A new Bollywood film about the Sepoy Mutiny is nearing completion. The Rising, a patriotic screed that’s the love child of Lagaan and 1942: A Love Story, stars Aamir Khan, the ubiquitous Aishwarya Rai, Rani Mukherjee and Amisha Patel. It focuses on Mangal Pandey, the original militant vegetarian who sparked the rebellion. And nothing says ‘freedom fighter’ like a big, honkin’ moustache (vegetable wax only, please). Director Ketan Mehta hopes the film is subversive, not preachy:
“We have seen our history from the British perspective. Now let us see it from the Indian perspective…”
I have to admit the Brits are good sports about it, shelling out shillings for Lagaan and those adorable cricket-playing natives. But what about the odd appearance of Prince Ears at the film’s ceremonial kickoff? Chuck, just a hint: you were on the other side. Khan wiggled uncomfortably:
“This film is not against the Queen’s rule, but the East India Company, which ruled India then.”
A nuanced, sensitive position on war. Well, ok then. Mehta also did the art film Mirch Masala with Shabana Azmi and the film Sardar on the iron-willed annexer of Indian kingdoms, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. A.R. Rehman, who did the music for Lagaan, is scoring the film, to be titled Mangal Pandey for the Indian market.
Numerous villagers who all claim to be Pandey’s descendants are up in arms over a smooching scene in the film, the irony of which is left as an exercise for the reader. We at Sepia Mutiny are just chapped over being kissed off by their casting department for said scene, despite our obvious lip-locking skills.