The Rage of Cummings II: Economic Boogaloo*

At times, it must be done. It simply must.

What is “it”? Honest reflection. Meditation. The potentially uncomfortable exercise of asking difficult questions…questions like…”Is Neel Kashkari a CHUMP?

Elijah Cummings, breakin’ it down Bodymore-style. A friend of mine whom I had forwarded that clip to told me that Cummings is a genuinely nice guy, which makes it all the more hilarious for him to be the one questioning our boy Neel. Find a previous SM post about the sacrificial lamb Kashkari by our Vinod, here.

(Hmm. I thought the name of the author of that ThinkProgress piece sounded familiar…then I realized it was erstwhile WLPer/reader Satyam, whom I was introduced to by mutineer Harin at the Kal Penn event held in support of our President-elect. 🙂 I love how accomplished and brainy you smurfs mutineers are.)


*Full disclosure: I totally ganked this title from a Gawker comment because it is GENIUS.

54 thoughts on “The Rage of Cummings II: Economic Boogaloo*

  1. i think one major problem, for those funds who bet right, is counterparty default risk. on top of that arbitrageurs (who don’t really bet on the direction of the market) need leverage to make their biz profitable, but credit has dried up.

    So that leaves the directional players, most of whom are mostly long and therefore got whacked. ergo the redemptions.

    So at the end of the day its up to new directional players, bottom feeders like paulson who are betting the real estate market is going up. blackstone is doing something similar and of course this is exactly the type of market that results in a berkshire hathaway buying spree. old-fashioned buy low, expect it to go up in the log run, no leverage investing.

  2. 20 · Uncle said

    About rest

    “…and that’s your’re right …” I have somehow got used to seeing “your” being used in place of “you’re” as in “your welcome” but can’t say that I have seen the reverse before. Sorry, am cleaning up my daughter’s English homework most nights, and couldn’t pass this up 🙂

  3. I find the fact that he is a Kashmiri pandit vaguely interesting but not at all relevant, in any way. Should we view or treat him differently because he is descended from a marginalized people? No one cares about caste in this country– no one sane.

    You were dismissive about the fact that he is a Kashmiri pandit, maybe you don’t care about marginalized caste Hindus ’cause they deserved it? or maybe you don’t know much about Kashimiri pandits. Normally nobody would have cared that much about kashmiri pandits but they were driven out of their home state just because they were pandits and they are now living in refugee camps in their own country. I thought Americans root for underdog and what was this fuss Americans made and are making about Obama being the first black president.