Well not Indian Bride Barbie so much as their November cover girl, but that’s totes what she reminds ME of (thanks, cookiemonsta):
Former Spice Girl Victoria Beckham graces the cover of Vogue India’s November issue, trading in her western outfits for a traditional Indian bridal sari.
“Posh†Beckham, the wife of British footballer David Beckham, chose several bridal outfits by Indian designers for the photo shoot, the magazine said in a statement. [linky]
She was also not overheard saying, “Can we hike these up a bit? I need people to see that I have replaced my seven-inch Loubys with swaggers. Aren’t they MAJOR?“
“I have long been an avid admirer of the Indian fashion and lifestyle culture,†Beckham, 34, was quoted as saying. [linky]
She then stared dreamily off in to space for a second while fondly remembering that one time, with that proto-chav who made it rain with rupees at Glassy Junction. Ah, good times.
The magazine’s fashion director said Beckham was thrilled to experiment with Indian bridal wear.
“She absolutely loved everything about it — from the ‘maang tikka’ and ‘haath zeb’ (traditional Indian jewellery) to the gorgeous lehengas (traditional Indian skirt with embroidery),” said Anahita Shroff Adajania. [linky]
What fool wouldn’t? Indian brides get to wear the most gorgeous clothes in the world. I love Reem Acra but even her most show-stopping gowns fade away in the presence of Priya and Chintan’s most basic lehenga.
The cover is after the jump.

She looks gorgeous. Oh, I hope I’m not being too incendiary. 😉
she looks terrible to me…
Small world, Anahita and Priya and Chintan are all friends of my friend’s, aside, Anahita is married to the guy who directed Being Cyrus.
3 · umber desi said
Well, tell your friend to tell them they have a fan in the bunker. 😉
Say what you will…i LOVE Posh.
consider it done, if you ever find yourself in Bombay we can arrange a meeting if you like.
Homi does good work
She looks like a petulant thirteen year old dressed up in her sister’s wedding finery.
Well, the costume is amazing. But somehow I find her looking terrible. I loved the way she looked when she was with the band before she became Mrs. Beckham, but now way too skinny and the rest must be plastic 🙂
Why do fashion magazines make a point of having their models look surly and pissed off?
She looks too thin and delicate. I miss her Spice Girl days.
i agree with MF. Hot face though. i have an elaborate theory on model skinniness that i wont repeat (something to do with gay men ruling the fashion industry and thus constructing and imposing a desexualized version of the female form on the rest of us) b/c JOAT always swoops in to wack me.
i’d like to see palin in a saree
5 · CoffeeFace said
hella yeah agree!! she was the best one, i miss the 90s at times. she looks great.
“i’d like to see palin in a saree”
eeerrrrrrr! 😉
14 · rudie_c said
ok, fine…i’ll take her without a saree.
Because they know we hate them, those of us who shout at them “Eat some dinner, dammit!”
Always ready to cry “gay mafia”, eh manju? et tu manju? Maybe it has to do with walking coat hangers. No bod to get in the way of all the fine cuts and lines of the garment, etc.
16 · bess said
rule of thumb in sales is everyone wants what they can’t have. from that rules book for women to seduction societies for men, the gist of the advice is to play hard to get. just look at pulli making his play for posh.
Why, oh why, is her sari draped so awfully? All weirdly bunched up at her shoulder and her side… And does her nettu-chutti (the headgear) on the cover look photoshopped to anyone else?
well that is a wig on her head – so it all looks a bit off. And why no short-haired Posh for the cover of Vogue India?
Why is it always a big deal when a non-indian puts on a bindi or something? It is the equvalent of a white dude blushing with pride at the the site of some Indian actor wearing gym shoes.
20 · ShallowThinker said
I know, right? Who cares if one of the biggest celebrities in the world is on the cover of Indian Vogue, trussed up like a wedding turkey. This blogger must really be scraping the bottom of the tip barrel, with this post.
I KEED, I KEED. (but I get your point, seriously)
20 · ShallowThinker said
We love this stuff because it is who we are: being both non-Indian and Indian all at the same time. Most of us are just proud that an internationally known celebrity is glorifying our culture for the rest of the world to see.
