Bitter much? (updated)

Updated: A reader sends us the video. It’s just like Jerry Springer!

Normally I don’t like featuring “odd-ball” stories from the subcontinent, but this one was really unusual in my opinion. We all know that in certain parts of the world, including India, public displays of affection are frowned upon. In many cases the authorities decide to arrest, punish, or otherwise chastise amorous couples who are getting their groove on in public. This however, is the first time that I have read about women in authority doing the heavy handed punishing. The BBC reports:

Two policewomen have been suspended in the northern Indian city of Meerut for slapping and punching couples who were dating in a public park.

Police were carrying out “Operation Romeo,” which they said was to target the sexual harassment of women.

Anti-police protests erupted after TV pictures showed officers punching and pulling the hair of young women.

Police chief Rajiv Ranjan said the drive was to tackle obscenity but the officers had “clearly gone overboard.”

I don’t get it. You would think that as women they would be more sympathetic to women, especially if their intent was to prevent sexual harassment as they claim. Yet apparently the girl always gets the blame no matter the gender of the authority figure. I’m wondering if perhaps these policewomen were a bit bitter about their own romantic fortunes and simply releasing their frustration.

[The chief] said the police action was part of a drive undertaken at periodic intervals – often at the behest of the parents of young women – to “cleanse” parks and other public places of people indulging in acts of public obscenity.


p>But he made it clear that there was no law which banned men and women walking together in public places or sitting in a park.


p>He said police personnel had no business bothering, let alone beating up, couples sitting together in public.

44 thoughts on “Bitter much? (updated)

  1. Teehee! I saw this earlier today too.

    I donÂ’t get it. You would think that as women they would be more sympathetic to women

    Your theory of the women cops taking out their bitterness at their slob of a husband is definitely possible. The other explanations are that they are simply copying what they’ve seen other police do or, what I think is most likely, authority figures who love to flex their muscles always target the weakest opposition, for at the root of it, they are cowards.

    Oh yeah, and girls are bitches to other girls!

  2. I donÂ’t get it. You would think that as women they would be more sympathetic to women

    Sometimes (well, usually) things aren’t just about one thing.

    Gender and race are used way too often as the primary motivator in an action (usually a negative one).

  3. Really bad was one police chief’s defence of it. He said they keep carrying out these operations to check on anti-social elements, students bunking classes etc. How the duck do you decude who is bunking classes ? !!

  4. He said they keep carrying out these operations to check on anti-social elements, students bunking classes etc. How the duck do you decude who is bunking classes ? !!

    Wow that sounds familiar. Maybe they should start wire-tapping too.

    I mean, I love my neo-con overlords.

  5. theres a video of it out there – i saw it on zee news the other day…. at first i thought it was a man doing it because they showed the back of one policewoman’s head (she had short hair) while she was slapping the s$%t out of both men and women.

  6. I’d think it’s more likely that these officers were acting in self-dense — protecting the school of thought they’ve subscribed to and have endured. And starts something like so: “Children, I have your best interests at heart, …”

  7. as someone who has dated in Delhi – I can tell you the Police are one bunch you have to make a conscious effort to steer clear off when you are with your girfriend/boyfriend.

  8. Am I missing something? Are these amorous couples having sex in public or something? I mean, they’d practically have to in order to justify, hair-pulling, and PUNCHING?!??? For being affectionate?? I’m sure I’m missing something.

  9. eh? – in north india harrassment of couples by the police is the norm – you don’t have to be “doing” anything (anyone – :)) to get into trouble with them.

  10. They’d really be kept busy in western society…espeially in america.

    Actually not true Pattie. America is much more conservative about public displays of affection than Europe. My friends and I were surprised to see people getting it on everywhere when we traveled through Europe (especially Spain and Italy).

  11. “IÂ’m wondering if perhaps these policewomen were a bit bitter about their own romantic fortunes and simply releasing their frustration.”

    “Oh yeah, and girls are bitches to other girls!”

    Isn’t anyone else bothered by these remarks ?

