Kiss my … turban, HRC

As the Clinton campaign has suffered one defeat after another, the advice of Hillary’s chief strategist, Mark Penn, has been consistent: go negative. So yesterday, according to Drudge, a Clinton staffer leaked a photo of Obama in a turban to the press. The photo was taken in Kenya, and seemed obviously designed to raise fears that Obama was a “Manchurian candidate” a sleeper muslim trying to sneakily infiltrate his way into the White House:

Will voters find this turban disturbin?

With a week to go until the Texas and Ohio primaries, stressed Clinton staffers circulated a photo over the weekend of a “dressed” Barack Obama. [Link]

Clinton’s campaign did not deny its staffers distributed the photo, and Obama’s top advisers were quick to blast what it called an underhanded campaign tactic. [Link]

OMG – he’s wearing a turban! He’s a mooo-salim! Oooooga Booooga! Oooooga Booooga!

The campaign’s desperation comes as it finds itself strapped for cash, having tapped out its major donors. The irony is that HRC might have a few more paisas in her pocket if she had not suddenly decided her long time Sikh friends had the cooties and were too uncool to be seen with any more:

Mrs. Clinton also scuttled a fund-raising breakfast at a nearby fairgrounds where Sikh leaders had hoped to raise $1 million for her presidential campaign. [Link]



Given that she’s spent only $11 million this month on ads, that extra $1 mil would have come in handy, even if only for her donut tab.

How about this one?

Honestly, I’m pretty steamed at this latest gambit. I understand that politics is a dirty business, but part of the risk of going negative is the possibility that you might piss off voters … like myself.

However, instead of spewing irate invective, I’d rather spoil her game. The best way to deal with “scary” images is to normalize them. Below the fold are a series of photos of politicians either wearing turbans or next to somebody who is wearing a turban. Let me know if you’ve got more!

[UPDATED – ptr_vivek pointed us at a great photo of Bill looking quite dashing in a Rajasthani turban. Thanks!]

The only other turban wearing politician I could find was the mayor of Los Angeles, Antonio Villaraigosa. I want to give him huge props for wearing a turban given that he did so to promote civil rights, and did so without any money being donated to his campaign (the photo op was for a donation to a soup kitchen). The other three are Hillary (clearly), Bill Richardson and President Bush. Not so scary now are we?

196 thoughts on “Kiss my … turban, HRC

  1. “I read this as directed at Latino voters. He’s still largely an unknown to them, and they can be pretty xenophobic and Islamophobic. “

    You left out turbanophobic and bedsheetophobic.

  2. 50 · khoofia said

    When Prince Philip returned to jolly old ingLAnd from a trip to Papua New Guinea, he showed up at breakfast the next day sporting a giant koteka, a gift from his hosts.

    rival nobles with claims to the throne should’ve circulated the photos. royal poltics needs to get up to date.

  3. So Obama goes to Africa. Takes photos of himself in an african costume. And somehow Hillary is to blame. Twisted Yankee logic.

  4. Obama’s clearly not a Muslim from a post-Enlightenment “freedom of religion” perspective, but from a traditional Islamic perspective, isn’t he in fact a Muslim (or an apostate) b/c his father’s a Muslim??

    Except that his father’s a Catholic. And his grandfather appears to have been the first Muslim in the family, after trying out Christianity. (See Krugman’s piece in the NYT from this weekend.) I would say his time in Indonesia is more significant with regards to his relationship to Islam than is his father’s background.

  5. 54 · AG Except that his father’s a Catholic.

    Yeah, I’m not sure that that’s entirely a true statement (i.e., was father Catholic for his whole life?)–I’ve read otherwise (I will look around for authoritative links). Haha, keep in mind that I’m with the post-Enlightenment view that Obama is not a Muslim. I’m just curious about what people in say Saudi think about it.

  6. Yeah, on this question of whether Obama’s father is a Muslim, I find a lot of variety on the Internet, but nothing I would feel comfortable linking to (!). I’m probably missing a lot–is there any legitimate resolution of this (mildly interesting) question?

  7. You can find Billary’s photographs in pagdi and duppatta and publicize them but a white amongst the brown does not have the same effect as Obama in a turban amongst the brown/black. What convinced me of her duplicity was the statement “with people looking at Barack Obama in his native clothing, in the clothing of his country”.

  8. 2 · Suki Dillon said

    If you look at the picture of the post before this one, by Anna. There is a picture of man in turban in the background behind the premier of Ontario. In Canada you can find pictures of many polictians wearing turbans at sikh events.

    Dude, in Canada, you’ll find politicians that wear turbans on a daily basis.

