…but we promise to throw back the fish and not hurt them for real.
Folks, we have been writing on this blog and ruining your work-day productivity for almost three years now. We’ve had over 8 million visits, 4500 posts, and 143000 comments (all moderated by a single intern who is just not looking too good these days). Most of us are totally and completely burned out. We have been cooped up in our North Dakota bunker for so long now that we don’t even know what an i-Phone is. This is no way to live. It isn’t even fit for our monkeys. Some of us really need to take a break and get out and see some action once in a while (errrr…by which I mean play sports and go on vacation or something).
You may have noticed that the number of posts on SM have decreased in frequency over the past couple of months as everyone takes a bit of time out for themselves. This slow burn will continue through the end of the summer. We might bring in some new faces and lose some old ones but the Mutiny is not dead. Our new site admins are also working on more community-based features and on ways to make the News Tab more interactive by allowing commenting and ranking of stories there.
Enjoy your summer and please say hello if you see any of us outside of North Dakota on our walkabouts.

Being in the bunkers in North Dakota, surely you are used to ice fishing, by poking holes in your floor to the lake at the bottom? So with all that fish from the winter why go fishing in summer as well?
how about a summer meetup in NYC?
Thanks for all the hard work you guys do to make this great site!
hey guys….….i’ve been a regular reader of this site for close to 3 yrs now and i really appreciate all the work u guys have put in…therez not been a single week where i haven’t checked out the mutiny…blessed be thou all….n shamefully this is my first post in all these yrs…but i need to know…i really need to know…
are ny of u guys really situated in north dakota?……i’ve only seen it ever in fargo…
n whats it like for desis out there???
n do they really speak like the way the movie portrays(indulge me on that one)?
Hey Guys, (and Girls!) Have a fun summer. Relax, recuperate and regenerate! As it happens, today is exactly five months since I first came to SM. I’ve always felt that we who enjoy reading and interacting here do not thank you enough for all the hard work you put in – writing posts, researching issues and moderating this blog, and so freely sharing your sensibility, for what are ultimately rather intangible returns. I know it’s something you love doing, but still, the least we can do is salute SM’s vision, and express our appreciation to all the Mutineers, individually and collectively. So here’s another BIG THANK YOU from me.
I noticed the drop-off in the post frequency myself, but even more, there has also been a noticeable drop-off in the comment quality. Last week was certainly not one of the best in SM’s commenting history. Of course, you’re too nice to tell us this, but it really is the case that many of us on this side also need some time off, if only to hone our skills in analysis and repartee. Many others will be taking scheduled vacations anyway, or are already taking them. So this was just the right time to hang out the official ‘Gone Fishing (for a while)’ sign at SM!
Thanks all, and have a great summer!
how does one become an intern? what does the intern do?
You guys should hire bears to work there instead of monkeys…we never burn out…we do require hibernation tho…and hunny..lots of hunny.
It’s summer time, how about the next Texas meet up?
we’ll miss your witty and on-point posts, but… everyone needs to get some action sometime.
Oh yes, please! Youse guys are fabulous– how else would I have got through last winter? Here’s to you getting some action Abhi! Biggest monkey hugs to SM Intern!
Anna, don’t go away completely– The Papaya’s about to go on tour…..
A well-deserved break, to be sure. Although I wouldn’t worry about catching up to the iPhone. ^__^
And there are 140,000 commenters who need somewhere to go, eh?
Perhaps we could split them up between all of us…
enjoy our vacation 😉
my 5 year old nephew couldn’t pronounce the word vacation, so he said, “decashun”, so. enjoy your decashun.
What does this all mean!?!?!?
It means, “don’t yell at us if there’s only one post a day”. 😉
Fret not. It means that it’s summer and it’s time to be lazy: R+R, umbrella drinks, hammocks, mango lemonade, sundresses, aping corona ads, retiring the blowdryer, ice cream, meetups, lots o’ naps…ah, I love summer.
We all need and deserve to recharge and have some fun, if only to prepare for the “What I did during my summer decashun”-55Friday which will be here before you know it. 😀
Abhi, your post made me curl up in a fetal position, hugging my monitor in a corner of the server room. Thankfully, my insistent browser refresh popped up A N N A’s comment, which was like meth to a heroin addict. Now, I can listen to this song again without being wracked with chills and shivers!
Since there is still confusion, despite Abhi’s post:
Cranky = intern needs a break, too!
What are the monkeys doing? Surely feces-hurling gets tiring after a while? Get them each a keyboard, and get ’em working for their bananas, goddammit!
Calling me a bitch gets you nowhere. It’s also abusive and a personal attack, which makes it a violation of the comment policy. That’s why your comment got deleted.
