Amit Singh runs in The Real World of Virginia

My friend Ankur tips me off to the fact that there is a macaca running for Congress in Virginia’s 8th District. Let’s meet Amit Singh:

Born and raised by immigrant parents near Richmond, Virginia, Amit lived a typical American life – birthday parties, Redskins games and the high school prom. But his parents made sure he understood that a world of opportunity was available to him if he worked hard, opportunities only available in America.

Amit graduated from the University of Virginia with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering. While at UVA he managed the technology at the public broadcasting station serving the Charlottesville area. He also found a way to make engineering help people in need by developing software to allow doctors to use robots to care for patients in other parts of the world.

After graduation Amit moved to Arlington to work for NASA and the Department of Defense. A few years later, Amit started his own small business. He works with U.S. Intelligence Community and our soldiers on a daily basis. Throughout his career Amit has seen first hand the threats that America faces and worked to keep his country safe. [Link]

Here is his resume so that you can best judge his level of experience for yourselves. Singh is running as a Republican candidate against incumbent Democrat Jim Moran (provided Moran can win the primary first). That means that Singh’s main issues are the same as many other Republicans. Here is a sampling:

  • Lower the Corporate Tax Rate to encourage business in America
  • Punish companies who knowingly hire undocumented workers
  • Implement native country based guest worker program
  • Lift sanctions and trade with more nations
  • I am absolutely opposed to Homeland Security’s mandate for all the states to implement a bio-metric identification card for all citizens. There is no way the government can ensure our personal information is protected from highly motivated hackers and internal abuse. Instead of being more secure, citizens will be more vulnerable to identify theft and publication of personal information. The Real ID act also poses a major infringement on our privacy rights and civil liberties and I will not stand for it.

The Fairfax Times has more background on the race:

The Republican field for the seat has been fluctuating, with a few candidates that have already withdrawn. At press time, the apparent candidates for the Republican nomination are Mark Ellmore, Amit Singh and Dianne Kelly…


p>Amit Singh, 32, of Arlington, is also seeking the Republican nomination. His platform is “libertarian leaning” and advocates reducing the size and scope of the federal government.

Singh, born and raised near Richmond, graduated from the University of Virginia with a degree in electrical engineering. He now owns his own engineering firm that primarily serves federal agencies. This is his first foray into politics.

“A lot of this is a new experience to me, but I’m learning quickly,” he said.

His biggest issues are the federal deficit, preserving personal liberties and foreign policies, which he said are costing the United States financially. Singh said he has not yet begun the fund-raising portion of his campaign. [Link]

Singh also posts several YouTube clips of him addressing the voters on a range of issues. Here is one of him speaking about illegal immigration. He should know that Republicans like to hear them referred to as “illegal aliens” and not “undocumented workers.”



120 thoughts on “Amit Singh runs in The Real World of Virginia

  1. I’m not going to revisit the Christianity-question or the nama-drama, but I will say that I must be losing my edge in my old age…because I just caught up with this and a few other threads and the only thing I can think of is, some of you are mean. Mean-mean, like there’s no pleasing you-mean. I always thought, “no one’s perfect”, but after a year of moderating this blog and reading thousands of comments from you, I’m starting to think that perhaps I’m the only one who doesn’t know perfect people, since a lot of you have some damned high standards and you don’t find them unrealistic, at all.

    No, I haven’t looked at his resume. My concern has nothing to do with his candidacy or this post…it has everything to do with this mutinous community I am devoted to, and the larger online issue of being snarky/bitchy/an asshole, in an attempt to out-snark, out-bitch and out-hole whoever commented before you.

    It’s not easy to run for office. It’s not easy to be brown and running for office. It’s not easy to be brown and doing a lot of things. It is easy, however, to smirk and hiss, sans souci, while in an imaginary world where for the most part, there is no accountability. By no means do we have to support all browns automatically…but we don’t have to dismiss them, either.

    /dodders off in search of arthritis meds

  2. I’m starting to think that perhaps I’m the only one who doesn’t know perfect people, since a lot of you have some damned high standards and you don’t find them unrealistic, at all.

    I’m sorry Anna. I’ll go easier on…Eliot.

  3. It’s not easy to run for office. It’s not easy to be brown and running for office. It’s not easy to be brown and doing a lot of things. It is easy, however, to smirk and hiss, sans souci, while in an imaginary world where for the most part, there is no accountability. By no means do we have to support all browns automatically…but we don’t have to dismiss them, either.