  12. You would think that as women they would be more sympathetic to women

    Oooh, that would so solve all the saas-bahu and dowry issues that India has.

  13. vg, no need to get offended. I can only speak for myself, but surely it’s clear the last line wasn’t put forward as a serious answer?

    Irrespective, would you deny that women treat other women like shit? I never implied ALL. As the geek notes, two pretty glaring examples in India are bahu-abuse and dowry.

  14. IÂ’m wondering if perhaps these policewomen were a bit bitter about their own romantic fortunes and simply releasing their frustration.

    I saw the video on AajTak. The female officer looked like a fat pig.

  15. How the duck do you decude who is bunking classes ? !!

    And how is bunking classes illegal? I can understand limits of PDA etc but does the police have nothing better to do than go after kids. UP is only marginaly better than bihar interms of lawlessnes. Why not do some real enforcement?

  16. “Irrespective, would you deny that women treat other women like shit?”

    yes, often times human beings treat other human beings like sh*t. It bothers me that when both parties involved are women, as in Abhi’s post and remarks , the most common explanation is petty jealousy . And it also bothers me that when someone objects to this characterization of women, they are told not to be so sensitive .

  17. You would think that as women they would be more sympathetic to women Oooh, that would so solve all the saas-bahu and dowry issues that India has.

    Forget the saases (sp?), I get enough verbal abuse from my own mother! (I don’t think I’d be receiving this if I were male.) Compared to her, I actually look forward to getting married and having a saas!

  18. vg, if you’re determined to see some anti-female defamation when none exists, go right ahead. I said “no need to get offended” not “don’t get your knickers in a twist” or “calm down dear”. I also did not say “Don’t be so sensitive”.

    Inferring non-existent insults is called a chip on the shoulder mentality and it’s gender-neutral.

  19. “vg, if you’re determined to see some anti-female defamation when none exists, go right ahead.”

    dude, the word “bitch” is offensive , no two ways about it . Do you find the follwoing offensive :

    “Oh yeah, and desis are bitches to other desis!”

    “Inferring non-existent insults is called a chip on the shoulder mentality and it’s gender-neutral.”

    so offering gratuitous insults would be a manifestation of what?

    Now, calm down, dear. And don’t get your undies in a bunch.

  20. Do you find the follwoing offensive : “Oh yeah, and desis are bitches to other desis!”

    Um, in all honesty, no I don’t. I don’t think most people on here would. Desis ARE bitches to other desis, they bitch about each other aplenty. Women bitch about other women. Perhaps none of the wonderful women you socialise with, but I’m sure others will testify otherwise. Had you asked me “what about men?” then I’d have responded yeah sure, men bitch about men too. Crikey you’re just bent on making it about you.

    I hardly think that explaining the trait you’re clearly demonstrating qualifies as a ‘gratuitous insult’ as I’m very particular about not over-stepping the rules on here. To date, I haven’t. Yet with your bizarre reaction to what was quite obviously an innocuous throw-away comment at the end of a perfectly sensible post and your misguided attempt at irony by telling me to “calm down dear”, you’ve merely underlined my point.

    Perhaps all of Sepia’s womenfolk agree that I was WAY out line and that I should be sent to a gender-respect seminar. Perhaps they are simply choosing to be tacitern in their response to your question: “Isn’t anyone else bothered by these remarks ?”

    Now let’s agree to disagree so that no comments need be deleted. You think I’m a mean old chauvinist pig and I think I ought to go to sleep.

  21. Everyone is bitchy to everyone, I don’t think it’s gender specific because I’ve seen men get nasty with eachother.

    Though hate to admit it but women tend to be more catty with other women (usually involving men) and I’ve learnt that the occurance in relation to age increases as age increases and singlehood persists. Ugh.

  22. Thankfully, here in India, almost every paper is condemning the police (actual and moral) on the front page. Pretty encouraging, I must say.

  23. I saw it on NDTV the day the story broke. As the police chief says, this sort of stuff may well be going on in Meerut every once in a while. What made this episode different was that they took some media people and video cameras with them. They actually wanted to show off!

