Something to get your Election Day juices flowing…

SM reader Bindu from Illinois informs us about a truly ugly campaign in the 101st Illinois House District between incumbent Bob Flider (D) and his challenger Dick Cain (R):

Bob Flider and Dick Cain should be ashamed of themselves.

In fact, we hope that when the dust settles after Tuesday, both men apologize to the residents of the 101st Legislative District for their behavior during this campaign.

Flider, the Democratic incumbent, and Cain, a Republican challenger, have managed to take this campaign right into the gutter.

At the beginning, we had high hopes for this race. We think it’s healthy when incumbents have legitimate challengers. We looked forward to a spirited debate about the direction the state should take and the role the representative of the 101st District would play in setting that direction. [Link]

Want to know just how pathetic it has become? Take a look at this blatantly xenophobic attack ad by the Flider campaign:



The macaca in front of the blue screen is the evil Indian out to steal your job. Bindu tells us that both candidates are using such tactics. Go forth and vote, and make sure to vote for a write-in candidate in a case like this.

52 thoughts on “Something to get your Election Day juices flowing…

  1. Kritic,

    If I might venture an answer to your question. If outsourcing is the most important issue on the table to you, then by all means vote for the pro-outsourcing candidate. However, having read many of your comments I would venture to say that you don’t necessarily vote on a single issue, in which case you should vote for the candidate that supports as many of your positions that you deem important.

  2. Sriram –

    “in which case you should vote for the candidate that supports as many of your positions that you deem important.”

    Very well said.