7 thoughts on “Pimp my ride

  1. Anyone know where I can find photographs of the various “Horn OK Please” signs on the back of trucks in N India?

  2. I lurve the web! I saw that exhibit in London recently, e-mailed it to my gyal’s filmi friend in Bombay, and now you Amrikans found his post about it. Talk about an e-diaspora. Nothing gets past you guys. 😉

    I’ve been looking for Horn OK Please photos for AGES. They’re hard to find, so please post if you find a clearinghouse for them. There is, however, this really cute and random video.

  3. d00d, I loved the random video. All but gave me black collar and black socks and carbon cough!!

  4. Yeah… the web is lurvly… in’it? Your gyal’s filmi friend in bombay, who wrote the post in CSF found his own post blogged in sepia mutiny…. men oh men…

    Going to do a full-day photo shoot of bombay… yeah? That’s when I can get a Horn OK for ya… no problemo.
