Do you know which Indian dude’s debut is the most hotly anticipated one of this Fall’s television line-up? No, it isn’t Sendhil “I can’t figure out how to speak in an Indian accent even though I’m Indian” Ramamurthy of Heroes. Nor is it Naveen “torture solves everything” Andrews of Lost. The dude that South Asian Americans have their collective eyes on is 12-year-old Anjay Ajodha of Texas. The question is, can he succeed in wresting the reigns of power away from the simpletons within a newly created society known simply as Kid Nation?
40 Kids have 40 days to build a brave new world without adults to help or hinder their efforts. Can they do it? These Kids, ages 8-15, will turn a ghost town into their new home. They will cook their own meals, clean their own outhouses, haul their own water and even run their own businesses including the old town saloon (root beer only). Through it all, they’ll cope with regular childhood emotions and situations: homesickness, peer pressure and the urge to break every rule they’ve ever known.
Will they stick it out? In the end, will these Kids prove to everyone, including their parents, they have the vision to build a better world than the pioneers who came before them? And just as importantly, will they come together as a cohesive unit, or will they abandon all responsibility and succumb to the childhood temptations that lead to round-the-clock chaos? Don’t miss this intriguing series. [Link]
SM readers, let me be blunt. Anjay is the best chance we currently have to demonstrate to the American public how utopian our society might become if super smart desi people were in charge of everything. The governor’s mansion in Louisiana just won’t cut it. More people will tune in to Kid Nation than will pay attention to Louisiana. The question on all our minds is, “will a group of young children between ages 8-15 allow a kid (that reminds us a lot of ourselves at 12) lead the way when left on their own?” Just look at Anjay’s answers to some questions CBS posed. I dare anyone to find more concise and honest answers in any recent Presidential debate:
Who have been some of the best U.S. presidents, and why?
George Washington – he managed to lead a young nation, and headed the conventions to develop the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution. Abraham Lincoln – he abolished slavery, and led the nation through the Civil War. Franklin D. Roosevelt – he established the New Deal which got the economy working during the Great Depression and instilled confidence in citizens during his fireside chats.Who have been some of the worst U.S. presidents, and why?
The US president that comes to mind, due to recent events, is George W. Bush, because I don’t agree with the way he is handling the Iraq war. [Link]
Also, is Anjay Libertarian? And does he know more about government than Fred Thompson?
If you had the power to change one or two things about our country right now, what would it be?
I would create a law that eliminates all budget earmarks – useless bits of spending. If earmarks are eliminated, approximately 78% of the US budget will be freed up to be utilized in areas where there is a more urgent need, such as the national deficit. I would also eliminate paid lobbying in an effort to give all parties involved in a dispute an equal voice. [Link]
Holy crap. 78%? Draft Anjay (or the parents that helped him write this stuff).
This was by far my favorite line. He isn’t just all brains. He’s got a bit of mountain man in him too. Anjay tries to explain that sometimes the camera crew got in his way and pissed him off:
![]() |
Council of Elders?? |
I didn’t like if they got too close and started interrupting us when we’re doing something important. Like I’m building a fire and my hands are in the fire, so I’m like, ”Get lost! I don’t want to burn myself here!”… [Link]
p>Grrrrrr. Fire. I must admit that I’m a bit apprehensive about watching Kid Nation in that I have no idea how it will all turn out. What if Anjay ends up falling into the roll of Piggy? I’d much rather he be a warrior-poet like Simon.
To understand Kid Nation, picture summer camp. In the Old West. With campers doing all the chores. As a group, they were told to make a society that works. Unlike LOTF the show doesn’t kill anyone off. And you didn’t need a conch to be able to speak. What they needed to do instead was hold council meetings, compete in showdowns, and try to win $20,000 each episode — in the form of a star made of real gold. [Link]
p>Is it horrible of me to suggest that the show might have wider dramatic appeal if someone got killed off?
What is your favorite quote?
