How Dare You Insult My Papaya!


I’m getting really sick of the unnecessary hate.

Rocker Ozzy Osbourne pulled out of an appearance on “American Idol” because of a former contestant’s hairstyle, according to reports.

As IF. Since when is Ozzy Osbourne fit to judge good hair?

The Black Sabbath star was slated to duet with Sanjaya Malakar on last week’s season finale, but cancelled at the last minute.
A source tells the New York Post’s Page Six column, “When he learned he would have to do a duet with Sanjaya, Ozzie said he didn’t want to be onstage with that idiot.”

Yeah. Insulting Sanjaya Malakar makes you very, very cool. Very edgy.

Aerosmith star Joe Perry was called up as Osbourne’s replacement on the talent-search TV show. []

Perry, by the way, thought our Papaya was really nice. The video of their performance is here. Unlike some drug-addled has-beens who have the temerity to look down on such fruity goodness, Perry was a gentleman.

I’m not saying Sanjaya is perfect, but the level of criticism he receives is ridiculous and usually racist (though I’m not insinuating that race is at the root of this story). For bat’s sake, Ozzie– you could have said that you didn’t want to do the duet because young Malakar’s voice is awful, in your opinion, but there was no need to call him an idiot. Not when you yourself are guilty of THIS:

Osbourne admitted that, at the height of his drug addiction, he shot 17 cats:
“I was taking drugs so much I was a fucker, The final straw came when I shot all our cats. We had about 17, and I went crazy and shot them all. My wife found me under the piano in a white suit, a shotgun in one hand and a knife in the other”. [wiki]

Sanjaya should have said he didn’t care to be on stage with a cat-killer– oh, wait…he’s too nice and humble to do that.

52 thoughts on “How Dare You Insult My Papaya!

  1. p.s. This post is dedicated to a Drrrty DJ. I couldn’t have put together that visual if it hadn’t been for you. 😉

  2. Anna, Thank you for taking up cudgels on behalf of Sanjaya.

    While I am not a “Fanjaya” , I was really sick of the slyly racist angle that crept into the many critiques .After all the kid is only 17 !

    If that drug -addled, washed-up degenerate refused to sing with him , Sanjaya should be happy!

  3. I have much love for Ozzy.. He may have been around the wrong people and done some bad things, but he benefits society more than sanjaya does.. The tax he pays alone does more for society than anything sanjaya probably ever will.. And that’s not including any philanthropy he may have been involved in, every celebrity is, and I’m sure he has given to some organization or fund..

    There is also the scandal with sanjaya’s mom — apparently she either does drugs or sells them so she is no better than Ozzy..

  4. Aren’t Sanjaya’s 15 minutes up? If not, that’s the longest 15-minute time period in recent memory. Of course Ozzy should’ve been put out to pasture a long time ago…

  5. The tax he pays alone does more for society than anything sanjaya probably ever will.

    Um..well.. anyone who makes that much money should pay more tax ,I am curious, in your opinion Rich people are better than poorer ones because they do more for society by paying more tax ?

    No arguments with Ozzy’s music or talent he once had .

  6. Rich people are better than poorer ones because they do more for society by paying more tax

    Of course, the market has spoken.

    Similarly, older people are better than younger people because they’ve paid more tax over their lifetime.

    And people in California are better than people in Washington State because the latter has no state or sales taxes.

  7. Rahul, Excellent!

    Since I am definitely older than you and I do live in California , therefore I am better than you.

    If you disagree, you are thick, racist, casteist ,ignorant and pretentious *

    ( * I am getting inspired by a commenter on another thread)

  8. Runa, Sadaiyappan was once banned and he holds this against Anna. Take his comments with a lot of ipecac.

  9. Since I am definitely older than you

    How did you infer that?

    I also forgot to mention the inferiority of non-SS and medicare paying F1 FOB students in the previous comment 🙂

  10. Rahul, Because I am older than everybody here 🙂

    At least that’s what it seems like when they discuss this and I do not relate to half of what everyone is saying

  11. “Aerosmith star Joe Perry was called up as Osbourne’s replacement on the talent-search TV show.”

    This fact was discussed in 98.5 K-Fox, the radio station based in San Jose. The DJ, Greg Kihn, said that several listeners had emailed him saying that Perry had sold out. Kihn repeated the line “many felt Perry had sold out”; he and his friend speculated that Perry was doing it, not for the money, but for the publicity; and he concluded the segment with “Sanjaya is not fit to hold Perry’s guitar pick”.