    Not sure if I am included in the meanies, but FWIW, I’m not judging him by his age or work experience or any lack thereof. My sole point regarding his resume is to raise what appears to be an incongruity in that he claims to be the lead for a project which I’m not able to find anything on through Google. It is entirely possible that the only people who know or need to know of that project all have top secret clearance (which he says he has, on his resume), but that raises the question of whether he should (not as an office-seeker, but merely as an NSA employee) have that information on a document lying around on the public intertubes. Just to be clear, my comment #49 is not to be construed as an attack on the dude’s suitability for office (on which I have no opinion whatsoever).

  4. 52 · Manju said

    I’ll go easier on…Eliot.

    How kind of you, Manju! Hypocritical whore-mongers need all the help they can get.

    Speaking of mercy, I feel bad for Eliot’s wife and daughters. I was watching some cable news kerfuffle and the moment they started savaging his wife for standing next to him at the press conf, I changed the channel back to The N. Again, why are people so mean? Like she isn’t going through enough? Ugh.

  5. 53 · pingpong said

    Not sure if I am included in the meanies, but FWIW, I’m not judging him by his age or work experience or any lack thereof. My sole point regarding his resume is to raise what appears to be an incongruity in that he claims to be the lead for a project which I’m not able to find anything on through Google.

    No, no…I think valid criticism is just that– I’d much rather people discuss experience or resumes than religion. 🙂 FWIW, that “incongruity” also stood out to me, since people with clearances generally don’t discuss what we are working on. They. I totally meant “they”. 😉

    It’s fair of us to google something like that and it’s fair to be annoyed when we don’t find anything. It’s not fair or wise for his campaign/him to put such tantalizing tidbits out there. I was surprised he even mentioned the project.

  6. I just realized that in a few days, anyone searching for Project RHINEHART is going to find this page. It might lead to a messy situation, along the lines of:

    “You, Commenter of Sepia Mutiny, have been found guilty of uttering the name of our top secret project, and so, as a blasphemer, you are to be stoned to death!”

    “Look, all I said was that piece of financial management was efficient enough for Project RHINEHART.”

    “BLASPHEMY! He said it again!”

  7. Speaking of mercy, I feel bad for Eliot’s wife and daughters.

    I cannot imagine what these wives must be feeling, being dragged through personal humiliation for no fault of their own, and having to stand there in support, when the predominant emotion is probably to deliver forceful and repeated kicks to the nuts of their cheating hubbies. As for the tactical aspect of “stand by your man”, here’s an opinion in favor.

    As for Amit Singh, I really don’t have much of an opinion on him, except for skepticism about his trotting out the generic Republican talking points and codewords [To quote Abhi: “Singh is running as a Republican candidate against incumbent Democrat Jim Moran (provided Moran can win the primary first). That means that Singh’s main issues are the same as many other Republicans.”]

  8. 51 · A N N A said

    It’s not easy to run for office. It’s not easy to be brown and running for office. It’s not easy to be brown and doing a lot of things. It is easy, however, to smirk and hiss, sans souci, while in an imaginary world where for the most part, there is no accountability. By no means do we have to support all browns automatically…but we don’t have to dismiss them, either.
    /dodders off in search of arthritis meds

    Hmm…my points are more dependent on his background, past jobs / his company and his positions.

    Frankly, I don’t care anymore about the ethnic background, sex, religion, etc… of people running for office.

    As a person of Indian background, do I hold people of higher standards of the same background?

    Not sure anymore.

  9. he’s kind of hot, yah?

    (and that is not a reason to vote for him, just making that crystal clear)

  10. 8 · A N N A said

    7 · Ardy said
    Singh needs to change his name and religion (if he is not Christian) if he wants to get anywhere as a Republican.
    *smacks forehead*
    I’m not going to revisit the Christianity-question or the nama-drama, but I will say that I must be losing my edge in my old age…because I just caught up with this and a few other threads and the only thing I can think of is, some of you are mean. Mean-mean, like there’s no pleasing you-mean.

    Anna, I am at a loss to see why such an adverse reaction, could you please elaborate what I said was so out of place. I feel what I said is close to the truth, thats how the republican party works and if Amit (or any of us) believes otherwise, he would be doing his own political career a disservice. That does not mean that I think that the fact that his skin color or religion would matter is a good thing, but that it is one of those unignorable facts in Republican politics which he has to deal with.

  11. Desi and Libertarian? Amit – where were you all these years?

    In other news: Spitzer has resigned as Governor in order to spend less time with his family.