There are three things which if one does not know; one cannot live long in the world: what is too much for one, what is too little for one, and what is just right for one – Swahili Proverb. [Link]
Are you KIDDING me? Swahili? Who is this kid? I predict the girls in Kid Nation will be on his jock.
I know, when I read his bio on the CBS website, I thought I was too negative about kids and the lines they are speaking. But this post here sounds just like what I thought: who is this kid! and whats with 78%!
this kid will make kid nation a nuclear power within the first 35 minutes of the show.
Perhaps, but does he have what it takes to tackle global warming??
Never mind.
Is it wrong that the moment I heard about this show, I started imagining something that ended up being a cross between that episode of the Simpsons where all the kids end up licking lichens off rocks for survival and Battle Royale?
No..its the funniest thing I heard all day :-))
That’s exactly what I thought of! Perhaps Anjay will be a brown Martin Prince?
As smart as this boy (or his parents) may be, anyone familiar with preteen television programming, specifically “Endurance” (think “Legends of the Hidden Temple” meets “Survivor”) on the Discovery Kids channel, KNOWS that pure intelligence and capability don’t usually win out. It’s whoever is the “coolest”, funniest, (whitest), and basically most socially manipulative that shapes the group dynamic and becomes top dog. Hopefully, if Anjay can’t become their first president, he can becomes its first revolutionary and overthrow his pimply-faced oppressors.
Isn’t this Kid Nation show just going to be a live action Lord of the Flies?
I personally think the Indian kid will be the one killed, er, I mean, kicked off first, and I predict, like the adults, the kids of Kids Nation will only tolerate 30 second sound bites using monosyllable words and will probably choose the kid digging for gold behind the outhouse as their leader…perhaps I’m too pessimistic. BTW, speaking of Louisiana, did anyone else notice that this kid bears a striking resemblance to Jindal? That picture of Anjay could totally be Jindal’s 5th grade mugshot!
is Anjay Libertarian?
Don/t libertarians consider Abe Lincoln to be one of the worst presidents? Mainly for having a civil war to abolish slavery which could have been abolished like many other parts of the world without going to war.
Did you read the hoops + hurdles the parents went through to get their kids on tv? The waiver included a laundry list of injuries, accidents, oversights, and– for good measure– STDs. Basically, CBS takes the kids, puts them on TV, and the parents just have to pray nothing bad happens.
I’ve also heard that the cameras will be rolling on any and all material, except for when the child is showering, doing #1, or doing #2.
But hey, whatever it takes to get your kid on TV, right?
hence the title of the post…
Ok, not that I admit watching it, but I’m having ‘Beauty and the Geek’ flashbacks! Overly intelligent Indian kid trying to cope painfully in an American society that values hollow and casual relationships. Basically what I’m saying is, dear god please don’t let him be piggy!!
Also, weren’t this kid’s questions a little TOO good? I mean, could my parents help me write why FDR was one of the best presidents? Unlikely! It’s a gift and a curse, I suppose….
Kid looks too goofy to be on TV. They should have chosen a cool Indian instead of a smart one.
I’m not quite sure what the point of the star is.. Also, it seems that the more the show interferes with the society (star, competitions, etc), the less valid or interesting the “experiment” is. Then again, it is a reality show.
This show seems like a stupid concept to me. There is no way that I would ever watch something like this. Also I hope they don’t show the kids getting into boyfriend/girlfriend relationships (which is something that happens in most reality shows) with the opposite sexes because it would be too weird to watch.
“…pure intelligence and capability don’t usually win out. It’s whoever is the “coolest”, funniest, (whitest), and basically most socially manipulative that shapes the group dynamic and becomes top dog.”
wow… that’s a large aspect of North American pubescent/adolescent culture…wait I think you also forgot to mention the token, light skin black guy named Tyrone/Tyrome who posses excellent athletic abilities who can also be top dawg but is generally viewed as being substandard to the (whitest) “cool” kid. Is there a “Tyrone/Tyrome” on the show who will also speak a touch of exaggerated urban black vernacular?
