Macaca Man Minority eMissary

Perhaps in response to my last post about the record blinding whiteness of the RNC, the GOP has decided to reach out to minority voters in the key state of Virginia with a big rally this weekend.

Among the key speakers at this rally will be none other than former Senator George Allen of Macaca fame, a man the state party sees as perfectly exemplifying the face they want to put forward to minority voters:

“George Allen has an excellent record on issues of diversity, reaching out to people…His whole career, his whole life have been a testament to a guy who’s treated people equally across racial lines, across every kind of line.” [Link]

No, you haven’t accidentally clicked on a post from the Onion, this is for real, I don’t have the imagination to make something like this up.

For those of you whose memory is hazy, two years ago George Allen was a senator from Virginia, favored not only for re-election but for the party’s Presidential nomination in 2008 until he called a young desi by the name of S.R. Sidarth a macaca, and welcomed him to “America and the real world.” [Youtube]

In the process of digging around in Allen’s history, reporters found out that he also had a real fondness for the Confederacy and used to keep a noose hanging from a tree in his law office. So it’s not just desis who have reasons to be repulsed by Allen, it’s a far larger group of potential voters.

When asked about the macaca incident, the communications director for the VA GOP waved the whole thing off as being just a wikipedia smear job:

Asked whether “macaca” might cloud the message a bit, Scimeca said the whole thing was a smear-job by the Dems: “Anyone had to go on Wikipedia to be offended by it. And you know how people can mess with Wikipedia.” [Link]

That last statement will probably offend a group that overlaps heavily with desis in Virginia, techies. After all, how could any self-respecting geek still respect a party spokesman who can’t tell his Wikipedia from his Youtube?

Related posts: Q: What is a “Macaca” and should we fear it? ; “Macaca” Not Going Away ; The Macaca Speaks

19 thoughts on “Macaca Man Minority eMissary

  1. This makes the second of two recent stories I was SURE came from the Onion: First one being the one about the billionaire CEO named Rothschild saying she didn’t like Obama cause he’s an elitist. Now this. Are you SURE this isn’t a joke? Can they seriously be so…obtuse?

  2. 1 · One in a Macaca said

    This makes the second of two recent stories I was SURE came from the Onion: First one being the one about the billionaire CEO named Rothschild saying she didn’t like Obama cause he’s an elitist. Now this. Are you SURE this isn’t a joke? Can they seriously be so…obtuse?

    I believe it is”de Rothschild” which makes a whole egg appam of a difference in the final analysis–she’s blithely unaware of how most of the heartland would view her, should they take note of an American who prefers to not live in America. I’m predicting some thematic directions for the speech:

    -Eating ham sandwiches -Values -Minoritays are my friends. -9/11 -Minority-Ham-Value-9/11-Minoritayz Sandwich = America -Turror -Furriners are scary -Palin is awesome, doggone it.

  3. Allen moved to the south precisely for the horrible politics – he was an a$$hole in California and he tried to find a place that would embrace the worst parts of him. There is, imo, a special circle of hell reserved for such people.

  4. Anyone catch evening news & exchange of words between ‘cop’ in TX and Desi attempting to get back into Galveston. It ended with cop shouting ‘go back to Inda.

  5. Anyone catch evening news & exchange of words between ‘cop’ in TX and Desi attempting to get back into Galveston. It ended with cop shouting ‘go back to Inda.

    Yes I saw that! Shocking. I think it was on ABC news at about 6:37 p.m. Get the video SM, and post it. I still can’t believe that the cop said that.

  6. 7 · DesiInNJ said

    xchange of words between ‘cop’ in TX and Desi attempting to get back into Galveston. It ended with cop shouting ‘go back to Inda.

    I had a guy in a big SUV yell that to me because, apparently my riding a bike down a side street in a suburb of liberal massachusetts, prevented him from barreling down the street at 20 over the speed limit.

    Seems like a favorite insult.

  7. 7 · DesiInNJ said

    It ended with cop shouting ‘go back to Inda

    Has happened to me twice. Each time I responded with, “Make me, bitch!”. The looks on their faces were worth watching.

  8. I’m trying to work on my “tolerance issues,” but when stuff like this comes out of the GOP universe I feel like I’m in the Twilight Zone, and I don’t like it. Unbelievable!

    Then again, it’s perhaps not much of a stretch for the party that somehow successfully refashioned itself as the true champion of the “average” blue-collar workingclass schlub. Anything is possible! All hail George Allen’s excellent record on diversity!