    M. Nam

  12. point taken. and i know what you mean about the meanies attacking silda spitzer. i just scrolled through a strangely snarky series of comments that totally dissed her (‘she looks like she needs a facial, a stylist, a good lay, a nap’ etc etc)

  13. The responses to Amit Singh on this post is so predictable because the comments come from some of the most bitter of second gen diaspora.

    I am Republican and did not have to change my name while I worked for the RNC or served in the Navy.

    My guess is, most of you are the products of the public-school system. These are nothing more than Democ-Rat re-education centers for the production of Marxists and other hate-America types.

    If you hate American society and traditional, normal Americans so much (Republicans) then there are daily flights to India, England and east Africa.

  14. “If you hate American society and traditional, normal Americans so much (Republicans) then there are daily flights to India, England and east Africa.” Take it easy mate – these are just friendly discussions going on here. Please respect differences in opinion and don’t reduce others to “America haters.”

  15. Ardy, I’ll agree with you that being Christian is pretty much a requirement for winning national office, but this isn’t specifically a Repub thing. After all we do have Obama, who I support, having to dispel rumors that he is a Muslim (some of which were spread by HRC staffers). You can bet a Buddhist/Hindu/atheist isn’t going to fare all that well with Dems either..trends in NYC and SF do not point to broader attitudes. You have working class racists who are too poor to be Repub and vote Dem for their increased entitlement spending. Union workers will often carry anti-WTO/NAFTA placards talking about the plight of Mexican corn farmers or Cambodian textile workers but who are we kidding.

    It doesn’t take much for a politician in India to be called anti-secular but here in the US all major candidates must reaffirm the Judeo-Christian basis of the country.

    · A N N A said 7 · Ardy said Singh needs to change his name and religion (if he is not Christian) if he wants to get anywhere as a Republican. *smacks forehead* I’m not going to revisit the Christianity-question or the nama-drama, but I will say that I must be losing my edge in my old age…because I just caught up with this and a few other threads and the only thing I can think of is, some of you are mean. Mean-mean, like there’s no pleasing you-mean. Anna, I am at a loss to see why such an adverse reaction, could you please elaborate what I said was so out of place. I feel what I said is close to the truth, thats how the republican party works and if Amit (or any of us) believes otherwise, he would be doing his own political career a disservice. That does not mean that I think that the fact that his skin color or religion would matter is a good thing, but that it is one of those unignorable facts in Republican politics which he has to deal with.
  16. 67 · Rajesh Harricharan said

    The responses to Amit Singh on this post is so predictable because the comments come from some of the most bitter of second gen diaspora. I am Republican and did not have to change my name while I worked for the RNC or served in the Navy. My guess is, most of you are the products of the public-school system. These are nothing more than Democ-Rat re-education centers for the production of Marxists and other hate-America types.

    For some reason, I thought US public schools only taught mathematics, science, language arts, history, civics, art, P.E., geography, library and research skills, & typing. Some even have good music and foreign language programs, depending on your area. Those subjects do not seem to be too subversive, unless there is something else going on that we need to be informed about.

    How does the public school system create Marxists and “hate-America types”? Are you talking about schools in this country (USA)? The American Flag is displayed with proper respect at all the public schools I have seen. School children at public schools recite The Pledge of Allegiance every morning. I truly hope that does not mean the students, principals, deans, teachers etc dislike the U.S.A. Lots of normal Americans attend public schools.

    My personal belief is that the USA is the best country in the world and I consider myself to be very loyal to the USA. Because it is a democracy, people have the freedom to create a two party system (or any number the citizens wish) to represent them in the government. If there was only one party ruling the nation, how would that set us apart from countries like Iran? I like having the freedom to vote for who will best represent and run the Country. In the past, I have voted for both Republicans and Democrats at the county, state and national levels (at different times, of course.)

    Just wondering if you can provide some details and any references to support the idea of public schools creating little Marxists. Do you have a viable solution to this problem? Sending all of them to various countries will be very expensive and a bit impractical. Most white separatists would love to see the non whites (liberal and conservative), marxists and whites (who don’t share the separatists’ views) leave the US and maybe they have better plans to deal with certain groups whom they consider a nuisance. Perhaps you can consult and get some interesting solutions from those white separtist folks.

    I have attended both private Catholic and public schools. The public schools I attended were more academically competetive and the Catholic schools placed more emphasis on religion and had expensive fees. Those are the only differences I noticed. (I don’t think one system is superior to the other,though.) That was my experience and perhaps things have changed with time. Honestly, I don’t recall citing the Pledge of Allegiance in the religious private schools I attended.

