302 thoughts on ““But now, all my dreams are broken.”

  1. i’ve been watching this movie over and over again. so disturbing. even i, the joker, have put up a blog post on this situation.

    as i do more research, i find that the population of dalit in india is very close to the entire american population: 250 million.

    these folks seem to be the authority on everything dalits, and how to help better their life.

  2. I was very impressed to see that so many people are concerned about it. In fact, I was so touched that I have decided to adopt 5 harijan families and treat them like my family members. Our family will build relationships with them and try to understand their difficulties. We will not hesitate going to their homes and eating; we will not hesitate in inviting them and their friends to our house for dinner. On various festivities, we will get together and celebrate together. I hope all those concered on the post-board do something similar – if half of the posting community participates then we would have affected close to 200 families. We can keep adding families to our list as we continue on this path of doing something rather than just commenting and feeling bad about it. I consider this to be my spiritual development and not a favor to any of these families. They are my divine brothers and sisters and I am going to try my best to see them in that light. Are you all with me?