Today, I am Thankful for YOU (Updated…AGAIN)

59826608_14facb2cd2_m.jpg I have often said that Sepia Mutiny is the best thing I’ve done with my life during the past two years. Thanks to this blog, I have been given ridiculously cool opportunities (BlogHer, NPR, starring roles in academic papers) as well as a platform to say anything. That latter truth still knocks me over and leaves me breathless. I get to speak to thousands? Who am I? NO ONE. And yet, you trust me, you like me, you respect me enough to listen to me, even when you know you probably won’t agree with me. That’s love, yo. Every single day, when I wake up and hit my SM bookmark, I’m filled with a little bit of awe that this is real, that this community exists, and that you’ve allowed me to be part of it.

I am so thankful for all of you, commenters, lurkers, haters alike. πŸ™‚

I know I tend to express it whenever there’s a meetup, because that’s the logical moment to do so, but I feel this way all the time. What a dynamic, accomplished, enlightened, fascinating group you all are! What a community you have helped create! I hear it time and again, “I never had desi friends, I didn’t do SASA in college…but I love SM.” I always reply, “it’s like we collected you and your counterpart, from every school in America, katamari-like and brought all of us ‘different’ desis together…which is why we seem to get along.”

Whatever we have done, it is magic. Our meetups are proof of this. Ever expanding, multi-hour-spanning, shimmering parties where disappointment and boredom are impossible, where we fall a little more in love with each other and thus weave this mutinous web tighter, which we leave with aching faces because we have smiled and laughed so much. As I look back on 2006, a truly difficult year for me and my family, I am struck by how the majority of good memories I take with me involve this blog and all of you who live within it. You who refresh SM constantly, you who show up, you, who care.

Have I told you how much I dig all of you? πŸ™‚ If it’s not clear yet, read on…this is a list in progress, I’ve typed it during breaks from my cousins’ traditional drunken Thanksgiving feast and it is by no means complete.

This is what I am currently, mutinously thankful for:

Γ‚β€’ absolutgcs- for being a regular and for your encouragement, at a moment when I truly needed it.

Γ‚β€’ Al Mujahid- for being comfortingly familiar, for sticking to your guns, for employing sarcasm to great effect, for being pro-debauchery!

Γ‚β€’ Amitabh- for being so devoted to language (I sweat that, I’m the same way), for leaving memorable comments (one is still stuck in my head, it may inspire an entire post), for being here, for forgiving my senseless omission of you during the first two rounds.

Γ‚β€’ Arzan- for hosting one of the most cozy meetups, ever. for cooking all of us yummy Parsi food, for being one of my favorite regulars (back when you were still here), for being so veg-friendly. πŸ™‚

Γ‚β€’ Asha’s Dad- for sick taste in music and even sicker skillz with the comments. Your 55s give me chills and your mere presence makes this space better.Γ‚β€’ Ashvin- for being a gentleman, for setting such a good example for the rest of us, for being another one of my favorite regulars. πŸ™‚

Γ‚β€’ Badmash- How could I forget you? Former fotologger, current blogger, forever a favorite, consistently sensitive commenter. AND you use TypePad? Have you any flaw? No, none.

Γ‚β€’ Barmaid- for flawless writing, “I love you”s, hilarious comments, knowing glances, Madras-kappi-drenched brunches at Amma with (or without!) the parents, HS-related merriment (I’m watching him now!), sisterhood beyond the sorority house, glittery adventures at Sephora, “JBF”-refs, tag-team party pwnage, great hair and so much more. πŸ™‚

Γ‚β€’ BidiSmoker- for reppin’ the dirty dirty like it’s your G-d-given duty to and most of all, for having excellent taste in a “few notable exceptions”. πŸ˜‰ For keeping the Mutiny an…interesting place.

Γ‚β€’ Bong-Breaker- for being so suave, I gnashed my teeth when I didn’t get to run in to you in NYC. For being unforgettable, no matter what you think. For being so delicious, I miss your comments. πŸ™

Γ‚β€’ Brimful- for being our most devoted, yet silent supporter, for hand-knit scarves which feel like hugs, for being the most thoughtful person I know, for comments more sweet than snark, for your PHENOMENAL taste in music, for believing in this thing we try and do, for accepting hugs you probably don’t want and smiling kindly anyway…and a few dozen other things I’m forgetting at the moment. πŸ™‚

Γ‚β€’ BrooklynBrown- I’ve never told you this, but I love your memoir-esque writing. I was haunted after I read you. I’m so glad you’re here.

Γ‚β€’ Chai- fellow mellow one (who else digs mindfulness as much?), crazy-fun Konk and conscious, righteous commenter…the very elevators here miss you. I wouldn’t be here, if it weren’t for you and I’m so grateful to you for it.