    Me? I always felt Sanjaya had become a character and added humor.

  12. At least that’s what it seems like when they discuss this and I do not relate to half of what everyone is saying

    That could just mean that you are a prude 😉 Not saying you are, but there are alternative explanations to the age-thingie…

  13. Oh oh, maybe O\m/\m/Y has relapsed on cat shooting drugs or something? To call Sanjaya an idiot is cat killing mean.
    (I burst out laughing in the office reading this one)

  14. I am sorry for the Sanjaya fans but if I was ozzy I would have not have done it. I know the kid is only 17 but Ozzy does not need a rub from American Idol like it was stated earlier that dude is a rock god no matter how crazy he is.

  15. In the last few months, the IQ level of the posts on Sepia mutiny has taken a nose-dive. It coincides with A N N A writing more frequently and Amardeep posting less frequently.
    Paging Amardeep – Please save the mutiny from B-grade celebrity gossip!

    Know what I hate? When certain people decide that certain posts are below them, as if their taste is all that matters.

    You know what else I hate? When these same people resemble the left half of the equation at the top of this post. Anna’s first post today was about tension in Rajasthan over reservations/caste. Guess you didn’t see that post, you were in too much of a hurry to complain.

  16. Unlike some drug-addled has-beens who have the temerity to look down on such fruity goodness, Perry was a gentleman.

    Actually Perry & Ozzy aren’t that different when it comes to the drug addled part… he and his wide-mouthed band mate Steven Tyler had the well earned nickname of the “Toxic Twins” in the 70s:

    The Toxic Twins is a nickname given to lead singer Steven Tyler and lead guitarist Joe Perry of American hard rock band Aerosmith. They were given that name in the 1970s, due to their rampant use of drugs & alcohol both on and off stage, which was a “toxic” combination that almost ended their lives and their careers.

    Perry just seems to have a higher tolerance than Ozzy.

  17. Thanks Anna!

    We know how the Papaya is one smart macaca…and Ozzie watsit is so not Joe Perry. The Sanjaya news remains good though, despite all the backflack. Momjaya is desicool. Will Ferrell is happy, Jordin Sparks told AP she’s a Fanjaya. I mean, this kid has sung and danced with Donny Osmond and Joe Perry after he got voted off AI and Paul Shaffer called him a superstar.

    So anyhoo, I went to the Asia Society for a seminar yesterday, because Aasif Mandvi and Yul Kwon were talking about changing the image of Asian men. One topic was the restrictions in the media on depicting Asian men as sexual beings, as discussed here not long ago. Afterwards we got to talk to the panelists, and I asked AM about his take on Sanjaya. He said he can’t sing, which I decided not to get into (I still think/know he can, and apparently strut better than Mick Jagger, though he gets out of breath without enough practice. Look at these pretty pics on HuffPo)but so anyway I asked what about how Sanjaya’s blown the sexuality issue wide open. AM said it was teenybopper sexuality (though of course ninety year old women write in, too, and who knows?) so since it’s not good to argue loudly at cocktail parties, I just said, like, not that there’s anything wrong with that. Did I convert AM? or make him rethink? Don’t know…he did do the Partial Birth Abortion skit, even if, as he said, the writers put that together.

    Anyway, thanks to my daughter, I’m four degrees in one direction and three in another, so I’m a very happy Fanjaya. One thing though — I didn’t like that most of the Think Different type giant people AI showed while introducing Sanjaya were all assassinated (MLK, Gandhi, Lincoln, JFK, Andy Warhol).

  18. … on HuffPo)but so anyway I asked what about how Sanjaya’s blown the sexuality issue wide open. AM said it was teenybopper sexuality (though of course ninety year old women write in, too, and who knows?) so since it’s not good to argue loudly at cocktail parties, I just said, like, not that there’s anything wrong with that. Did I convert AM? or make him rethink? Don’t know…he did do the Partial Birth Abortion skit, even if, as he said, the writers put that together.

    Anyway, thanks to my daughter, I’m four degrees in one direction and three in another, so I’m a very happy Fanjaya. One thing though — I didn’t like that most of the Think Different type giant people AI showed while introducing Sanjaya were all assassinated (MLK, Gandhi, Lincoln, JFK, Andy Warhol).

