The effect of androgens on man-in-the-moon marigolds

Wrestler Dalip ‘Giant’ Singh: a living testament to the effect of androgens on fetal development. 7’3″, 408 lbs, claims to eat five chickens and 24 eggs a day.

Wrestler Tiger Jeet Singh. Not so large, but like Hasselhoff, he’s big in Japan.

…running amok in a Japanese arena, bedecked in a turban and brandishing a menacing sword. Bellowing like a bull elephant in heat, he attacks members of the ticket-paying audience, scattering them hither and yon… He once mauled the editor of Tokyo’s largest sports daily newspaper. Another time, the Tiger demolished a Mercedes with a baseball bat in downtown Tokyo during rush hour… He claims that Japanese wrestling fans will not wash those parts of their body he has struck, so honored are they to be pummelled by Tiger Jeet Singh.

The jawans on the India-Pakistan border, from the always-funny Sin.

… the border guards are all MASSIVE. The midget amongst them was 6’8″ tall… the guards (quite literally) utter these primal screams at the other side of the border, in some sort of bizarre alpha-male routine. The whole macho element of guns, sabres, and massively magnificent moustaches is, however, completely ruined by the modern dance routine that ensues once the “parade” begins; although it defies description, lets just say that it involves high-kicks, stomping, twirling, a hip-shimmy, and much prancing.

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