Γ‚β€’ Chick Pea- for hummus and initial magnets, which made me feel so special. πŸ˜€

Γ‚β€’ CinnamonRani- for your gorgeous smile on M street post-meetup, for your encouraging words, for your precious experiences, which you are so generous to share, which enrich us.

Γ‚β€’ coach diesel- for a handle which combines two of my favorite brands, for a fresh perspective, for your absolute fierceness. You’re new, but I hope you become a member of the fam.

Γ‚β€’ daycruz- for giving me the most fun reason ever to annoy the hell out of my mother (“Mom? What does thendi mean?”), for reawakening a latent desire to reconnect with my mother tongue.

Γ‚β€’ DDiA- for being assloads of fun at the NYC Memorial Day meetup (a girl…and her broom?), for repping eye-eye-tee to the fullest, for making me wish I were a good five years younger, so I could hit on you shamelessly. Oh yeah, your comments are hot, too. πŸ˜‰

Γ‚β€’ DesiDancer- Hello, gorgeous. The twin facts that you exist and that you do it so fiercely (who else can rock a side ponytail??) make me want to pirouette, that is, when you’re not inspiring my shoulders to twitch. From subway rides to Arzan’s joint in Brooklyn during which we bared our souls to your steadfast loyalty, I adore you for just being you. I heart you, but doesn’t everyone? You are teh hawt, girrrrl.

Γ‚β€’ Desi Nole- One of the simplest, silliest, sweetest pleasures I’ve known because of SM came from you; I’m forever your shawty. Did you have any idea, when you bestowed that nickname, that it would delight me so completely and survive the tests of 55-free Fridays and time? πŸ™‚

Γ‚β€’ DJ Drrrty Poonjabi- for getting my six, for calling out patrons of Massengill and Summer’s Eve, for ever-present emoticons and general merriment. You are one of the few people here whom I’ve yet to meet, whom I desperately want to… πŸ™‚

Γ‚β€’ DTK- for exceptionally memorable comments, mysore masala dosas, enchanting two-mile walks to the morg and sacrificed principles (the end justified the means, right?)

Γ‚β€’ Emma- for near-perfect attendance at NY meetups!

Γ‚β€’ Floridian- for being the kind of Dad we all wish we had had.

Γ‚β€’ Fuerza Dulce- I consider you worthy of thanks zimbly because your handle aside, you had my six on the “sugar in dahi is an abomination!”-debate. When I had my mac-and-quattro formaggi yesterday, I smiled and remembered you. You’re another one of the phenomenal women who keep this space balanced and I’m extra glad for it.

Γ‚β€’ gatamala- for solid liquor recommendations. Respeck! πŸ˜‰

Γ‚β€’ GujuDude- a true regular of a Mutineer, the number of comments you have contributed is impressive, but not as impressive as your one-time grocery list from Trader Joe’s and BevMo (I love those stores!) Good taste on you, to go with such intelligent comments.

Γ‚β€’ hairy d- for embracing your inner mathangya, for hilarious comments but most of all, for displaying a niceness which I can practically touch.

Γ‚β€’ Ismat- for the beauty which is Nirali AND your presence here…I bow down, madame, I bow.

Γ‚β€’ Kenyandesi- Whenever this bachi and a camera are around, I am guaranteed one stunning picture. Is there anything finer than a Bryn Mawr girl? πŸ™‚ According to my Canon elph, no. As her comments prove over and over again, she’s sensationally feisty. She is irresistible as is, but the fact that she recently gave me massive slabs of BRITISH Cadbury (which tastes quite different from Amreekan Cadbury) made me weak in the knees. I’m a Cadbury-fieeeend and somehow, she remembered this and procured accordingly. See? She’s THOUGHTFUL, too! πŸ˜€

Γ‚β€’ Jai Singh- for your loyalty, your steady presence, your evocative, brilliant 55s, your sense of chivalry. You are so gallant and talented, surely you knew that I had a minor crush on you when you first mutinied?

Γ‚β€’ JoAT- so much to be thankful for, so little time. πŸ™‚ For making L’oreal such a hot company, I’m an addict baby, that’s no lie. For your strength and your confidence, for constant comments, for making every NYC meetup combustible, for your smile. You’ve got “it” and you’ve got it in spades.

Γ‚β€’ Kobayashi-san- You are erudite and challenging, the wielder of mighty words and purveyor of profound thoughts. Just when I think I’ve slipped something in a post that will go utterly unnoticed, you will note it, appreciate it and make me all swoony that you did.

Γ‚β€’ Kurma- for the way you think and how you articulate it. We wouldn’t be the same without all your flavor.

Γ‚β€’ Kush Tandon- I don’t know anything about you and I don’t interact with you unless it’s via comments, yet you are such a solid presence at SM. I love your flickr pictures, but I love that you are here, more.

