Just when former Senator Allen thought it was safe to leave the house, Wonkette reports a sighting of a car with a VA license plate reading MCACAS [HT: Blue].

Of course, a photo like this is just begging for a caption.
Also, feel free to speculate as to whose car this is and how it ended up with such a vanity license plate. Do you think this is the Macamobile of S.R. Sidhartha himself, with its patriotic bumper sticker? I mean, hopefully he does satire. Or is it a tone deaf racist exclamation by a die-hard Allen supporter? Or perhaps it belongs to an aspiring DJ, an MC Acas? What say you, intrepid Macacans?
Related posts: One Macaca, two macacas, three cute ‘lil macacas
Probably a biologist
Or a scot
“God Bless America” points to a person of significant religiousity. There is a positive correlation between this kind of religiousity and racism. But then again they are driving a Honda, don’t know if the bubba demographic has forgiven the Japanese yet “for what they did to us in Nam”
I don;t think the owner of the vehicle was going for Macaca, because the licence plate MACACA is still available at the Virginia DMV.
From the wonkette link, it belongs to the unfortunate Max Cacas? Full of shit? Do people really have names like that?
Please remove the picture of my vehicle and it’s license plate from your website.
LoL. You jest, but one of our readers just went out and got a macaca license plate and sent me the confirmation image.
I saw one the other day that read “Aryan” and was driven by desi’s.
Re 8:
Coach, was he/she a “wheatish” or Scythian desi? ๐
6 รยท coach diesel said
oh please coach..like you’d be so uncouth as to drive around with a “god bless america” sticker
Coach Diesel – not sure if you are aware, “Aryan” is becoming quite a familiar name for kids (boys) in South India.(ironic as it may be) I suspect – the parents probably thought it was just a ‘sweet’ idea to have the plate with their son’s name. If so – they probably missed on the point you are making ๐
As long as he doesn’t marry a Bengali girl named “Swastika”
Just shoulting out to coach diesel and wanted to say how nice it is read your comments after a long time. Where ya been?
Decades ago the Aryan element in Indian civilization loomed large. Balgangadhar Tilak, the early nationalist, thought on the basis of his reading of Vedic texts that the Arctic must once have been the home of the Aryans. Max Muller, an influential scholar of ancient India, sang the praises of Aryan values. Hitler of course used “Aryan” to mean “noble”–and Germanic. He was unsure if the gipsies should be eliminated since they had come from India a very long time ago but his experts convinced him that they had suffered adulteration over the centuries. When Tito, who had fought the Germans as a Partisan, visited south India in the 1950s he wanted to know why the swastika (Hitler’s version I believe altered the design somewhat) was to be found in temples.
I went to the National Zoo in DC a few weeks back and saw real live macaques with a bunch of macacas. ‘Twas nice.
I’m excited! My news link turned into a post! Thanks Ennis ๐
Macaca, please. That was some wannabe macaca in my car trying to get to sticky wicket with my dawter. She is wheatish, you see.