    Although I don’t know what a “Democ” is, I appreciate you pointing out the word “Rat” in Democ-rat. The rat is a very cute, hard working and furry little critter. It is one of the most adaptable animals ever and you can find them in deserts and the Arctic region and just about any place on earth.

    If anyone is stressed out over marxists, try relaxing and watching the entertaining Disney/Pixar movie Ratatouille. (I guess rats also provide inspiration to artists,comedians, and movie makers.)

  17. If there was only one party ruling the nation, how would that set us apart from countries like Iran?

    Because we are America, silly.

  18. If there was only one party ruling the nation, how would that set us apart from countries like Iran?

    Our party would have kegs.

  19. My personal belief is that the USA is the best country in the world

    As a Canadian I used to think Canada was the best, but my country is dying a slow death to a too easy to get in immigration policy, multicultrism and out of control PC white liberals. One only has only to look at the difference between South Asian communities between Canada and the United States to see why the USA is a best place to live in the world.

  20. So its basically a 3 page long techie Fed contractor’s resume, but what I don’t see is a GPA. Before I give you my vote, Mr. Singh, I need to know your GPA!

    BTW there are lots of desi Repubs floating around. Conservatives in power usually = lower taxes, better breaks for all us Desi docs, Subway owners, hoteliers, SW developers, etc.

    At least they did before Dub-Bushy.

  21. I just wonder if those who have the belief that the USA is ‘the best country in the world’ have traveled around a bit…In my country America is considered generally to have an abysymal record on government services provided for Americans. Healthcare and the fact that a lot of people live below the poverty line and have to work three jobs, something that is unthinkable here. I find it highly amusing to read comments on this blog about fear of, say, increased federal inteference in health care and pensions, fear of higher taxes. I’ve read literally a few times that the USA would turn ‘red’ or ‘marxist’ if better government healthcare plans were provided to the American people. If that is true, then the whole of Europe must be a Communists paradise! Why don’t you take a trip around the world without your ‘America is the greatest’ tinted glasses on. I’m offering an outsider’s perspective.

  22. I just wonder if those who have the belief that the USA is ‘the best country in the world’ have traveled around a bit…In my country America is considered generally to have an abysymal record on government services provided for Americans. Healthcare and the fact that a lot of people live below the poverty line and have to work three jobs, something that is unthinkable here. I find it highly amusing to read comments on this blog about fear of, say, increased federal inteference in health care and pensions, fear of higher taxes. I’ve read literally a few times that the USA would turn ‘red’ or ‘marxist’ if better government healthcare plans were provided to the American people. If that is true, then the whole of Europe must be a Communists paradise! Why don’t you take a trip around the world without your ‘America is the greatest’ tinted glasses on. I’m offering an outsider’s perspective.


  23. Rajesh Harricharan @ 67:

    I am Republican and did not have to change my name while I worked for the RNC or served in the Navy.

    Rajesh Harricharan on Aug 10, 2007:

    Kingsley, May be a good actor but I dont think he is in anyway Indian except by 50% blood. It is never too late to change your name. I changeg mine when I was seventeen to set myself apart from my family and their religion.

    Your name change may have been done for personal reasons (and I’m not criticizing your choice here), but could it be possible that you didn’t have to change your name while at the Navy or at the RNC because you had already changed your name by then?

  24. 76 · Meena said

    I just wonder if those who have the belief that the USA is ‘the best country in the world’ have traveled around a bit…In my country America is considered generally to have an abysymal record on government services provided for Americans. Healthcare and the fact that a lot of people live below the poverty line and have to work three jobs, something that is unthinkable here. I find it highly amusing to read comments on this blog about fear of, say, increased federal inteference in health care and pensions, fear of higher taxes. I’ve read literally a few times that the USA would turn ‘red’ or ‘marxist’ if better government healthcare plans were provided to the American people. If that is true, then the whole of Europe must be a Communists paradise! Why don’t you take a trip around the world without your ‘America is the greatest’ tinted glasses on. I’m offering an outsider’s perspective.

    I never said the US is perfect. Personally, I don’t think any other country in the world has so many schools/colleges/universities providing education for those willing to work. What percentage of Indian or Mexican or African children are in school learning basic skills? The public education system, health care, judicial system, and insurance industries here in the US are not perfect, but the average American does not suffer as much as an average citizen of China, or India. (Don’t get me started on our flawed(US) foreign policy and the crime statistics here, though.) The average poor person in the US will have some food(not the best, I realize) and may even have an old car but an average poor person in India has a much harder time getting food.