Γ‚β€’ Maisnon- For advice, advice and then more advice…ALL of it logical and wise, for coining “Desi, PLEASE” and fifty other genius phrases, for wearing Mulla poo in your thalamoodi, for moonlit heart-to-hearts in Arlington, for sitting through odd Malayalam movies with me, for your smile, for knowing the right Yoda-ism to spout at the right moment, for being almost exactly as Mallu as I am and thus making me feel less alone, for NOT being a “chicken curry girl”…all I have to say to YOU is one mighty “MMMMMM”.

Γ‚β€’ Manish- From Hum until now, we were destined. An original in every sense of the word. For making a Mutiny appear from thin air, for dozens of banners I still thrill to, for witty wordplay, for support (tech and otherwise, mostly the otherwise), for white russians at a library where you got congratulated for your pretty wife πŸ˜‰ and plenty of other things that I don’t care to state in public. Hard to believe, but I don’t put EVERYTHING out there, people.

Γ‚β€’ Manju- for single-handedly keeping this from being a liberal blog πŸ˜‰

Γ‚β€’ maya- for being such an awesome GIRL, for appreciating descriptions of cute clothes, for owning an even cuter blog name. I am grande-brat, to your poco. πŸ˜€

Γ‚β€’ Mayur- for being good company at our first DC meetup, for watching me like a hawk when I counted the scrill afterwards. πŸ˜‰

Γ‚β€’ MD- Emdee-di. I don’t remember how I found your brilliant TypePad blog, but I remember how I fell in love with your voice, the way you could evoke melancholy, wistfulness and hope, within the same (non-)fiction sentence. When I started 55Fridays, I recall thinking that if you could paint such beautiful pictures with such short posts, maybe the rest of us could, too. The second time SM ever did it, you titled it. Also? For being my didi. πŸ™‚

Γ‚β€’ Msichana- for forgiving me in advance for not including you in the first edition, for gracing DC Meetup #2 in such a beautiful sari, for expanding how we perceive the diaspora, for making me gleeful about the fact that you found Kenyandesi through us!

Γ‚β€’ Musical- for an adorable handle and always enjoyable comments.

Γ‚β€’ Nina Paley- for your firm kundi, your mad artistic skillz, your solid commitment to girl power (I always cared more about Sita anyway), your consistent recognition of my choice of footwear for meetups (because I always put some thought in to it and it’s fantastic to be noticed).

Γ‚β€’ No von Mises- SM’s own gerrymandering commenter. You recently demanded redistribution of bloggers and meetups. This possessor of TWO poli-sci degrees was delighted at your efforts, even if she has no idea what your handle means. πŸ˜‰

Γ‚β€’ Oneup- for telling it EXACTLY like it is. For calling out BS and then edifying us, even within the seemingly superficial confines of an ANTM post.

Γ‚β€’ Pied Piper- for your most recent email and once upon a time, a flurry of extra witty ones from Paris. For the temporary “gift” of furniture. Oh yes, for your devotion to this community, which you believe in as much as I do.

Γ‚β€’ Pooja- for warmth, for that smile, for having awesome taste in a Mr. Pooja ;), for making every instance when I see you feel like Christmas, for every one of your comments AND the amazing opportunities you update our Events tab with, for coming up to me at that pub, post-Bay Leaf… πŸ™‚

Γ‚β€’ Prashantji!- for being huggable, for those black and cokes, for omnivorous biblophilia, for being so smart! For knowing and believing in me from wayyy back.

Γ‚β€’ Razib- you adorable, precious, dorky geneticist. I heart you, let me count the ways: for always standing up for a blogger’s right to be mutinous and to do it their way, for complicated yet fascinating scientific explanations of everything, for always knowing the answer and being so cutely matter-of-fact about it. For excellent taste in GFs and for being part of one of my favorite memories, from my last trip home. You’re good peeps, kid. I think it’s hilarious that the first time I read GNXP, I hated you so much, I heatedly complained to Vij and Ennis about how evil you were…and now you are one of my favorite people on SM. THAT is a solid love story, yo. πŸ˜‰

Γ‚β€’ Red Snapper- for bringing the Brit, for erudite comments, for alter egos who own my knickers. πŸ˜‰

Γ‚β€’ Ritam- for your sensitivity, your fairness, your words.

Γ‚β€’ Sahej- you’re good folks. Your comments are proof of that.

Γ‚β€’ Sahelikins- despite your affection for eggplant and the fact that you SHAMELESSLY pimped me out to Vinod, I appreciate you for a thousand things: among them, for your kindness, your sweetness, your diplomacy and your always edifying words. You’ll never take BART home from a meetup, not while I have a car. DC is even sweeter when you are here.

Γ‚β€’ Shruti- for consistent sweetness, for getting me.

Γ‚β€’ Sin- for writing which makes me grateful that I have eyes, charm which makes me swoon and most of all, for humoring me every time I casually propose to you because you are so defiantly you and I sweat that.

