Pinky-swear we’ll be friends forever…

Greetings, SM-readers.

I wanted to update y’all on FRIENDSTER, specifically SM’s presence on the Dadaji/Appachen of all Social Networking programs. You see, within days, we will have our 100th friendster. As any good social networking whore knows, reaching that hallowed point when your “number” is in the triple-digits is quite a warm, fuzzy feeling (not to be confused with that warm, burning feeling you had the day after SASA).

Since I often assign importance to completely meaningless events, I can’t wait to know which one of you will be the hundredth notch above our virtual bedpost. 😉

To drop in another useless metaphor, it reminds me of back in the day, when supermarkets would shower down confetti and balloons on their one-millionth visitor before giving them nifty prizes. Except you’re not getting any prizes…unless you’re counting the enlightened feeling you have after your daily dose of Mutiny.

So to recap: no confetti. No balloons. No cool prizes. No point to this post whatsoever. Just add us and get it over with; then I’ll get to focus on more weighty issues– like whether Bugs Bunny really needs to be updated for the spoiled brats of the twenty-first century.

3 thoughts on “Pinky-swear we’ll be friends forever…

  1. I feel sick. They’re making BB et al superheroes in the 28th Century (and it doesn’t sound like Duck Dodgers is anywhere in sight…though then again he was 350 years too early).

    At any rate, why should they screw around with things like this? Why can’t they just satisfy themselves with ruining classics with remakes like “Psycho,” or actually allowing L. Ron Hubbard to write screenplays when clearly his writing is lethal to rodents. I mean, “Battlefield Earth?” What the hell was that, other than the visual equivalent of an appendectomy sans anaesthesia?