  9. He’s Mr. Clean. I don’t think anything will stick to him because he’s so different from HRC and the Republican front runner John McCain.

    And I don’t know if the Repubs will recycle this photo again during the general election, that is if McCain remembers the South Carolina ads Karl Rove put out, but even if they do, he’ll get by because people are sick of the Republicans after 8 years of Bush.

  10. 46 · Manju said

    Y’know, you’d think a black man with a name that reminds Americans simultaneously of Saddam and Bin Laden would be a little susceptible to some xenophobia or racism. But so far, nada. In fact, scratch nada. Pictures come out meant to look like he’s going to the sucide bombers ball, and what happens, he opens a freakin’ double digit lead. WTF?

    You mean like this.

  11. but all HMF did here was surmise that “a majority” of white Americans are a trifle indisposed towards people with turbans. That seems kind of true to me, and I’m not coming from some sort of left-wing agenda–it just seems, well, true.

    I’m glad you were able to overcome your internal biases, and actually read the words in the text message rather than the username. And of course, it’s kind of true, namely because, it is true.

  12. That said, even though Muslims are (unfairly) viewed somewhat poorly by most Americans, it doesn’t mean that most (not all, but–seriously, most) Muslims don’t view a Hindu like me as a kuffar dog (even though we make a lot more money than them in the US–woot, woot, f-ckin’ woot to the n’th degree with a cherry on top! (esp. to the ones that think they’re better than me b/c they’re lighter-skinned–hahahahaha to the bank–thanks, dads!!)).

  13. it would be interesting to see how american attitudes toward muslims break down due to race or ethnicity. its entirely possible, as ennis points out, that the picture was aimed at the latino vote in TX.

    there’s been some press about how skittish many asians and latinos are in voting for obama (due to his race) in comparison to whites. wouldn’t it be ironic if at the very time whites are prepared to deliver a black president, asians and latinos say no.

  14. barack just knocked the Farrakhan question out of the park in the debate, denouncing and rejecting the vile anti-Semite and racist as Clinton attempted to corner him…bringing the crowd to their feet. nice. much better than his lame che response. with performances like that, obmama republicans may deliver him.

  15. 70 · Manju wouldn’t it be ironic if at the very time whites are prepared to deliver a black president, asians and latinos say no.

    Not really ironic, no–white Americans who are not “left out” of the modern world (like poor rural whites, for example) are pretty “modern” (if, indeed, not definitive of modern, along withe Euro and Japanese urbanites) so–, nor surprising that they’re less likely to vote on traditional grounds–my parents, for example, are way more into Indian stuff (even though they’re also more integrated into US culture than some desis) than your average, say, Italian-American at their SES level is into traditional Italian culture (the Italian-American is more likely to be into trans-national ‘modern’ culture).

  16. say, Italian-American at their SES level is into traditional Italian culture (the Italian-American is more likely to be into trans-national ‘modern’ culture).

    absolutely, thats the very function of white privilege. Discarrd your culture, assume whiteness and get rewarded for it.

    denouncing and rejecting the vile anti-Semite and racist as Clinton attempted

    Well, I don’t know what debate you were watching, but he denounced and rejected his clearly anti-semitic rhetoric, but did not denounce him as a human being, in fact he said Min. Farrakhan was free to say whatever he wants about him. (Does free speech only apply to Christians yelling merry christmas defending their slowly dwindling religious holiday?) And yes, he made Hillary look like a fool by pointing out the stupidity of her verbal nitpicking between “reject” and “denounce”

  17. Ok, you gotta admit that Bill looks much better in turban than Obama. The difference might be due to quality of those pictures 🙂

  18. I have no shame, or no problem, with people looking at Barack Obama in his native clothing, in the clothing of his country.” [itals mine] For any dim enough to have missed her implication, seconds later she brings up peoples’ right to wear “the clothing of their nation” yet one more time

    Wow – this is pretty serious stuff. Not only is she evil but she has her geography wrong. Obama’s father is from Kenya not Somalia. All this while I sorta felt sorry for Hillary – no longer. Time to shut down this Stephanie. Even though I cant vote, I am getting on the phone to call every single one of my contacts to let them know that they should vote against Hillary and she should lose after this scurrilous behaviour. I wonder how many commenters realize how divisive these statements of Stephanie. No self-respecting ABD /DBD should even consider voting for Hillary.

    Releasing the pic was probably not as offensive as the follow up statements.

  19. I think my favorite comment in the last week was HRC referring to Obama’s NAFTA comments (which are misleading) as “Rovean.” Hi pot, it’s kettle.

    I read this as directed at Latino voters. He’s still largely an unknown to them, and they can be pretty xenophobic and Islamophobic.