Γ‚β€’ SJM- For funny comments and irrational exuberance when it comes to galvanizing the DC Mutiny. For getting it. Hell, for everything (it’s been a long seven years).

Γ‚β€’ SM Intern- for slogging through the dirty work, with nary a complaint.

Γ‚β€’ Sonia Kaur- a.k.a. “original Sonia”, as I prefer to call you…for your steady California-girl presence here (because it made this space less male), for your appreciation of Tryst and your making meetups even meatier. I’ve got your six when it comes to Ash, you know this.

Γ‚β€’ Sriram- For trips to Madras Palace for Southie perfection, for confessional text messages and literal support in addition to the figurative. πŸ™‚

Γ‚β€’ tamasha- Nuff respeck! Oh, user of Typepad (that alone is enough), purveyor of awesome blog tagline and molder of the future– I sweat you, too, even though I’m not worthy of your blogroll. πŸ˜‰

Γ‚β€’ Tash- for being the sort of person whom, though I currently don’t know you well, I really want to get to know.

Γ‚β€’ Terence- you’re not so ubiquitous here at the Mutiny, but your stellar taste in sick hiphop needs to be called out and saluted. I bow to you, oh savant of beats.

Γ‚β€’ t-hype- for being a cool kid but hanging out with me anyway, even after I blew up your spot on SM.

Γ‚β€’ UberMetroMallu- for all of your gentle sarcasm and wit. You give me hope that I’ll be married yet. πŸ™‚

Γ‚β€’ voiceinthehead- for an interesting handle and even more interesting comments.

Γ‚β€’ Yeti- for comments I consummately and consistently yenjoy AND for visiting me on my Diary, where I least expected you, which utterly delighted me.

Γ‚β€’ YoDad- you know, I think you might be the only person on this list I’ve thanked publically long before THIS post. πŸ™‚ You have single-handedly made this community so much more fun, even as Abhi smacks his forehead. Speaking of, I’m extra thankful to you and YoMom for him, else we wouldn’t even be here. For baklava, old skool photographs and your much-beloved words. (p.s. I’m vegetarian!)

Γ‚β€’ ZimblyMallu- for being zimbly the best, for speaking Malayalam to me in the comments, for making meetups even more fun, for specifically requesting that I attend meetups πŸ˜€ thus making me feel precious, for making this fraud Mallu feel like we are one. Oh yeah, your comments are great, too. πŸ˜‰

. Abhi- for vision, brilliant ideas you shepherd to fruition and beyond, giving time you don’t have, notoriously brief marriages and being all gang-recognize-gang in the bang bang with regards to superpowers. Father of the Mutiny, we wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you. I am grateful, I am yours.

. Amardeep- Sweetest Professor, I still don’t know what “reification” means, but I could listen to you gently explain it for days. I’m so glad you are here, I’m so glad you introduce us to mental candy we’d otherwise never taste and I’m SO glad you are a Dad, because any baby who rests in your arms is a blessing for all of us, a rockstar-in-the-making.

. Ennis- Our other Sardar, one of the originals, one of my own. More apple-flavored than New York and kinder than Mother Theresa, my life would be less, if I didn’t know you.

. Neha- Hellllo Nurse! Beauty within and out, prose so pretty, pictures so sweet. My friends and I all thought you had the best blog name EVER. I can’t wait until I read more.

. Sajit- Once upon a time, at GW, you offered to work for my future Congressonal Campaign. Oh, you thought I forgot? πŸ™‚ I wish you were around the bunker more often, but I still sweat your ridiculously good taste in appetizers at Rasika. Colonials reprazent!

. Siddhartha- Shidhortho, half-Bong, half-Jew, how I sweat the cocktail that is you. Busboys and Poets or NYC cafes, it matters not, every time I see you, it’s restorative, it’s sweetness concentrated. You are magnificent to hug and even better to read. I’m still giddy that the Ill Hindu is part of my crew.

. Vinod- The other Malaylee in the bunker. My future ex-husband, my current comrade in not-leftiness. We go wayyy back at this point, to a story which requires alcohol to unlock (though not much, I asure you). 3V, I finally forgive you for being so DICK when I called you and asked you about blogging in 2003. πŸ˜‰ How was I supposed to remember that it was “”? πŸ˜€

. Paul- for enabling defilement of one Harry Potter. For teaching me how to take a picture sans-flash. For geometrically influencing said pictures. For reading HERstory and leaving such memorable comments, especially about mapmaking. For Bam Thwok and Galang. For being a friend long before you moved in to the bunker.

. Kunjan- for your skillz, for being patient with the tech-tarded, for stepping up and taking the reins when we (and especially I) felt so lost. For finally defining the difference between “hits” and “page views” in a way so zimble, even I could grok it. For forgiving me for not typing this on a boozy Thursday night.

