Will SM be blacklisted by O’Reilly?

My posts today have featured two particularly gruesome subjects. Since I am on a roll, I thought why not try for a hat trick? Bill O’Reilly, the resident jingo at that “Fair and Balanced” news organization is at it again. A few weeks back he encouraged Al Qaeda to lay waste to San Francisco. Recently he has created his own media blacklist, sort of like Oprah’s book club, except what NOT to read. SM reader “Mephistopheles1981” informs us that Bill has most recently decided to take Circuit City and its “Indian owners” to task for not sharing in the Christmas spirit. He is sick and tired of all these secular stores that take advantage of Christmas giving, without acknowledging it. Only one problem. Circuit City isn’t owned by Indians. Media Matters for America reports:

O’REILLY: Yeah, Target’s changed its policy. And we appreciate that.

CALLER: That’s fantastic. So, I hope now you can do something about Circuit City. I was in there last week —

O’REILLY: [Laughing] Circuit City —

CALLER: — and —

O’REILLY: I think people from India own Circuit City. I think that’s the problem there.

O’REILLY: I can’t — I can’t do — I can’t do everybody. I’m trying to do the big ones that are all over the place. Yeah, look, you know — but again if you go into any retail store and you’re buying a Christmas present and they refuse to acknowledge Christmas, you know what I’m going to do. You know what E.D.’s going to do —

…Contrary to O’Reilly’s ownership theory, none of the major, direct, institutional, or mutual fund holders of the publicly traded company is Indian. The same appears to be true of the company’s senior management and its board of directors. In addition, the retailer limits its business to the United States and Canada.

It’s not just what he says. Click on the audio file to listen to how he says it. Tell me his voice isn’t lined with a tinge of bigotry. Oh please, oh please can we end up on his blacklist? We are Indian owned. I’d rather be on Oprah’s list but we got no shot at that.

70 thoughts on “Will SM be blacklisted by O’Reilly?

  1. Sorry Salil, I know you were joking, and the part where you hit people on the head is funny (well, it is, I’m sorry some things are just comic staples. Like those pratfalls the three stooges do) but I am pre determined to make that kind of remark given my SM comment section history.

  2. No MD, ‘rightwing Fox News types’ is not a stereotype, for a few reasons.

    Zoraster said ‘the majority’ hence not implying all Fox News types are right wing.

    Fox News is right wing.

    Thus the vast majority of viewers will be right wing.

    And Zoraster was merely selecting a group of people ‘the majority of right wing Fox News types’ is akin to saying ‘the majority of over 35s who watch CNN’ or whatever.

  3. And what, pray tell, does it mean to say the majority of people who watch Fox news cannot be bothered to be knowledgeable? Isn’t that just a teeny, tiny, bit judgemental. Can’t be bothered. Let’s see, can’t be bothered…..hmmm, I suppose CNN has some poll which says that the majority of FOX news viewers don’t know such and such fact, while FOX has some poll which says that the majority of CNN viewers don’t know such and such fact. And what does this tell you? That the majority of people live in their own little worlds where everyone that agrees with them is intelligent and beautiful…..

  4. Even after the whole sexual harrassment flap that Oreilly went thru’, Its amazing that stupid Americans still put him on a moral pedastal.

  5. Is ‘rightwing Fox News types’ a pre determined stereotype? Inquiring minds want to know….

    ‘Rightwing’ and/or ‘Fox News types’ relates to none of the following:

    Race Religion Country of Origin sex Sexual Orientation age

    or any other human classification you can think of.

    Is my opinion of most Fox News viewers stereotypical and mean? Yes it is, because I’ve watched Fox News* and anyone who can tolerate it for more than 10 consecutive minutes without wanting to eat your own eyes and ears for the sheer stupidity of it really is a moron. Also, if you’re a right wing moron who refuses to admit that the president of this country is a criminal then again, sorry but you are seriously lacking either knowledge or sense.

    *Not by choice, for some reason at the gym, the cross-trainers and treadmills right in front of the TV tuned to Fox News are available more often than the others.

  6. sorry, not trying to flame anyone there!

    Then please don’t. Comment discussions stop having value when people rant. It’s not that I don’t agree with you, it’s just that ranting isn’tuseful.

  7. Bill O’reilly knows that he lies and distorts subjects, but isn’t that a sin? Why doesn’t anyone ever call him on that?

  8. This is the guy convinced that the Christian right are a persecuted people in America and that there’s actually a “War on Christmas”. He’s even threatened to “bring horror into the world” of those who try to ‘denigrate’ the holiday. Apparently, the freedom of speech concept doesn’t count for everybody.

    In other words, he is completely insane.

    (sorry if this was in ramanan’s link – I didn’t want to click that URL while at work…)

  9. MD. Zoraster has already explained it well. If one chooses to watch FOX News as opposed to other news outlets (and is not doing so to gain ammunition to attack neocons/research idiotic behaviour/laugh and be simultaneously angry when watching O’Reilly), then they are most likely to be a right-winger with a very poor understanding of the world and a great ability to accept fallacy.

    Yeah I read all about the sexual harassment suit and was thinking about working into my MoorNam-O’Reilly comparison, but I thought that’s going too far! Illegals from Mexico? Well that’s a topic for another day. But I had to quote O’Reilly from the article you linked M.Nam. Billy’s talking about Vincente Fox, but if you didn’t know that…

    Fox, of course, is not looking out for us.

    The great man’s words, not mine.

  10. 90% of Bill O’Reilly’s viewers thought the President should have the right to spy on Americans without a warrant.

    I think that pretty much says all you need to know about vast majority of O’Reilly viewers.

  11. one word about bill o’reilly: LOL

    who believes what he says? right wing, nra card carrying, overweight albinos klanmen that find solace in their krispy kreme [or insert any fast food franchise here] and 7-11 coffees as they gas up their honky-tonk pickups [at the shell or other big named gas stations] with their equally overweight passive family members [who are hooked on their mobile devices/computers/other electronics] in tow searching for the nearest days inn [or other motel chain] on vacation.

    guess who own the 7-11s [or other convenient stores], fast food franchises, gas stations, motels and dominate in engineering/management positions with said mobile devices/computers/electronic devices? 🙂 us.

    who’s having the last laugh now?

  12. ….a very merry christmas to mr. o’reilly….

    (’til his show gets cancelled for the next “shock jock” scrooged geezer whose sole purpose in life is to try pissing off everyone to get ratings upped. ah yes, the sands of time wait for no one, remember.)

    personally, i think he’s a closet liberal who’s got quite a lot of kinky fetishes behind the door. i’m waiting for the merry XXX-mASS video stream of his hernia aggravated prozac overdosed, binge drinking induced, cross dressing, scat eating, oedipal tendencies to come out for all and sundry to observe on the web…and for him to finally break down and admit he’s got a ‘thing’ for us brown folk…especially when he’s crying in the video stream calling a customer service number redirected to a call center outsourced to india.

    sigh. and to all….a good night! cheers.