A commenter on Soul Strut’s message boards spots M.I.A.’s D.J. lover, Diplo, showing off his nose-picking thumb prior to her performance on “Jimmy Kimmel Live!”

A commenter on Soul Strut’s message boards spots M.I.A.’s D.J. lover, Diplo, showing off his nose-picking thumb prior to her performance on “Jimmy Kimmel Live!”
another m.i.a. post? hey, i love m.i.a. as much as anyone, but come on, a -picture- of diplo is considered news worthy simply because he’s her dj and boyfriend?
anyway, i’ll bite… in case it hasn’t already been mentioned here, there’s a 30 minute live performance available online from kcrw’s morning becomes eclectic:
That guy looks like a tool. A Euro Tool.
he may “look” euro but he actually grew up in florida and lives in philly…which to me is one of the least “euro” cities on the right coast.
that reminds me…i need to find another copy of PFT, since mine has vanished.
hey, he’s a good d.j. in his own right… don’t hate!
for anna and others interested, “piracy funds terrorism” is now available legit at the following address — authorized by mr. diplo himself. dig it. http://www.cokemachineglow.com/reviews/miadiplo_arularet2005.html
i was late to the buzz and hadn’t managed to catch PFT when it was floating around earlier — now i’ve heard it and it’s truly excellent.
respects, siddhartha
siddhartha m, you rock my world.
i dl’d PFT from the link you courteously volunteered. i have listened to it TWICE since…this is actually a better copy than my first. i think MIA + the neptunes might just = perfection. ah, blisssss. diplo can pick any orifice he wants, i like his ear. 😀