101 thoughts on “Today, I am Thankful for YOU (Updated…AGAIN)

  1. wow. sweet, heartfelt and sincere. what exactly is the drink of choice at your turkey feast? i’ll have another one and then be on my way.

  2. Hi Anna,

    Could you provide links to your appearances on BlogHer, NPR and the academic papers that you mention?

    And wish you a Happy Thanksgiving as well..

  3. wow. sweet, heartfelt and sincere. what exactly is the drink of choice at your turkey feast?

    Red, red wiiiine. πŸ™‚ Though it’s usually black. πŸ˜‰

    Could you provide links to your appearances on BlogHer, NPR and the academic papers that you mention?

    It’s like you don’t believe me. πŸ™‚ BlogHer is well-documented, NPR will air in days, academic papers…uh, I don’t think the one I gave material to most recently is online. Does that somehow lessen my Thanksgiving mindfulness? If I weren’t in such a good mood, I might say something meaner. πŸ˜‰

  4. Awwww A N N A we heart you too.

    I’m grateful everyday for having found this space and the people who fill it and for giving me the chance to meet my biggest girlcrushs you & Pooja and all the brilliant boycandies that are the bloggers, lurkers and commenters. You were so so missed the last meetup and we joked about how the place would have been shut down by the fire department if you had come for there would have been at least 50 more A N N A fanclub folks that would have been there.

    Thank you for SM, like WNYC it enriches my life in ways I never thought possible. Happy Thanxgiving.

  5. It’s like you don’t believe me. πŸ™‚

    Gosh, no!! Au contraire, I was asking out of a desire to read/listen to them, mainly the academic papers. I’m sorry if I ended up sounding doubtful in any way!!

  6. My turn…

    I have met awesome people like sriram and kenyandesi etc through this blog. I started reading you guys when I was still in OC, Ca and rejoiced when I found that so many of the mischief makers actually live and lurk in DC! Thanks to you all, I have found that there are other cool and unusual desis who make me want to burst out saris and prance around in Georgetown.

    You guys have helped me go through my first year in the (b)East Coast. You all rock!

    Hurray for Sepianess!

  7. DJ Drrrty Poonjabi- for your

    Hey, anytime! Next time you need some ______, I’m your go-to-guy! @=)

    Seriously, I’m honored by your mention and touched by your benediction for all those folks who give this place that mutinuous feel. You and the crew have truly worked some magic: add me to the list of previously self-hating macacas who’d never had Indian friends and a sense of shared community and identity before stumbling upon your blog. SM: I’m truly thankful for your collective wisdom and for the positive impact you’ve had on so many. 2006 was a great year for the blog, I can’t wait to see what the next one has in store.

    Happy Thanksgiving folks.

  8. I donÂ’t know anything about you, I donÂ’t interact with you unless itÂ’s via comments, yet you are such a solid presence at SM. I love your flickr pictures, but I love that you are here, more.

    Thanks for your kind words, and appreciation for my flickr pictures. I need to upload more. I myself know little about myself. When in doubt, I myself google my name on the internet.

    Most importantly, I wish you all the best, and I am sure, things will start moving in your desired/ hoped directions. They do. Merry Christmas and happy holidays.

  9. Thank you, to all of you (Manju, your comment was especially touching).

    My dirrrty DJ– I don’t know what the hell happened to the rest of my sentence, but it’s there now, so pleeeease re-read. πŸ™‚

    I’m finally back home from Murrrland and I’m also finally sober. πŸ˜‰ So, an update is coming. I can’t believe I forgot some of you, though I am proud that I did this initial list from memory! πŸ˜€

  10. How English has impacted blogging: getting a better view and bigger picture of the world

    The session Nancy White moderated When Globalization is Good for Women [Nancy’s notes] featuring Anna John Noriko Takiguchi, and Beverly Trayner was one that should have been shared with the entire conference, I believed. After all, if one of the missions of Blogher, one of the questions we were encouraged to answer at the end of the day, was what we would share with other women around the world, how could we answer that question if we didn’t know what other women around the world were thinking and blogging? My eyes were opened. I confess I started to think about issues I had not considered.

    Bloggers who can speak more than one language have to choose which language to use for blogging. Yet other cultures lack blogging community and or terminology. Beverly shared how there are not even characters in Portuguese to use in the titles of Blogger posts. I confess I had no idea how “English is so embedded in the technology” to quote one panelist, until I listened. How can we create more dialogue and more listening across cultures and continents?

    As the spouse of someone whose parents immigrated from Asia, I was intrigued by Anna’s description of Sepia Mutiny, a group blog and one of her many blogs, and the niche it has found, the importance of identity and second-generation voice.

    Also of note are Noriko’s series of posts describing How to Eat Sushi Properly!