Posh would have looked 10 times better if she just smiled. I read somewhere that she never smiles because she doesn’t like the way she looks when she smiles.
Yeah, but Posh? She is best known for banging a dude that is prettier then she is.
24 · ShallowThinker said
i have never had sexual relations with that woman
18 · Ocotillo said
. . . . I actually think it is a lehnga (the dupatta looks tucked in at he waist)
I think she looks pretty in that picture and I am not a fan of the thinny-thin-thin plastic surgery look that seems to rule these days. Like, Madonna’s jumped the plastic surgery shark, Fonzie style, with the chin and cheek implants and all the Hollywood starlets start to look funny after twenty-eight these days, sadly, because of the pre-emptive mucking around with botox and goodness knows what else. Scary! Anyway, back to Posh: I like her hair better this way, all long and brown as opposed to the famous blond ‘Pob’ she’s sported recently.
Okay, on a totally catty note, Posh is only 34? That’s what too much dieting will do for you, I thought she was a Jennifer Anniston-ish thirty-eight-or-nine mutton-dressed-as-lamb, myself. See, catty and mean, right? Anyway, she looks pretty in this picture, I think.
That’s not an off the rack sari.
LOL, it’s a wig, according to the comments above? Well, I still like it better than the blondy ‘Pob’.
Posh is all plastic–a very expensive plastic blow-up doll our manju may well not be able to afford.
Seriously though, I thought that was a pic of a mannequin at a saree shop in Jackson Heights.
Tho’ this is the real reason that Palin and Posh drive men batty.
20 · ShallowThinker said
I asked a white guy and he said, “deodorant”
she looks like a famine stricken woman.
I don’t know what this means.
But kitty kats, wait till you hear the latest! Beckham’s bent is for more modern outfits, it seems like.
6 · umber desi said
Meeting with whom….with Bombay Anna ? 😉
She looks really great. hasn’t looked this great in ages.
THANK GOD SHE WASN’T TANNED FOR THIS ONE. just that made it all the better.
If its a wig then it looks awesome. the “pob” makes her look more robotic—but nobody’s suggesting she’s a robot.
someone please give this girl a gulab jamon or two.
ANNA, I’m fond of you in a bloggy way, but I can’t believe you used ‘totes’
Chronic lurker de-lurking to laugh out loud @ Manju in #25! And yes, the woman looks like she hasn’t fed in ages.
Ayo, so thin. Not just a gulab jamon but a dozen samosas and a pail full of biryani. She looks like a hard sneeze would shatter her.
Re 8:
Especially in that first picture. I might have found that attractive when I was twelve, but I grew up. And I say that as someone who does have a soft spot for saris.
I don’t really follow Vogue India (other than the snippets that Anna posts here like their depiction of the poor with luxury accoutrements), but is it common for them to use non-Indians or non-South Asians as cover models? And if it is, are all their non-South Asian models so er, Fair & Lovely, or do they use black models garbed in Indian outfits as well?
Re 16:
But does one really need walking coat hangers for saris? The only linear/angular aspects of the sari are the pleats and they have nothing whatsoever to do with body shape. All other aspects of the sari are essentially draping over soft curves, not edges.
I realize that there are outfits that would look more appealing if modelled by an animatronic coat hanger than by a real woman. I don’t think the sari is one of them.
She loves Indian lifestyle culture? Like the peeing on the streets, extreme poverty, communal violence?
Also, I think her sari looks really strange – what happened to the traditional way to wearing it?
Re 43:
right you are, sir. I was referring to Manju’s statement about skinny models in general, not about Victoria B. in a sari or about skinny women in a sari.
I find it interesting that V.I. chose Victoria as a cover model but put her in a disguise. Would she not have been as attractive with her short hair and savage tan?
8 · Lea said
thanks anna =)
I think she looks great – but I agree that she could use a gulab jamun!
47 · Sonia Kaur said
Did you mean two gulab jamuns?
anna, i think you’re delayed on your pop indian ads/genre. this news was all over perez couple of days ago.
Will it kill her to smile, Once in a while?