As Abhi posted earlier, here’s how the Orlando Sentinel reported the results of the Don Sherrill – Tom Abraham election. You’ll recall this is the race where Sherrill called his Indian-American opponent a potential embed and 9/11 terrorist, purely because of Abraham’s ethnicity:
With a difference of less than two dozen votes, a two-term council member who recently made off-color statements about his Indian-born opponent’s ethnicity was returned to serve on the City Council on Tuesday. [Link]
The ‘off-color’ statements in question:
“… I don’t want an Indian in my government… these kind of people get embedded over here… You remember 9-11.” [Link]
Statements calling an Indian-American an embed and a 9/11 terrorist: ‘off-color.’ Same statements about blacks or Hispanics: ‘racist’ and ‘bigoted.’ The difference? Visibility. Those ethnicities show up on the cultural radar. This kind of revisionist euphemism in the press is itself a kind of racism.
Send your own email now:
To: Charlene Hager-Van Dyke (reporter),
Cc: Manning Pynn (public editor),; Letters to the Editor, insight@orlandosentinel.comSubject: Re: Sherrill wins by 19 — Mahoney waltzes in
I enjoyed your story about the results of the Don Sherrill – Tom Abraham election. However, I am dismayed by the story’s inappropriate use of the phrase “off-color”:
“… a two-term council member who recently made off-color statements about his Indian-born opponent’s ethnicity was returned to serve on the City Council on Tuesday.”,0,673927.story?coll=orl-news-headlines-volusiaThe statements which Don Sherrill made:
“… I don’t want an Indian in my government… these kind of people get embedded over here… You remember 9-11.”’s call it what it is. These statements aren’t “off-color,” they’re openly racist.
Previous posts: My opponent is undecipherable and probably an “embed”, Abraham vs. Sherrill to the Supreme Court???