    I felt this session was particularly valuable because of the power women can receive through connecting to each other around the world in blogs.

    about A N N A at BlogHer, via Julie Leung’s blog (scroll down midway, it’s a long post)

  11. My dirrrty DJ– I don’t know what the hell happened to the rest of my sentence, but it’s there now, so pleeeease re-read. πŸ™‚

    I re-read, swooned, and just regained consciousness. You’re way too kind! The feeling’s mutual: we’re definitely meeting up next time you’re in the Bay.

    Here’s my signature turbaned smiley, just for you: @=)

  12. Aww, Anna, thanks for being such a sweetie pie. Whenever I drink mulled orange juice I shall think of you.:-)

    And thanks the Mutiny for being such a great source of warm and wonderful friends.

  13. Okay, this has been updated, so…while I won’t pressure you to read the whole behemoth of a shout-out again, I’ll tell you that you might want to do just that (but not if you’re eating leftover Turkey! You’ll be out cold!), since I didn’t just add more people as I remembered them, I edited and expanded some of the “original” TYs. πŸ™‚ Yes, some of you who have contacted me to thank me for thanking you– I’ve changed yours. πŸ˜‰


    If I didn’t mention you, it’s because a decade of hard drinking has killed off more brain cells than I could afford to lose– i.e. it’s nothing personal. I tried to remember everyone, I promise. πŸ™‚ Being thankful is more of a challenge than I thought!

  14. Anna,

    I’m so glad I met all of you guys too. SM has kept me in touch with what I’ve come to hold dear: kind, simple consideration for the guy or gal sitting next to me despite our intellectual differences. As Razib might (might!) analyze it, at the basic level all our verbiage is but a newly invented form of an ancient behavior: a pre-frontal manifestation of primate grooming.

    I’ll go back to lurking, but if there’s ever a meet-up in Seattle I hope I’ll be invited. I hope Nina can join us, too, just to have another whitey mallu friend.

  15. Happy Thanksgiving Anna — and everyone else too. Keep late summer 2007 free I’m coming over on the airplane to see you all, and will make sure I venture further than Long Island this time.

  16. Anna,

    Thanks for the kinds words, and the feeling is mutual; I’ve definitely enjoyed reading your pieces here and on your Diary site. As 2006 comes to an end, I hope that 2007 is a better year for you and your family.

    And to all who participate in the Mutiny, especially Abhi, Amardeep, Siddhartha, Ennis, Neha, Vinod and the others who keep this boat afloat, I just wanted to thank you for your efforts, be they thoughtful and interesting posts or informative, assertive comments, that contribute to a sense of community on this blog. Peace, y’all!

  17. I am thankful for SM. You all do a great job and I learn something new everyday. From fascinating personal stories to a history lesson, all good in the neighborhood

  18. Anna, you are too sweet – thanks for the shoutout =) It’s amazing that you can take so much crap from some of the haters that frequent SM, yet still throw out an amazing, thankful post like this.

    My memories and cravings of chocolate chip waffles with fresh strawberries on top and a side of nutella, along with the Oscar sandwich, will forever be indebted to your Tryst introduction.

  19. So, I just found this site a couple weeks ago and I’ve just been lurking but this struck me:

    Γ‚β€œI never had desi friends, I didnÂ’t do SASA in collegeÂ…but I love SM.” I always reply, Γ‚β€œitÂ’s like we collected you and your counterpart, from every school in America, katamari-like and brought all of us Γ‚β€˜differentÂ’ desis togetherÂ…which is why we seem to get along.”

    Fuckin eerie! Plz keep being cool, k thx.

  20. Anna, thank you so much for your kind words. You make a huge difference to the overall tone of Sepia Mutiny, and it’s obvious that you’re extremely popular amongst the commenters here; you bring an infusion of warmth, humour, fairness and humanity that is sometimes keenly felt during your occasional absences. I hope you realise exactly how much your contribution to SM is valued by everyone.

    If I didn’t mention you…..I tried to remember everyone, I promise. πŸ™‚

    cough you forgot Amitabh, SM’s resident linguistics expert and my former Sikhnet partner-in-crime cough

    surely you knew that I had a minor crush on you when you first mutinied?

    “Minor” ?! That’s not good enough, voman. I guess I must try harder. It’s not a real crush unless it involves threats to dive into volcanos, jumping from the top of the Qutb Minar, writing breathlessly passionate letters in tomato ketchup blood, and so on.

    Don’t worry, there’s still plenty of room on the futon between me and Angelina (I’ll just ask Katya and Isabella to move over a bit).

  21. Thank you, A N N A. You are too thoughtful.

    Thanks, JOAT; the feeling is mutual :).

    And thanks to all of you–bloggers, commenters, lurkers, trolls :)–who have created this incredible sense of community.

    Happy Thanksgiving, all.

  22. What a sweet post to wake up to ! I’m flattered to be on this list. Thanks for those words ANNA.

    Thanks to all of YOU for this community you’ve created and thanks to you ANNA for adding that special ingredient that makes SM the place it is.