    Why are many Desis in India trying to get Visas to go the US, and go to US colleges? Indian Desis are even trying to come here despite India’s improving economy and job market. Perhaps there might be less of them applying for US Visas than in previous years, but many are still anxious to work here and get rewarded for their hard work. I don’t think too many Europeans, Canadians or Australians are trying to come here, but certainly many Mexican citizens, people from China, & Indians are very interested in settling in the US. Lots of Indian Desis are probably applying for other developed countries, but the US seems like the most popular choice.

    I have visited & stayed in Japan, Thailand, India, France, Canada, Switzerland, & Mexico. That does not make me a cosmopolitan world traveler, but I always appreciate & respect all the citizens & good aspects of those countries. No obnoxious,arrogant or ugly American here. And maybe things will change to the point where Americans want to leave the country for better economic opportunities, etc. However, I am grateful to be an American and if anyone can find a better country to live in, please enlighten us.

  25. Pingpong, You got me. Yes I did change my name when I converted to Hinduisim as the religion of my ancestors. My grandparents were the victims of presbyterian missionaries in the colonies. What I did was a correction. I have used my legal Indian name since. Except for my father I am estranged from every realative for my decision. This does not bother me.

    To Meena I have traveled widely while in the Navy and on my own. I still have to go to India.

    gm, Yo were very fortunate to attend one of the better public high schools.

  26. So this has all been great dialogue – anyone actually helping him out by donating?

    I doubt Amit is going to find much love here.

  27. Meena@76,

    I think grass is always greener on the other side of the fence for all parties. In general the conditions here in America is much better for average people than in many other parts of the second and third world. And Americans cribbing a lot about “detioration” here is because they demand higher standards from themselves and from the rest of the world.

  28. “· Rajesh Harricharan on March 12, 2008 08:52 PM · Direct link · “Quote”(?) The responses to Amit Singh on this post is so predictable because the comments come from some of the most bitter of second gen diaspora.

    I am Republican and did not have to change my name while I worked for the RNC or served in the Navy.

    My guess is, most of you are the products of the public-school system. These are nothing more than Democ-Rat re-education centers for the production of Marxists and other hate-America types.

    If you hate American society and traditional, normal Americans so much (Republicans) then there are daily flights to India, England and east Africa. “

    WOW, I don’t even know where to begin. First, let me assume that you keep your radio dialed to Rush Limbaugh and Neal Boortz. If not, it’s funny that you spout the same ideas that they do. I’m eager to hear your examples of the “Marxists and other hate-America” material produced in public schools, because I don’t think there is any. I attended Catholic school for 12 years and then public university – sorry, I couldn’t tell the difference. Are you upset that public school won’t teach intelligent design?

    “I am Republican and did not have to change my name while I worked for the RNC or served in the Navy. ” What capacity did you serve in the RNC? Sure, they’ll let anyone volunteer…

    “normal Americans so much (Republicans)” – Nice try. I don’t think Republicans represent ‘normal’ Americans. I’d like to think normal Americans don’t go cruising restrooms for gay sex or send sexually explicit text messages to little boys. And normal Americans don’t pay hookers $80k for sex. I don’t think ANY political group represents ‘normal’ Americans because no such thing exists. In a country this diverse, you can’t come up with a logical norm. Conservative, liberal, christian, hindu, muslim, straight, gay – WE ARE ALL NORMAL AMERICANS. BTW – most people would consider ‘normal’ Americans white. Sorry, you’ll have to get back in the boat with the rest of us.

    I actually think Amit Singh represents a good candidate, but I’d like to hear his take on Iraq and foreign policy.

  29. Rajesh Harricharan:

    Yes I did change my name when I converted to Hinduisim as the religion of my ancestors. My grandparents were the victims of presbyterian missionaries in the colonies. What I did was a correction. I have used my legal Indian name since. Except for my father I am estranged from every realative for my decision. This does not bother me.

    Uncomfortable as I am with your conflating of “Hindu” with “Indian”, I hope you find peace.

  30. pingpong, Thank you for your wishes because I hane found peace since I made the change (religion, name). Also I have Indian friends who are Sikh, Jain and muslim. It is a personal choice and whatever works for you.

