…but we promise to throw back the fish and not hurt them for real.
Folks, we have been writing on this blog and ruining your work-day productivity for almost three years now. We’ve had over 8 million visits, 4500 posts, and 143000 comments (all moderated by a single intern who is just not looking too good these days). Most of us are totally and completely burned out. We have been cooped up in our North Dakota bunker for so long now that we don’t even know what an i-Phone is. This is no way to live. It isn’t even fit for our monkeys. Some of us really need to take a break and get out and see some action once in a while (errrr…by which I mean play sports and go on vacation or something).
You may have noticed that the number of posts on SM have decreased in frequency over the past couple of months as everyone takes a bit of time out for themselves. This slow burn will continue through the end of the summer. We might bring in some new faces and lose some old ones but the Mutiny is not dead. Our new site admins are also working on more community-based features and on ways to make the News Tab more interactive by allowing commenting and ranking of stories there.
Enjoy your summer and please say hello if you see any of us outside of North Dakota on our walkabouts.

Oh oh, is there a link to the WNYC stuff from this morning?
You can download it here.
C’mon desi bachhon! Vat summer vacation? Summer is meant for enrichment courses in math or language arts, learning Java or SQL, or if you must goof off, visiting the Smithsonion for three straight days and turning in a report to Mom and Dad.
Now where is my fishing rod?
you forgot about doing spelling bees…
To all the Mutineers:
Have a great summer break but please, please come back. I am a recent visitor to the blog but its one bright spot in my day .Thank you for all the incredible effort you put in !
and science camp…and studying for the SAT (I and II)…readng a book every week, each complete with a book report (it’s not just for museums, floridian!)
HELLO???! [cough]Maximum City[cough]
Floridian, we’re just following our elders’ advice. … cultures are evolutionary by nature, and controlling their destiny is like putting the finger in the dyke. Enjoy …, and leave the reminiscing to us old fogeys.
Sepia Mutiny was also mentioned on Salon re: Obamagate.
Hope you have a great break!
Well deserved… you all do a great job. I hope you enjoy the R&R!
throws a drink in your face
It’s over you bitches, it’s over!
I didn’t mean it.
Come back! Come back!
Have a great summer break, guys!!! I am always amazed at the fact that you all are doing all these work on top of your regular jobs. !!!
Ok, since nobody has said it, I will.
Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
Let me just say that the fishing in North Dakota sucks (probably), so I fully expect you SM’ers to show up at my door in Minnesota, for proper fishing and such.
Have a good summer, kids..and Akka, of course. π
One needs to graduate from the Indian Institute of Technology and demonstrate brilliance in order to become an intern.
One needs to graduate from the Indian Institute of Technology and demonstrate brilliance in order to become an intern.
not IIT, MIT or cal tech.
Naah, they’re too busy pranking each other to be productive.
Enjoy the summer. I’m willing to wager that you wont be able to stay away. Not while there is stuff like this to talk about.
Abhi: Finally my dream is coming true. Does this mean you will have, and devote more time to do real “Fishing”? Good luck and God Speed to your whole gang in whatever they are after during this summer. I can’t wait for Labor Day when summer will be officially over and we will have some intellectual and otherwise dialog on this blog.
69 ” Not while there is stuff like this to talk about.”
Or this…
(Can’t SM have a Blogging for Dummies button or something to help people with links and stuff like that?)
ANNA, you shall be sorely disappointed if you think my SM book club comments will come anywhere near resembling a book report. i cannot even promise proper sentence structure! and since i probably won’t have finished nearly enough by the due dates, there will be lavish amounts of bullshitting, a la notting hill :
ak: what bits did you like the best? ANNA: you tell me which bits you liked the best, and i’ll tell what i thought of them. ak: how about the bits that took place in bombay?
ANNA: i’m sorry, ak, i’m going to have to give you a D- for this ‘book report’ (though points for knowing it has to do with bombay)
In case this has not been linked yet, here is Anna’s interview on WNYC that Amardeep referred to. Good stuff Anna!
God knows, y’all need the break. Take it easy, kids. The world will wait for you to regroup and recoup.
So here’s wishing you calm waters, smooth sailing, and clear skies. It’s summer, even in North Dakota. Climb out of the missile silo! Look, the sun’s out and the fish are finally thawing. Remember to wear your Off! and hang your food from a tree so the bears don’t eat you.
And also…the first one with a story that incorporates the phrase “And it was THIS BIG!” as a double entendre for anything besides fishing wins a free overhead halogen lighting for the bunker.*
*this contest only available to SM staff, interns, and commenters who are not ANNA or Rahul, and who can hit the refresh button at a frequency of 5Hz or greater.
I was sort of hoping Naina going to say something about Lisa Ling’s documentary ‘Slave Girls of India’ and Betty Nguyen too…
So, the other day I was at a bar when this annoying party of bachelorettes walked in, flaunting their gaudy decorations. One of them was displaying her tiara and how shiny and new and fancy it was. Another one was sashaying in her summer dress, and couldn’t stop talking about how pretty she was in it. The folks at the bar were clearly getting irritated, but how do you tell off a bunch of girls on their night out without seeming like a boor? Finally, this tranny couldn’t take it any longer, and quitened them by whipping out his boa. It far outstripped any of the fancy fittings of the girls. And it was THIS BIG!
So, that wasn’t the greatest story, but since Salil preemptively abrogated my first amendment rights, it will have to do.
I’ve been passively reading SM for almost 2 years now, and it’s about time you guys deserved a break. I love the idea of being able to comment on news stories. I was hoping SM would take it one step further and have some sort of discussion board, so we can ask discuss t topics that don’t get reported or blogged about or just inane questions in general.
And yes, do plan a NYC summer meetup – I wanted to stop by the last time when Talvin Singh was in Central Park, but the fairer(sic) sex ruined my plans.
Oh and one inane request – I really need a DVD or downloaded/ripped copy (decent quality of course) of Patwardhan’s Jang Aur Aman. I’ve been wanting to show it my Indian friends for months now, and I don’t feel like paying $450 for a VHS from First Run/Icarus. I live in Manhattan, so if someone could mail it or I can meet you somewhere and buy you a drink to thank you.
(Sunday’s) Summer’s to relax… Summer’s to relax… Some Summa season drama is callin up my desi mama
You all deserve a break! It has seemed that things have slowed, but to be fair, you told us all that that was happening. Wasn’t there a post ages ago about trying to find folks who maintain their own blogs to help pull them in to help ease the post-load? At any rate, you all are fabulous, summer is awesome. Here’s wishing you amazing sangrias on sunny front stoops and porches, or mint juleps if you’re in the South π
Also, I’m so excited for the SM book club. Perhaps we can just substitute posts with book club discussion for summer-only? π
Enjoy your time away from trolls, chill w/ umbrellaed drinks. DonΓ’β¬β’t go away for too long though. Soon India may have a woman as the supreme commander of the armed forces. A sardar backed by a nation of chicken tikka fanciers will take on India. So many stories begging to be SMed.
A sardar backed by a nation of chicken tikka fanciers will take on India. So many stories begging to be SMed. Perhaps we can have an open thread on the cricket matches, especially the one-dayers. The first Test starts on July 19th at Lord’s, btw.
I dub thee in the Name of the Mutiny the “Chicken Tikka” Series. Be cool, be chummy like. Rise, Sir C.T.!
Adjust the base and let the alpine blast, pop in my cd and let me run a rhyme, and put your car on cruise and lay back cause this is summertime.