Google Trends reveals the most sexually repressed (and Internet-literate) nations in the world by showing who spends the most time searching for the word ‘sex’ (via Andrew Sullivan).
The #1 city: Delhi. The #1 country: Pakistan.
Three of the top six cities are in India: Delhi, Chennai and Bombay.
The top U.S. city: Salt Lake City. Then Chicago.
The top language: Arabic. Was it really a surprise?
Also check out who searches for the word ‘pornography’ and the word ‘desi.’
One of the ultimate ironies of the traditional Indian gender roles is that, although they strive to keep chastity on every cherubic mind, they accomplish quite the opposite… every interaction is viewed through the filter of gender… it’s a perversion that the platonic part of our lives is defined by the sexual. If chastity were the objective, repression is clearly not the answer. [Link]
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