  31. I actually think Amit Singh represents a good candidate, but I’d like to hear his take on Iraq and foreign policy.

    heres the foreign policy section of his website:

    Bullet Points:

    Foreign Policy Lift sanctions and trade with more nations Reduce military footprint in Europe and Asia Force Iraqi leadership to take control of Iraq and end occupation


    America’s most powerful weapons are its economy and culture. Currently, the US has no leverage with Iran and relies on European nations to negotiate nuclear talks. American business has the technology to process Iranian oil, which they cannot do by themselves. Lifting trade sanctions and partnering with Iran on oil and other parts of the economy will empower average Iranians to gain their freedoms back and help moderate a growing extremist society. Castro is a dictator artificially in power who could quickly become irrelevant if the US opened trade and helped Cubans gain the financial strength they are in desperate need of. I will strongly endorse fair trade agreements with all nations especially those whose diplomatic ties with us are strained. Its good for the American economy and better for global prosperity.

    Winning in Iraq is not about surges or troop levels but about self-determination. Iraqis must take control of their country and as long as the United States has an overwhelming military presence there, the motivation to lead their own country is non-existent. Asymmetric warfare is never won with military strength but rather with economic strength and personal freedoms. We need to set deadlines for the Iraqi leadership and begin a phased troop reduction. The military won the war in Iraq, afterwards our politicians lost control of Iraq and will forever ask the military to bail their failed policies out. We cannot expect our brave men and women to make such huge sacrifices without a light at the end of the tunnel.

    America’s standing in the world has diminished recently. Our weak dollar is one of several indicators of this. Foreign countries are far more attractive to new and innovative businesses and foreign investors are looking at our financials and turning the other way. With over 60,000 troops in Asia and 100,000 in Europe, the US military footprint is simply too large and costly to maintain. Those same troops could serve to protect our own borders and help stimulate the local economies. By exposing our economy instead of the military to the world, the US can bring peace to many of the world’s conflicts to include the Korean Peninsula, Palestine and Sudan.

  32. just wonder if those who have the belief that the USA is ‘the best country in the world’ have traveled around a bit…In

    Meena, bloody oath. I would make one minor correction – who have lived – not just travelled.

    However, it is true that USA is heaps better than most other countries. As to whether it is better than Europe or Down Under or even Japan, that depends on one’s personal choice. If you are a part of the inner city caffe drinking chatterati class, then Europe may be a better bet than the USA. And if you are a god-loving, car loving, gunslinger then USA may be a better fit.

  33. I think in the past you could say that some countries in Europe could be best in the world, but those countries now are in trouble due to the fact they let in newcomers who destroying the country from within.

    The one country that ranks up with the US would have to be Australia cause they thanks to great men like John Howard who said IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali, we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians”. “This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom”. “We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, Learn the language!” “Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture”. “We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us”. “This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, ‘THE RIGHT TO LEAVE’.” “If you aren’t happy here then LEAVE. We didn’t force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted”.

  34. I think in the past you could say that some countries in Europe could be best in the world, but those countries now are in trouble due to the fact they let in newcomers who destroying the country from within.

    I bet you’ve never even been to Europe have you?

  35. England is simply north Pakistan or Londonistan. France is Fraknistan and so it goes.

  36. I bet you’ve never even been to Europe have you?

    I bet you are wrong, so it time to pay up.

  37. England is simply north Pakistan or Londonistan. France is Fraknistan and so it goes.

    I wonder how long the major cites of Canada suffer the same fate.

  38. The one country that ranks up with the US would have to be Australia cause they thanks to great men like John Howard who said IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT.

    I dont agree with Suki or Howard on many things but on the issue of immigrants adapting – I fully concur. Over the last 3 months I have started noticing desi women in salwars in Melbourne and I dont get it. We have not had a significant backlash against desis in Australia but salwars may be the first step.

  39. 24,29: Oh the Irony is exactly right. So often “small government” Republicans are really for “big secret government contracts.” Outsourcing axes unnecessary labor? More like increases huge black box expenses. Sorry, but after 50 years of the military industrial complex that General Eisenhower warned us against, and enough blowback to fill a house with American blood wasted in the name of “American” (read: Corporate) interests (not to mentions an ocean of non-American blood drained for the same), I’m deeply suspicious of anyone whose finances are tied to our refuse-to-be-held-accountable military-intelligence industries. Security Hawk is usually just a fancy way to patronizingly say, “give us your money so we can waste it and kill people at the same time.”

  40. Over the last 3 months I have started noticing desi women in salwars in Melbourne and I dont get it.

    Oh, the horror! Why, oh why, can’t they just wear kangaroo pelt skirts and blow on their didgeridoos like good Aussies?