  19. Hahaha, No Desh, I was thinking the saaame thing. No offense, Runa, perhaps just a little sheltered? 😉 [again, I keed, I keed]

  20. Prude or prune ? Not much of a choice eh ?

    Awwww! Runa, even geriatrics deserve love! 😉

  21. Joe Perry commented on this story and called it a “load of crap”. Pretty sure he was referencing the idea that Ozzy backed out at the last minute and that Joe was waiting around as a last minute replacement. Aerosmith is embarking on a world tour in the Middle East and India. I don’t think Perry would be twiddling his thumbs, jumping for the chance to play on American Idol. It was planned well in advance that Perry would be performing with Sanjaya. I don’t know how this asinine quote came out, but please. Why would a show like Idol, that has so-called family values flying out of its wazoo, invite Ozzy to play?? Wouldn’t it offend the masses in conservative America? Something doesn’t fly right here.

    Oh and I’m just a lurker here, but I must say, I love Anna’s posts. You may just consider these to be insipid pop culture posts, but they are very relevant to how Desi’s are influencing American society. Think outside the box. This isn’t just a silly talent show. Malakar represents the new wave of brown that is contributing to the makeup of American popular culture.

  22. Rahul, Because I am older than everybody here 🙂

    Ok, that convinced me 🙂

    At least that’s what it seems like when they discuss this and I do not relate to half of what everyone is saying

    Not everyone does, Runa.

    My question is what Dole does for you. Not this one.

  23. Sometimes, I think we go overboard and everything gets turned into a brown/discrimination/us vs them issue on here.

    Maybe Ozzie meant that Sanjaya did not take the singing part seriously when he called him an idiot. Wasn’t the show about singing? Sanjaya’s crazy hair could not make him better than other participants who had genuinely better voices. And those are them facts peepul.

  24. we’re all overlooking two key points:

    1. Ozzie was not just an alcoholic. He took many CNS-depressants, hallucinogens and stimulants over a very long period of his life. All of which have fairly unknown (long-term) effects on cognitive functions. Perhaps he thought the man asked him about performing with some dandified serval

    2. Ozzie is not renowned for his ability to clearly pronunciate words in the English language. For all we know (the reporter too), he probably said, “B-b-b-b-b-l-oooody r-r-r-r-right Am n-n-n-n-not performin’ wit some b-b-b-b-blooody f-f-f-f-f-felin! You s-s-s-s-some kyna idiot?????”

  25. 2. Ozzie is not renowned for his ability to clearly pronunciate words in the English language.

    hahaha —- it’s called a Birmingham (Brummie) accent

  26. Sorry, I didnt mean that to sound sarcastic, it’s just that the Birmingham accent that Ozzie has really does sound kind of slurred and flat and drone-like, it’s just the way it is, and it’s funny that you thought he has a kind of speech impediment, although I’m sure the drugs have made his tongue a little lazy too! He just sounds like regular Brummie to me.

  27. yes but he does have a very noticeable stutter and that’s really what makes him unintelligible in the best of circumstances. Long-term use of the aforementioned substances has definitely worsened his speech impediment. you can see the veracity of this position by examining any of his recorded material where, as if by magic, the stutter and most of the accent disappear.

  28. Well, he just sounds like stoned Brummie to me, don’t really have a problem understanding him.

  29. I rememeber watching him on the Frank Skinner show here, a chat show, and he mentioned going back to the house he grew up in in Birmingham, which is now owned by a Pakistani family. He told a funny story about just ringing the doorbell of the home he was born and grew up in and hadnt visited for 30 years or something, just to take a look around, and how this very shocked Pakistani couple were confronted with the sight of Ozzy Osbourne in full gear, the way he told the story was hilarious. Anyway, they invited him in and drank tea with him and stuff. I doubt he’s racist about Sanjaya, probably just being weird. His wife is a celebrity and presents the X Factor with Simon Cowell which is like the original version of the American Idol show, so he knows what it’s all about.

  30. Wasn’t Cowell kicked out of the pop idol show, that’s why he started X factor?

    Metal-heads may correct me on this, but Ozzy’s a bit naff innit? Can’t think of a single good song he has done, mind you “iron man” had a good riff.