    Unfortunately for them, it backfired so badly that we find this in the newspapers:
    [begin quote] ‘What are we trying to convey when we beat up boys and girls sitting together peacefully in a public park?” she asked during zero hour [in the Rajya Sabha]. [end quote] The ‘she’ in the quote — can you believe it — is none other than — hold your breath — Sushma Swaraj!

    Read that again: “boys and girls sitting together peacefully in a public park”. Thanks to the Meerut police, we now have a very liberal President-to-be of BJP.

    BTW, it wasn’t Operation Romeo, but Operation Majnu!

    And the quote above is from:

  24. THANK GOD. Ive definitely been parked in a car with guys (even simply friends just smoking or whatever) and had the ‘culture’ and “tourism’ police come up to us PEER in and try to get money out of us under the pretense that they’re looking out for our safety. If they were really looking for our safety they would wait at a safe distance and look our for OTHER people. And evidently, if a couple is kissing and looking happy, as couples are wont to do when they are together, how can that be inferred as sexual harassment? What freaks. No single guy will be able to molest a girl in a public place in India and get away with it that easily, if it’s not a touch-and-go thing. That woman looked evil for sure. It was not her place to tell a consenting adult what to do. India needs to move with the times. Few things are done indecently in PUBLIC (a private corner is an entirely different matter).

  25. Janeofalltrades,

    Though hate to admit it but women tend to be more catty with other women (usually involving men) and I’ve learnt that the occurance in relation to age increases as age increases and singlehood persists. Ugh.

    Considering all the nasty married auntiejis out there, I don’t think it’s necessarily dependent on “singlehood”. Accepted norms of behaviour amongst their own immediate family and/or social circle are probably the biggest factors.


    At the risk of being very politically-incorrect indeed, I personally suspect that the attitudes amongst the police officers concerned are another obsolete relic from Mughal times. It’s the sort of thing that still goes on in post-revolution Iran. Perhaps the police in Meerut (and presumably Delhi) think that they’re working for some kind of “Ministry for Vice and Virtue”, along with being under the mistaken impression that they’re living in a conservative Islamic state.

    The fact that one of the policewomen was trying to beat up a pregnant woman was something I found especially offensive, not to mention highly irresponsible from a medical perspective.

  26. I still find it weird that people in India above 18 years of age are considered adults (old enough to vote, enlist in armed service, yada, yada) but not treated like adults by the establishment. Been throught that, just never understood it.

  27. The fact that one of the policewomen was trying to beat up a pregnant woman was something I found especially offensive, not to mention highly irresponsible from a medical perspective.

    Would it have been less offensive/medically irresponsible to beat up a woman who wasn’t pregnant?

  28. ..I hardly think that explaining the trait you’re clearly demonstrating qualifies as a ‘gratuitous insult’

    Now, this is just getting annoying. Dude, if somebody finds a word offensive make a graceful apology and move on.

    .. your misguided attempt at irony by telling me to “calm down dear”, you’ve merely underlined my point.

    I repeat, calm down dear. This lashing out ain’t pretty.

  29. Not less offensive. However, attacking a pregnant woman is more dangerous medically because of the risk to the unborn child.

  30. Man, Indian female coppers are very macho indeed, and mean ugly bastids too ! This is however just an extension of the male police officers behaviour. Its not unknown for male police officers in India to sexually assault women who’ve come in just to make a complaint like having their handbag nicked ! Indian police are just a very nasty bunch who generally need to be handled with a taser.

  31. I dont know what the deal with lady cops in UP. Last year in Lucknow a female cop took an innocent girl to the mahila station and started abusing her sexually. Turned out she was lesbian ! Not to say the male cops are any better, they participate in most of the sexual offences they are supposed to protect people from. My suggestion if to distribute sex toys to the members of the police, to take care of this problem.