    Ennis, having campaigned in a few states in this election now, I can guarantee you that the Islamophobia is pretty widespread. I mean, you may be right (re: xenophobia), but it’s seems pretty evenly distributed… at least in my experience, which is certainly not representative.

    Manju, despite Obama’s performance, I’ve definitely met a fair share of voters who say they won’t vote for him because they think he’s going to “infiltrate and take over from the inside” (I kid you not).

    rob, I think Obama’s grandfather converted to Islam, his father (raised Muslim) converted to Catholicism, and Obama III chose Christianity as well. I think the polygamy throws people off, but it’s pretty common regardless of religious affiliation in Nyanza/Western.

  20. I have no shame, or no problem, with people looking at Barack Obama in his native clothing, in the clothing of his country.” [itals mine] For any dim enough to have missed her implication, seconds later she brings up peoples’ right to wear “the clothing of their nation” yet one more time
    Wow – this is pretty serious stuff. Not only is she evil but she has her geography wrong. Obama’s father is from Kenya not Somalia. All

    Last time I checked, Obama’s country was the U.S., so it sounds like her geography is off by at least a hemisphere.

  21. Last time I checked, Obama’s country was the U.S., so it sounds like her geography is off by at least a hemisphere.

    Yes, somebody needs to drive some sense into her. She had no business saying what she did.

    Obama was pretty awesome in the debate. He more than held his own all through, and given that he holds the advantage, it seems like Hillary can forget about measuring the drapes for the Oval Office, it’s curtains for her.

  22. Last time I checked, Obama’s country was the U.S., so it sounds like her geography is off by at least a hemisphere

    Bloody oath. The equator bisects Kenya – so not sure if the Hemisphere commnet is valid. If Obama is not American, I shudder for other immigrant children including all of SM. Hence my fury at the slander.

  23. Bloody oath. The equator bisects Kenya – so not sure if the Hemisphere commnet is valid. If Obama is not American, I shudder for other immigrant children including all of SM. Hence my fury at the slander.

    There are two hemispheric divides — north/south and east/west. I was referring to east (Kenya) and west (U.S.), although Obama’s grandma’s village (in Nyanza district) is most likely south of the equator. So the division holds either way. 🙂

  24. 7 · Ennis said

    But the Clinton campaign hasn’t denied it. They’ve hedged the issue.

    With all due respect, I think you’re trying to make something out of very little. Every presidential campaign. All it is, is an acknowledgement of the possibility that a staff member could have acted independently outside of the campaign. So, to deny something when you can’t say you’re sure isn’t a wise move, because if it DOES turn out a staffer leaked the photo, your denial will come back to haunt you. Every serious presidential campaign has thousands of staffers. Considering that vetting each one is damn nigh impossible, of course there may be one who would do something misguided while acting on their own. The implication that somehow this photo incident was devised or approved of by Hillary is ridiculous.

    It’s been said several times, and it bears repeating: THIS IS DRUDGE! If you’re going to take his word for something, you’d better make doubly sure you confirm something before accepting it. And a non-denial denial is not confirmation. If this were sneaky right-wingers attributing something to Clinton in order to make both candidates look bad, it would hardly be the first time in the history of politics that such a maneuver has happened.

  25. There are two hemispheric divides — north/south and east/west. I

    thank you. I was thinking only about the North / south divide. One that we down under dwellers are often aware of.

  26. With all due respect, I think you’re trying to make something out of very little. Every presidential campaign. All it is, is an acknowledgement of the possibility that a staff member could have acted independently outside of the campaign. So, to deny something when you can’t say you’re sure isn’t a wise move, because if it DOES turn out a staffer leaked the photo, your denial will come back to haunt you. Every serious presidential campaign has thousands of staffers. Considering that vetting each one is damn nigh impossible, of course there may be one who would do something misguided while acting on their own. The implication that somehow this photo incident was devised or approved of by Hillary is ridiculous. It’s been said several times, and it bears repeating: THIS IS DRUDGE! If you’re going to take his word for something, you’d better make doubly sure you confirm something before accepting it. And a non-denial denial is not confirmation. If this were sneaky right-wingers attributing something to Clinton in order to make both candidates look bad, it would hardly be the first time in the history of politics that such a maneuver has happened.

    Yep, so far, the only person who has said that he got it from Clinton folks is Drudge, something that the Obama campaign eagerly picked up on and reinforced. He’s used this holier-than-thou stance very effectively all through, well played!

