Introducing KXB

Please join me in welcoming the latest guest blogger to Sepia Mutiny, frequent commentor KXB. Unlike previous guest bloggers who’ve generally had their own prolific personal blogs, KXB’s presence has mostly been felt in his numerous, well-thought comments as well as his *several times a day* posting to the SM News Tab.

13 thoughts on “Introducing KXB

  1. So, we are going to see lot of “The Economist” inspired posts, and transnational economics discussion.

    I always enjoy Economist, even when they act as total fools, often they are not.

    Welcome, KXB.

  2. Don’t seem to recall anything from KXB, but if his field is business or the economy, I can’t wait.

    Let me take this opportunity to commend all of you on the fine job you are doing. There is definitely an SM sensibility and an SM style. Don’t you ever change.

  3. KXB, you are responsible for some of the most solid tips to the News Tab– now I can look forward to your posts, too? Yay!

  4. Welcome! Haha, I’m excited, I feel like this is a “get ready” moment 🙂

    [Floridian, KXB is ubiquitous on the news tab, but also has commented really consistently in the past]

  5. Niceeeee! About getting involved with The Mutiny, does having a blog titled “Debugging India” and writing about third world countries and how different the “flat world” works help? 🙂 Please let me know..may be I can write a thing or two for Mutiny. Shameless PR…I guess it is!

  6. The Mutiny only kidnaps the slightly unwilling, they only take those who are not expecting them. I’m just saying.