Christie floats through Corzine’s “safe” zone

Does incumbent NJ Governor John Corzine have a lock on the state’s “desi vote?” Well apparently he didn’t take the time to build a float and enter it into the Indian Independence Day Parade in NJ over the weekend (but instead sent U.S. Rep. Frank Pallone in his stead). His opponent, the slightly-ahead-in-the-polls Chris Christie did enter a float (although Rose Parade this was not):

The presence of GOP gubernatorial candidate Chris Christie’s float at the Indian Independence Day Parade on Sunday came as a broadside to Democrats who didn’t field a rival “Corzine” four-wheeler in what is generally a Democratic Party safe zone.

As reported over the weekend on, Sheriff Kim Guadagno, the Republican lieutenant governor candidate, stood front and center behind the parade’s main banner before going back and climbing aboard Christie’s campaign mobile, where she and her sons waved to the crowd.

A 19th District candidate float commanded by Peter Kothari likewise contributed to a sense of GOP dominance. [Link]

You know who wasn’t happy about this float? New Jersey Assemblyman Upendra Chevy-Cola Chivukula:

“Perhaps the presence of the GOP Lt. Gov. Candidate Kim Guadagno caused a media buzz because it is rare to see Republican top brass at Indian-American events,” Chivukula said. “There was a very strong presence of Democrats at the Indian Independence Parade as a demonstration of our party’s long-standing commitment to diversity, not one that surfaces only at election time.

“As the only South Asian lawmaker in the New Jersey General Assembly, I say this with conviction and from experience.” [Link]

Come on Corzine. You can’t afford to be this sloppy. Next time just build a freakin’ float and throw some jalebi or barfi into the audience and say something Indian national-isty.

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