    From the transcript:

    Matt Drudge on his website said it came from a source inside the Clinton campaign. Can you say unequivocally here tonight it did not? SEN. CLINTON: Well, so far as I know, it did not. And I certainly know nothing about it and have made clear that that’s not the kind of behavior that I condone or expect from the people working in my campaign. But we have no evidence where it came from. So I think that it’s clear what I would do if it were someone in my campaign, as I have in the past: asking people to leave my campaign if they do things that I disagree with.
  27. OBAMA!

    He plays hoops too! And he became a bench warmer for mouthing off just like me!

    Big up to all the skinny bench warmers with funny names!

  28. In Canada you can find pictures of many polictians wearing turbans at sikh events.

    Dude, in Canada, you’ll find politicians that wear turbans on a daily basis.

    Yes, there a few sikh policticans in Canada with a turban. But I was talking about white politicans who go to sikh events where they put on a turban to get the sikh vote.

  29. Apparently Hillary is so polarizing that even David Duke prefers Obama to her:

    Maybe David Duke just likes people with the name Obama. it could be the name of some of his new friends on some of his visits to the Middle East and the Arab world where usually makes some speech where he blames the jews for everything.

  30. “Obama: “I have been very clear in my denunciations of him…””

    Ladies and Gentlemen, Entering the ring, possessing an indeterminate amount of intellectual honesty and integrity, it’s.. misrepresentational manju.

    The very quote you pull, when extended to include context:

    “I have been very clear in my denunciations of him and his past statements, and I think that indicates to the American people what my stance is on those comments

    As for an outright rejection of his support, again from the very same link:

    MR. RUSSERT: Do you reject his support?

    SEN. OBAMA: Well, Tim, you know, I can’t say to somebody that he can’t say that he thinks I’m a good guy.

    when pushed:

    MR. RUSSERT: The problem some voters may have is, as you know, Reverend Farrakhan called Judaism “gutter religion.”

    OBAMA: Tim, I think — I am very familiar with his record [reg’ding those particular statements], as are the American people. That’s why I have consistently denounced it.

  31. Ennis writes: >>I read this as directed at Latino voters. …they can be pretty xenophobic and Islamophobic.

    I’m shocked. Simply shocked. How did this comment get past SM Intern (unless certain rules are not applicable to bloggers)? Passing negative judgement on an entire populace, stereotyping tens of millions of people with a brush of the keyboard?

    I bet you have many Latino friends.

    What if someone goes on some Latino blogs and posts a link to this comment? What will that do to SM’s image?

    M. Nam

  32. I think this race might be over. We are going to have nother teflon president (though this one will be smarter and not senile)

  33. wow so many things to comment on!

    First of all, with regards to rob’s comment about Muslims treating Hindus as “kuffar dogs” – that’s like me accusing Hindus of hating Muslims because they won’t drink from the same cup! (remember the short film The Little Terrorist? (or whatever the name was…) Faulty logic.

    I’m not sure Muslims would count Obama as a Muslim since he clearly does not call himself one. I do wonder, however, about how the Islamic zealots/”terrorists” will treat him if he’s the US prez. I can easily imagine them accusing him of being a traitor for leaving his religion, or some stupid ish like that – anything to drum up controversy and further their twisted agenda.

    Anyway, all that picture does is tell Americans that this man is a Mawzlem and a daggone African. Considering the attention placed on his church pastor’s Afro-centric comments, Americans that can’t trace their roots (drinking beer on St. Patty’s day doesn’t count) will use this as one more reason to vote against him.

  34. Nice touch with Bill wearing a turban… it’s sad to see Hilary and Obama accusing each other I really wished that if either won the election, the other person would be VP that’d be cool, but now it’s like a madhouse listening to their talk, the only objective seems to be to put the other person down… forget the issues or the republicans, it’s democrats eating each other up… geesh

  35. Rob,

    Are you serious in 69? I am sure there are many commenters here Muslim and non muslim who will take great offence to your generalizations.

  36. sad to see Hilary and Obama accusing each other I really wished that if either won the election, the other person would be VP that’d be cool,

    I really see it going one way, Hillary accusing Obama of wrong doing and campaign improprieties. Take the example of the fliers, of course, Hillary engages in the exact same thing, mailers, fliers, phone calls, emails, etc… Obama even said that Hillary is free to say it’s misrepresentative if that’s what she believes, but the notion that Obama is doing something egregiously incorrect whereas Hillary is playing nice nice is ludicrous.

    The problem is, every week she has a new selling point, first she’s experienced, then it was “Billary”, now she’s “the fighter”

    On a somewhat related note, I dont get it why she keeps pointing out the differences between their health care programs. Neither of them have genuine single-payer universal health care. Certainly not gov’t sponsored, and neither of them is a huge deviation from what exists now.