girl who was raised in Bombay tried to reconcile her identities by saying…she was like a “paneer dosaâ€
- Paneer Dosa has said she will be at the June meetup; that way you can mock her for her metaphor in person! 😉
- I ordered two Salt Lassis and four Madras Kappis. I received ONE Madras Kappi.
- Lemon Rice for me, dosas for EVERYONE ELSE
- Best line of the meetup: “Your picture on Shaadi.com was so much better!â€
- More on Sunny Leone and the greatness of snuff films.
- Despite our most obnoxious attempts to be porntastic in order to clear the restaurant, so more of us could be seated, the packed place wasn’t bothered at all by our antics. Contrast this with Heritage India, where we sent them screaming out the door. It would appear that South Indian families are immune to our offensiveness. 🙂
Now, after reading the merriment-filled minutes of our last meetup, who feels like getting together again for more? 🙂 I’m craving dosa and you, well, after I published this post, I learned that you are ALL craving dosa, ALL the time.
WHERE: Amma’s Vegetarian Kitchen, 3291 M St. NW, Washington, DC 20007, 202-625-6625
WHY: Because you nosy little monkeys want to pepper me for non-existant gossip about the Mutiny.
Think of it as a post-Subcontinental Drift “survivors’ brunch”. Kill your hangover with Madras Kappi and Rasam! 😀
As for New York…Maybe mid-late July? 🙂
San Francisco? End of August, we’ll keep you posted.
No von Mises, that is an EXCELLENT name for a bar! Quickly do it before someone steals your idea!!
hi anna,
i travel a bit for work, but am finally in town at the same time y’all are meeting! still room for 2 more? i haven’t had dosa in at least a year.
There are! Luckily, I was able to expand our area/reservation. Looking forward to meeting you. 🙂
We’re up to 24 RSVPs! Well, 25 if we include Bidismoker/G-Unit, but he hasn’t let me know if he’ll be joining us, except for a second-hand sort of confirmation via Subcontinental Drift last night. 😀
Everyone else, if you’re torn about coming down, feel free…even though we can’t guarantee where you’ll be sitting. At this point, we’re taking over more than half the restaurant, so you could be sitting next to/with us, even if you meander in without RSVPing like, oh, a DOZEN people did last time. 😉
just a question about dresscode — why is there in something I would wear to a wedding?
Because I like to wear saris. Abhi’s Dad, “YoDad” appreciates the choice to do so, too, so there’s a bit of a tradition with wearing them to DC Meetups.
You can wear whatever you would like. Amma is casual. I will be coming from church, so that is why I will be dressed “up”. I hope your comment didn’t make already shy lurkers even moreso– no one cares what you wear, whether it is western or not, sloppy or dressy. Different people obviously have very different conceptions of the same thing, i.e. I have not and would not wear that very simple nylon sari to a wedding, nor would I think it out of place for the time of day or meal we were having.
You have not RSVPd, so are you asking because you are coming to the event? I haven’t heard from you and didn’t include you in the head count, so I can’t guarantee that you’ll be sitting with us. That’s nothing personal, it’s just that we’re less than 24 hours away and while I’ve tried to accommodate several last-minute additions (five of you. in the last few hours. sigh.), I can only do/put our hosts through so much.
We tend to have a few people flake, so it always turns in to a game of first come, first seated, for the overflow.
You know, there’s a way to ask about something like that, without being obnoxious. Like so
“I see someone in a sari. What’s the dress code?”
Then again, maybe you’re not a troll with cruel intentions, maybe you’re just really bad at communicating…who knows.
may be we could come up with a better system … (thinking mode) …
Well, I guess that is to be expected from somebody who hangs out at lefty social forums and on Telegraph Ave.
Yes, the original question could (and should) have been worded better, but the irony dripping in the tone of the rebuke could fry enough vadas for even a DC-sized meetup 🙂
Anna: I wish I could come with “Baklawa” for all and Gujarati Chewda for Kenyandesi – which I have been promising for a long time. Guy has got to cut the grass sometime!! May be next time when Abhi is in town Ya’ll can come to our home – just an half hour drive from downtown DC. As for wearing sari, can anyone deny South Asian – or any woman for that matter – looks gorgeous in properly worn sari. Have fun and again post lot’s of pictures please…. Yo Dad
Please! The “national” drug of choice at Cal is caffeine, then pot, then speed/coke/aderol, etc., in that order. We are too stuffy to smoke crack… but also, the smell is more noticeable. 😉
I think I was just confused and assumed you were based closer to ANNA. My bad.
I just had to share this. I used a Site Pass to visit Salon, and the ad I watched..let’s just say, it had me in stitches. About 40 bare asses, in quick succession in a grid, with the words “warm air,” “warm water,” and “warm”…well, I don’t want to ruin it for you.
Their tagline fits perfectly with KD’s “happy no-no place.”
Ah, brings back fond memories of Google HQ.
Ha ha ha ha too funny! Was inspired to write giant essay about creepiness of Washlet. ^__^ Thanks.
As always, Camille, I learn something from your comments. I’d never have figured that caffeine (of course, only from fairly traded beans sold in a neighborhood coffee shop with local employees) or anything else ranked above pot.
Yo dad. Everyone here thanks you. We will thank you in person the next time.
Bidets are BACK, baby! Who doesn’t want a warm wand in their backside? “Do what you came to do and reach for the remote” is every man’s dream, after all.
Although, can somebody explain why all those people had bare bottoms but were wearing tops or shirts? Seems an odd fashion choice, no? And I demand affirmative action! Why are there no naked Indians in that ad? If we are pricked, do we not bleed? If we do what we came to do, do we not wash?
Desis are simply not going to be excited about discovering the benefits of using water. Desi always knew that.
I dunno if a plastic mug next to a leaky brass faucet and a nasty hole in the ground bracketed by two porcelain “feet” really counts. 😀
Yo yodad – thanks for the dessert at the meetup. We would have loved to have you among us. I look forward to the next meetup, especially to meet our ‘dessert daata’ 🙂 Like they say, ‘dessert daata, sukhibhava’!
When is the SF meet up?
Yodad, thanks for the dessert. Hope to see you at the next meetup.
Karthik, Prasad, Shaad and others who were at Amma’s yesterday: You are welcome. Hope you guys had fun. Wish I could have been there to taste Gulaab Jambu and Gajjar Halwa. It was a gorgeous day in DC. May be next time. Ya’all should thank Anna for all her efforts to put such events together.
Yo Dad, thanks for the excellent dessert!
Yo Dad…khub khub dhanyawaad for the kind and extremely welcome gesture. I am still reeling from the sugar rush!
Yo Dad, thanks so much for the yummy desserts! And thank you to ANNA for another fabulous Meetup! Too bad Jay left before you could Snuff him:P
Thanks to ANNA for another great time.
Yes, I havent said enough times – Thank you ANNA :))
I thought for Indians on SM, the first two priorities were anna-daata, and bio-daata?