Super Desi Kid: “I believe we should adhere to a Keynesian welfare state.”
Token Light Skin Black Tyrone/Tyrome: “That’s wiggidy wack dawg, let Cool, Lead, White Boy be tha shot caller baller ya dig????”
Attractive Looking White Girl: “Ha ha ha ha… Oh Tyrone/Tyrome, you are so right! And I thought black people didn’t have an education.”
Cool, Lead, White Boy: “Your right Tyrone/Tyrome, forget Apu over there, also since I am more socially attractive (as I am a handsome, white, male, heterosexual, middle to upper-class, able body and highly manipulative) I should call all the shots and win this game show, agreed?
Attractive Looking White Girl: “AGREED!”
Token Light Skin Black Tyrone/Tyrome: “YEA DAWG.”
Super Desi Kid: “I’ve become peripheral once again…ain’t this a muhfuka!”
Sorry… I think I let my high school memories get the best of me
Would you be more comfortable if the kids were shown getting into a relationship with the same sex?
I wish I had thought of it. $$$$$
My views are probably tainted from my recent experiences in running a convenience store in Southern Georgia. I think the desi kid will NOT be accepted as a leader by White kids solely cuz of his brown-ness/lack-of-coolness/arab-ness and whatever other negative stuff that White people teach their kids about brown folks…I predict the Black kids will like to have him as ONE of the leaders as long as he doesn’t sound dorky/nerdy and they will still have another Black kid to balance him out.
Is Swahili the new Old Chinese? Can one just say any old crap like “Man who put head to railway track get splitting headache” and pass it off as a Swahili proverb?
I too pray he doesn’t become Piggy. I was at a corporate “group dynamics” session that lasted three hours. But within 3 minutes it became “find the tallest white man and make him leader”. The dude then delegates the task of coming up with ideas for the problem (building a catapult) to the Indians and Chinese and sorta sits in judgement over each of the ideas. Finally, the shorter white men join the Asians in putting together the device. I don’t know what would have been the black guy’s or the woman’s role if there had been one.
thats f-cking miserable. height and paleness dont count as leadership qualitites…
Firstly, who dares malign sendhil!!! The whole “Indianness” in that movie is so hokey and pokey, that his accent shouldn’t be a factor ;-P And I luuuuurve his accent.
If Anjay answered those with no one else’s brain behind it, then kudos and draft him, I say.
If not, we witness yet another parent pushed desi kid.
at #18: “that’s a large aspect of North American pubescent/adolescent culture” – I wouldn’t restrict that to the tweens and teens alone. Or 8 years back, Gore would have won.
Why do they always find the most socially awkward, pretentious, my-parents-still-cut-my-hair-with-a-bowl little brown nerds? This only serves to strengthen the belief that there are no average, well-adjusted brown kids in America. I really hope this kid gets kicked off early, I really do. If not for his sake, then to spite his parents. brown bhang, I sympathize completely.
why would you want to be average. the average person cant think straight, is ugly and has mediocre prospects.
c’mon, i think he’s cute! and really, how many of us were well-adjusted at the age of 12?
i just wonder why his parents wanted him on the show? i wonder why any parent would, actually. (is there a cash prize for the winner, or whoever?) but i wonder if this is his parents’ way of getting an early leg up in college admissions or something. ‘I was a pubescent reality tv star’
look at my beta! he is on tee-vee!!!!
How do people surmise that the kid is “socially awkward” or a dweeb? Is it based on his his responses? His looks? Is it just a projection of one’s own insecurities?
i think he will make lots of money doing the drycleaning..
a little from colomn a, a little from colomn b, a little form colomn c (i think).
1.) the smart articulate kid is never “cool” 2.) look at him. hes not the dashing football player that nabs the cheerleaders. hes the geek that wins the science fair. 3.) a lot of abd’s were in this boat in childhood.
Ugh. This is the kind of kid I would have HATED while growing up purely based on his answer to the favorite quote. Well … based on all his answers, really. But that Swahili thing just really did it for me.