Worst of all, you put intern in quotes…like there’s something wrong with slaving away underground for three years, for no financial compensation! Oh…wait…
Please stop trying to cause drama where there isn’t any. Abhi is just letting us know that things will be much slower at SM as we all take a break. There may be a post one day, there may not be one the next. That’s all.
chacaji, ur mean. lol.
Looking forward to what we get! =)
You can’t fish in North Dakota. Liar, liar, chuddies on fire.
Much love and respect to you all, a much deserved break, sing, dance, think, wink, rap, run, walk, sleep, do what you want and need to do. This world is getting a bit too barmy and not in a good way,
“the sun came up with no conclusions, flowers sleeping in their beds, the city cemetery’s humming, I’M WIDE AWAKE ITS MORNING!!â€
recharge and come screaming back
Amen to that…Mutiny ‘bhailog!’.
I feel like you’re … breaking up with me …
I need ice cream and a big spoon.
Let me find that bottle of Johnnie Walker..
Thanks for all the great work. The last time I was this hooked to a site was when Al first invented the internet.
Enjoy your summer you guys.
Jagjit Singh is so appropriate right now. Tum nahin Gham nahin sharab nahin Aisi Tanhayee ka jawab nahi…
Hang loose mutineers…..capri pants…tank tops….lungis……….and optional chuddies.
Enjoy your break folks!
I noticed the slow burn. But not to worry, I’ve made arrangements to put pics of Siddhartha and Naina on the back of milk cartons. If you two are reading this, please come home. We miss you.
This is a wonderful site, and we all wish you a speedy “recovery.” Thanks again!
and above all remember…. pot hurts 🙂
since 1st discovering SM back in Oct ’04, i’ve stopped by at least twice a week, posted once a month, and gone to half of the meetups in my town (anna – feel free to verify the attendance roster). your guys’ time off is long overdue.. enjoy yourselves on my behalf, b/c i’m low on vacation days and will therefore be stuck working all summer, reading only theonion.com for all my news gathering purposes in lieu of this exalted blog.
so sad, mutineers! my downtime coincides with yours, and i just discovered this blog. the crash is going to come hard and fast, but what to do? enjoy the summer!
i would be interested!
Seriously! Please come back and show us your awesome tan and share fun stories, while we slog away at our computers (or at least pretend like we do).
Happy hols!
It’s an extremely well deserved break. I always have trouble imagining how you guys keep this site going and live anything akin to normal lives at the same time. You have even take the time to respond to personal emails. I am in awe and feel most unworthy. Go get some fresh air, have adventures but do come back some time and share your wonderful insights.
sounds like a great plan! may you all have fun, warm and exciting summers!
Enjoy your summer! And don’t worry about the fish. Aquaman will protect.
ANNA, what does this mean for the book club?
Nothing. 🙂 We’re slowing down, not shutting down.
So, get your cute kundi situated comfortably, because you’ll need to finish Maximum City by July 9. Section 1 (there are three, total) will be discussed on Monday, July 2. I’ll try to put a post up outlining more.
You know what the first sign of a dying blog is, right? Putting up a “no, we’re not dead!” post. It’s a total cliche by now, please don’t conform to the pattern. You’re not sleeping, you’re just resting your eyes for a little bit, so remember to wake back up. =)
Beyond the fact that this is not a “no, we’re not dead”-post, I’m curious– what do you think they should have done? Left people in the dark about why things were slowing down? That’s what a “stronger” blog would do?
Have a great break!
Also, not to be alarmist or anything, but please be careful. If it could happen to Sandra Bullock, it could happen to you.
Angela Bennett’s a software engineer type who works from home and has few friends outside of cyberspace. Taking her first vacation in years she becomes embroiled in a web (sic) of computer espionage.
In the absence of posts, how about a Rahul-ticker at the bottom of our screens 😉
Enjoy your summer, everyone, esp Anna-Abhi-Amardeep-Vinod-Siddarth-Cicatrix-Naina-Ennis…
Sepia Mutiny is my primary link to the desi diaspora from right here in Buenos Aires. Without you guys, I wouldn’t even know about the happenings in the South Asian American community, especially Kashif Memon and Sanjaya Malakar. ¡Muchas gracias!
I’ve been a long-time lurker here since forever. I love this blog – and clearly you guys put in heaps of effort to making it such a fantastic read. Have a great summer and here’s hoping you come back super-recharged and refreshed!
You know what the first sign of a dying blog is, right?
Hey, we’re neither dead nor dying. Just last week we were quoted in the Statesman (India), the Chicago Sun-Times, and Reason Magazine. And we were linked to by the one and only Instapundit. And one of us (Anna) was on WNYC this morning as part of the follow up to the Obama Campaign’s infamous memo… Stuff is happening…