  23. Aw shucks, A N N A, my firm kundi and I thank you right back.

    I’m thankful for so much right now I haven’t dared an ennumeration like A N N A’s….but if I did, y’all would be right up there.

  24. I enjoy this blog for it’s intellectual discussion and that it’s designed for abd’s. Thankfully theres an online alternative to desiparty boards and the like. I met Anna at the last meetup. no surprises there! Maybe i’ll show at the next one. Happy Belated Thanksgiving Guys!

  25. *cough* you forgot Amitabh, SM’s resident linguistics expert and my former Sikhnet partner-in-crime *cough*

    Thank you so much Jai, I really appreciate that. I was going to say something but then just decided that I MUST.TRY.HARDER. Heck, even the great Manish Vij failed to get a mention. I was going to start inundating SM with my comments until Anna mentioned me next year (just kidding, Anna…loved this thread, very thoughtful of you, I agree with what you said about most people).

    Msichana, this is off-topic, we can discuss this away from this thread, but I’m contemplating moving to southern California myself from the east coast, I’d love to get your thoughts about a few things. I’ll contact you by email if you don’t mind.

  26. Thanks brother Mujahid !!! Much love to you, ANNA and all the commenters. Is this the selection of the smartest people of the world or what ? !!!

  27. I am making a prediction. In the not too distant future, google or yahoo will offer to pay a billion dollars for SM and will be politely turned down.

  28. Amitabh,

    Thank you so much Jai, I really appreciate that.

    No problem, buddy πŸ˜‰

    Heck, even the great Manish Vij failed to get a mention.

    That did occur to me too, although I guess Anna’s focusing on current regular contributors to SM. But if we are going to mention famous alumni, how can we not include the late great Punjabi Boy. For all we know, he might be silently lurking on SM even now, like a slightly-drunk Bollywood producer sitting at the judges’ table at the Miss World contest and quietly observing the proceedings with a wry grin on his face and a lascivious twinkle in his eye.

  29. Amitabh…

    Please go ahead and contact me by email. I’d love to help you with your decision making!

  30. The divine Manish failed to get a mention? OMG!

    You folks are all truly wonderful, and I think that if there is a link here, it is our common humanity… “no east or west,” – you are all special.

  31. Aw, shucks, A N N A, thanks. Sacrificing my principles is easier to do when I’m having fun. As a wise woman said recently (I’m paraphrasing) — it is good to feel a little dirty at the end of the evening. πŸ™‚

  32. Hey there Mutineers – I’m thankful fo all of ya

    … but especially – 55s (shoutout to JS), Spoorlam, missionary discussions (religion not posture – although the latter would be welcome), awesome guest bloggers, Anna’s exquisite posts, Abhi’s minutely researched posts, Siddhartha and DD’s dialogues, Amardeep’s condensed lectures, commentators I passionately disagree with!

    It’s an incredibly empowering feeling to know that there are so many of you out there who are thinking/feeling the same things but approach them from a million mutinous directions.

  33. Thank you ANNA for writing brilliant, witty, touching stuff, and for keeping things moving in the meetups. Thank you all at SM (Vij included πŸ™‚ for bringing together so many interesting folks together and for giving me the joy of conversation at even the wee hours of the day (thanks to our friends across the taalaab).

    < insert Hand-Turkey >

  34. ThanksGiving originated in India in 367,000 BC. We are addressing this innacuracy of textbooks regarding this persecution and shall tell you strategy to assert truth soon. In the meantime….

    To all the Abrahamics, mlechhas, khalistanis, commie pinko faggots, transvestites, mixed race mongrels and naxalites of LeftistCabal Mutiny, I give thanks to you for exposing yourself as homosexual stooges of Pakistan, Wendy Doniger, California Education Board and Pankaj Mishra (as much as you wear a dress, you cannot hide yourself as ‘ANNA Sutable Girl’ for much longer)

    Assertive Nation ate saffron turkey this thanksgiving, saffron turkey stuffed with pinko-commie lies of SepiaMutiny, they see the genocide against our people you conspire against, and this terrorism shall not be permitted as long as I am SpoorLam. The only thing preventing our complete triumph is Arundhati Roy, but we are too scared of her at the moment, and Kiran Desai is a potential future obstacle, promoted by ISI/China/Khalistan nexus who sponsored Booker Prize to pretend India and globalisation is not best.

    Thanks are given to you for pushing the assertive youth towards our saffron balls – the more you lie, squeal, fib and dissimulate, the more they shall rub their face in our saffron testes, which have growth rate of 8.2%.

    That is the future. Stop persecuting us or saying we are not moderate. Even in England our children do better than white and muslim at school, although the chapta chinese still come top, probably in collusion with ISI and Pakistani community.