I’m against the whole smartass-12-year-old movement. I know I should be the bigger person here and think, ‘Oh isn’t it swell that Anjay can expand on his political and historical opinions at such a young age’ or ‘Children are the future’. You would think, but nah, not so much.
Yeahhh, best of luck, kid.
There are three things which if one does not know; one cannot live long in the world: what is too much for one, what is too little for one, and what is just right for one – Goldilocks
y’all, look at them! only three or four of the older ones (the age range is from 8 to 15, which is just bizarre to me) look ‘cool’ to me by any standard. and there’s some nice diversity– TWO whole other Asian kids!! THREE Asian-Americans on ONE TV show?! We’re actually overrepresented on this one!
“If you had the power to change one or two things about our country right now, what would it be? I would create a law that eliminates all budget earmarks – useless bits of spending. If earmarks are eliminated, approximately 78% of the US budget will be freed up to be utilized in areas where there is a more urgent need, such as the national deficit. I would also eliminate paid lobbying in an effort to give all parties involved in a dispute an equal voice. [Link]”
don’t children just climb trees and fall out of them for fun anymore?
the other kids will be like that. they will run this kid over.
brown bhang @18: Liked your post!
But.. does the Super Desi Kid suddenly get street slang!? Wouldn’t he say something like “I think this whole Leadership Dynamics Simulation Experience encapsulates and exemplifies a base form of the resurgent Social Darwinistic atavism once common on the African savannah amongst humankind’s earliest ancestors, and must be rejected as a model for Leadership choice in modern American society.” 🙂
12 year olds is not too young to talk smart about politics. I followed the freaking presidential race between Carter and Ford on TV when I could barely read newspapers. (OK, so I am dating myself here). By the time I was 12, I was active reader on American and Indian politics. Sometimes, I wonder if I was smarter as a kid than I am now. I certainly read a lot of books back then.
As long as this kid doesn’t turn into a miniPradeep( VH1’s Pickup Artist viewers will know who I am talking about), I think he will be fine. There is a danger he could be like Surya on Apprentice if he is not good with his social skills. Has there been an Indian on Real World yet? I stopped watching it years ago, but I will catch one of those Real World Road Rules challenges occasionally which will pretty much give you a sampling of many seasons and I never see an INdian on there.
12 year old kids are not too young to talk about politics intelligently. unfortunately, that will get you run over on this type of show. the big dumb white kid whose idea as to how to run this town is that they should eat all their supplies in 1 day and play all the time will run over this kid.
Maybe I am getting to age where I can’t tell who’s cool and who’s not, but looking through the photos and reading interviews of the entire cast, I can’t pick who are the alpha jocks and queen bees. They all look like run-of-the-mill adolescent kids. (Though some kids do sound smarter than the others.) But no one seems especially geeky or especially cool, they are just little kids to me. And, of course, qualities like charm and charisma don’t come through from what little we know of them.
I guess I’ll adopt a wait-and-see approach before I make a judgment.
The American budget is not even close to being 78% Earmarks. I’m afraid he’s very inaccurate. Earmarks are a portion (and only a portion) of general domestic spending.
Anyone else excitedly anticipating a “Lord of the Flies” throwdown?
I wrote:
Okay I totally wrote that without reading the rest of Abhi’s post and his homage to Piggy. Mom always said to read all the directions first.
John wrote:
Tell that 12-year old who’s boss!
“There were no words, and no movements but the tearing of … earmarks and badly-balanced budgets.” Golding chuckles from his grave.
Wonder if Anjay’s folks were part of the lawsuit that accused CBS of violating child labor laws.
23 and #24,
There is a huge premium on height in corporate America, about 58% of fortune 500 CEOS are about 6 feet tall and almost 30% are 6 feet two inches.
yup. im not disputing that. i just think its f-cking miserable.
True, not only do you have to be white, you also have to be 6 feet tall.
thats why i plan to make my first $5m by my 40th birthday, and never work again. i hate this miserable $hit.