Indo-Pak trade

Walter Russell Mead, in his widely praised book Special Providence, described 4 different “personalities” in American Foreign Policy. He paid special note to the “Hamiltonians” –

Those who denounce (or, in the case of Continental realists, admire) Hamiltonians for there presumed hard-nosed, realist approach to promoting the national interest have misunderstood the synthesis of principles and interests that does so much to define the Hamiltonian mind. Business is the highest form of philanthropy; commerce is the fastest road to world peace.

If you buy it (and I certainly do), then this interview describing future Indo-Pak trade prospects should be very heartening

At the moment bilateral trade between Pakistan and India ranges from $300 to $400 million. However, there is enormous trade potential between the two nuclear-armed countries in every field. The bilateral trade between Pakistan and India could surpass $10 billion within a few years.

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