    Police is a symbol of systematic repression in India, rather in all developing countries. Problem in UP is that all criminals are politicians and they have political immunity. So the police goes after innocents on flimsy grounds to get some job satisfaction, and show their bosses how hard working they are. How many calories the bad ass Lady cop would have burned doing the slapping scene for the Cameras. Shes gonna hear from Bollywood soon.

    An Indian judge rightfully remarked that the most organized Mafia Gang in the World is the Indian Police ! And dont get me started on the famous Indian police joke.

  32. Congrats! You are the winner of the “Sweeping Generalization of the week” award.

    Did you not note the “by and large” at the end – ergo not a generalisation

  33. Did you not note the “by and large” at the end – ergo not a generalisation

    Thanks for pointing that out. That “by and large” was just a weak CYA attempt after the usage of strong wording like “cops are basically horrible people everywhere”. If someone is breaking into your home or chasing you in a dark alley, the first number you will be dialing is 911 (or 100 depending on where you are). Yes, the Indian Police system has problems and potentially irresolvable problems at that. But that does not give you a license to go around abusing cops everywhere.

  34. I saw it on NDTV the day the story broke. As the police chief says, this sort of stuff may well be going on in Meerut every once in a while. What made this episode different was that they took some media people and video cameras with them. They actually wanted to show off!

    Yep they did want to win brownie points. The fat one in particuar was aggressive and you can also make the case that she was posturing for the camera. Hope she gets fired and looses her pension.

  35. I still find it weird that people in India above 18 years of age are considered adults (old enough to vote, enlist in armed service, yada, yada) but not treated like adults by the establishment. Been throught that, just never understood it.

    Well an 18 yr old male cant get married legaly its 21 for men/ 18 for women. Also legal drinking age in delhi is 25. There are minimum age requirement for being an MP, PM etc. BTW it was in Rajiv Gandhis time the voting age was reduced to 18. Before that it was 21. Legal situation in india is pretty silly, and the laws are partly to blame for that. India has the lengthiest legal code in the world.

  36. India has the lengthiest legal code in the world.

    No kidding. The Indian Consititution is the lengthiest one in the world, no less. Ambedkar and boys took their own sweeting conjuring it up. Combine that with a bunch of illiterate and corrupt policians for the better part of the 20th century and we have one of the lengthiest and most antiquated constitutions. Double whammy!

  37. I dont know what the deal with lady cops in UP. Last year in Lucknow a female cop took an innocent girl to the mahila station and started abusing her sexually. Turned out she was lesbian ! Not to say the male cops are any better, they participate in most of the sexual offences they are supposed to protect people from. My suggestion if to distribute sex toys to the members of the police, to take care of this problem.

    I don’t think the solution is that simple. The one undercurrent in all these atrocities is that it appears to be about power. Sexual harrassment isn’t always about lack of sexual outlet. Many of these harrassers are married people with children. Often if not most of the time it’s about exerting power and lack of general respect for women.

    Any joe schmoe with the slightest bit of power of any sort is kicking down the guy down the heirarchy in desh. I’ve noticed drivers of luxury car driving Sahebs talk down to building watchmen while the watchmen talked down to the errand boys and servants in the neighborhood. Mostly because they seem to believe they exert some power over the other because they are higer in the foodchain.

  38. Actually not true Pattie. America is much more conservative about public displays of affection than Europe. My friends and I were surprised to see people getting it on everywhere when we traveled through Europe (especially Spain and Italy).

    hhmm..that’s interesting, because i see just the opposite happen hee, and hear many complaints from friends and family about it around the country. i was horridly appalled , when i was in port authority – a young ‘pair’ practially pulling each other’s pants off, and humping each other. they are like this down here too..i se this daily…all to often. and i’m sure it’s not concentrated on certain states or regions. you’re lead to believe that america is more conservative toards it, but it’s a do as i say, not as do situation. and when it is done, quite often, it goes on seemingly unnoticed. i’m sure america would cringe in fear if the mr. and i went out and really showed them our affection. then again, he won’t let me. in public. (and if others kept their show off actions to themselves, behind closed doors, we’d be better off.) ;( but anyhoo…..