  31. Never found Ozzy the least bit interesting and couldn’t stand the hype surrounding his show. Joe Perry, on the other hand, has held up nicely despite the toxic twin past.

  32. Ozzy was apart of Black Sabbath, the band which revolutionized rock music. Sanjaya is apart of a corporate kareoke contest. Ozzy FTW.

  33. Black Sabbath, the band which revolutionized rock music.

    I think you overestimate the “power” of the “dark side” here. I think bands such as Joy Division/New Order, the Cure, Pink Floyd, U2, and the Sex Pistols had equal if not further reaching influences (granted, some of them came a bit later in time).

    But, I do agree with your sentiments regarding Sanjaya, the wunder blunder. But then again, to be fair, Bono didn’t have the best voice on albums such as Boy, October, and War. In fact, I’d say his voice really didn’t “mature” till the Joshua Tree.

  34. If Ozzy didn’t want to sing with a no-talent loser, why did he agree to go on AI in the first place?

    Ohhhhhhh yeah. I went there!

  35. You know, Kathy Griffin did a piece about how she was at the AMAs and Ozzy was hobbling around with a cane, just mouthing off. That has-been should’ve been humbled to be asked to perform with one of Idol’s current tabloid headline-grabbers. Idol stopped being about music a while ago — it was just for the fun of it and I’m glad that the Aerosmith fella rose to the task where Ozzy would’ve hobbled and probably collapsed on stage from trying to “outsing” Sanjaya.

    Sidebar: I give Sanjaya mad props because he’s been milking his publicity like wo. That’s some real talent. Jordin Sparks, while the superior singer, has zero personality in comparison.

  36. I just deleted the last five comments. It’s the weekend, everyone. Please relax. I don’t like closing threads.

  37. All I said was Sanjaya is not Indian??

    And now people are comparing this whelp to Bono? Christ guys, wake up.

  38. I don’t believe this story for a second. First it came from the “NYPost” and they make up crap all the time and they got Joe Perry’s name wrong they called him Steve Perry WTF?. Second Ozzy blasted Simon in an interview just last week on how he treats people on Idol and Pop Idol. He said Cowell should get up on stage and show them how to preform. Third there is no way AI could get Joe perry on such short notice. So I don’t believe the story for a second. But Sanjaya and Ozzy on the stage together would be TELEVISION GOLD!!!

  39. That illustration of Ozzy at the top of the post is hilarious and true.

  40. Well I don’t watch American idol. But Ozzy is not renowned to be rude unlike Simon cowell(from the few videos I have seen on youtube). I don’t believe he said it. And even if he did, I don’t think he meant it in a racist manner. Anyway Ozzy is God.

  41. SM Intern: Could you delete # 4- please? ( and ban this person if possible ) Thanks!

  42. There a very good chance that Ozzy may have said that he wanted to perform with Sanjaya. But 90% of the time when Ozzy speaks very few people have any idea what he is saying. So the people at AI may have misunderstood what he said.

    I only saw his show a few times, but when Ozzy spoke the only thing I understood was “Sharon!!!!!”. Other then that I have no idea what he saying.

    As for the NYPost mistaking Joe Perry for Steve Perry. That just wrong. As good as Joe Perry is, he is no Steve Perry.

  43. Could you delete # 4- please? ( and ban this person if possible )

    Awww Runa, I thought you knew I was joking about the “prude” comment…

    Nick – Please do NOT in any way, shape or form take from my statement that “people are comparing this whelp to Bono”. I think this Sanjaya is just an untalented “whelp” (to reuse your appropriate word) who has enjoyed more than his share of 15 minutes in the spotlight (he does know how to milk it, that’s for sure) due to, no doubt, the fanning of his flames by “desi” sites who want to usher more publicity towards him strictly because of that fact, not due to his actual singing talent [or lack thereof]. It’s kinda like giving sympathy to a poor, mangy mutt who is drenched out in the rain and elicits the “awwww” response. Somehow that has gotten warped in to affirmation of his “ability”. Of course, that’s just my opinion.

    My only comment about Bono was to show that it took his voice a while to mature, but even in its raw state, it was light years ahead of Sanjaya’s – no comparison [to my ears].

  44. Hey NoDesh,

    No offense taken 🙂 That was for an offensive commenter who thankfully was deleted by the SMIntern!