    Death to Abrahamics!

    Death to Musharaff!

    Hail Patriot Act and UCLA police officers on library duty!

    Hail Mogambo!

  35. If itÂ’s not clear yet, read onÂ…this is a list in progress, IÂ’ve typed it during breaks from my cousinsÂ’ traditional drunken Thanksgiving feast and it is by no means complete.

    In the grateful spirit of this post, let’s not make assumptions or express surprise (no matter how innocently intended) about who was left off or why, please? The list has already been updated twice, I’m sure another version will be up soon. I’m not helping either, I keep picking at turkey leftovers and I fall asleep when I’m called on to spellcheck your names. #^@%!#& tryptophan…

  36. The list has already been updated twice, I’m sure another version will be up soon.

    Jai discreetly nudges the SM Intern

    ahem GujuDude, Non von Mises, Salil ManikthalasomethingIcan’trememberhowtospellhisname, and Feurza Dulce are missing from the VIP list too ahem

  37. *ahem* GujuDude, Non von Mises, Salil ManikthalasomethingIcan’trememberhowtospellhisname, and Feurza Dulce are missing from the VIP list too *ahem*

    Dude, gentle nudges are still annoying! I’m tired! I had to be at Best Buy this morning when they opened at the ass crack of dawn to buy a freaking plasma, which essentially means I haven’t slept. Also, Salil was mentioned in the text copied below:

    Γ‚β€’ SJM- For funny comments and irrational exuberance when it comes to galvanizing the DC Mutiny. For getting it. Hell, for everything (itÂ’s been a long seven years).

    I was informed that they’re such old and close friends, they don’t even bother with first names anymore.

  38. Awesome.. great thanks giving πŸ™‚ great job and inspiration.

    I am a new regular here and have to say I am addicted to this blog. Can we get this on our cell phones?

  39. Okay.

    Seven new names have been added. πŸ™‚ Yenjoy.


    If I may be candid, this was more of a whim than a planned project, it was me being exuberant and giving you a giggly, intoxication-inspired hug. I spent four hours on this post while my cousins, whom I haven’t seen in a year (or more) all wondered WTF was so important that I was choosing to clack away on my laptop vs. interact with them, not that I regret my choice to turn sepia last night. I love my mutineers.

    I had a pleasant buzz after dinner and I just wanted to get in to the Thanksgiving spirit by letting you know how much you mean to me, I wasn’t trying to alienate anyone, insinuate anything with the content I wrote or make a statement by inadvertently omitting someone. I am sorry to those whom I’ve hurt. I haven’t exactly done this before and I naively didn’t anticipate some of the reactions I inspired, both on- and off-line.

    If there’s one thing I should’ve learned after two+ years here, it’s that despite having the very best intentions, I can’t please everyone, no matter how much I try. I hope I’ve cleared things up, so we can all go back to feeling sweetly happy.

  40. SM Intern,

    Dude, gentle nudges are still annoying!

    Sorry ’bout that. Honour demanded that I mention those other good folks (and Technophobicgeek too, come to think of it. We can’t forget our young desi casanova-in-training).

    {No more nudges, I promise. We don’t want Ennis to actually carry out his threat to ban me, do we ? πŸ˜‰ }

    I’m tired!

    Try keeping Angelina, an Eastern European lingerie model/quantum physicist and a Brazilian supermodel-neurosurgeon simultaneously satisfied in the “conjugal activities” area 24/7. Then you’ll find out what “tired” really means.

    And please stop sending flowers to Isabella and Katya. You don’t want me to go all Casino Royale on your ass.

  41. happy thanksgivings!! you all, with a special nod to the ring-leaders, do a great job of reminding me how wonderfully diverse a community we are. (thanks πŸ™‚

  42. Anna,

    The mere attempt (quite daunting) at showering all the comment folk with love in itself is awesome. Emotional honesty at its bestest and wwvvarmest πŸ™‚

    Jai, if you’re ever around San Diego brother, I’m buying a pint, pitcher, or hell – even the keg.

    To all on SM: A happy thanksgiving and best wishes for kick ass [Read: Cheap] holiday shopping spree. Grease those elbows with ghee, don’t shower, no deodorant, spread your arms out like chicken wings, wear old laundry and hit those lines. You CAN a buffer zone; you don’t have to be Arnold to muscle people out; you do not have to be a rabid mother of ten juiced up on caffine/her kids asking for a tickle-me-elmo.

    You WILL get a hold of the ten [enter item here] that the other 1000 people are chomping at.

    As my cousin said while prowling the streets of Schaumburg, IL in the early wee hours looking for deals: “GujuDudebhai, the lines were crazy long and most of em were packed with desis, too!”

    GujuDude:”Well, you were there, right” Cousin: “Yeeeeaaaaa, I got a 450 gig western digital hard-drive for one bill, a jump drive…..”