India’s Next Top Hot College Chick

It sounds pretty simple:

1) Put up a website called “India’s Hottest College Chick Contest

2) Sit back in Chandigarh, Punjab (where the owner of this site resides) and collect all the “hot chick” pictures emailed in.

It makes me wonder why we didn’t call our website “America’s Hottest Desi Blog-Lurker Contest” (although I may still lobby my bunkermates for this change).

Does anyone actually fall for this kind of crap? I had questions:

1. What is India’s Hottest College Chick Contest?

– India’s Hottest College Chick is an all-online contest. The contest shall take place totally online. The contest shall be full of interactive content, contestant related stuff, games, debates, interviews, clips, podcasts, vote-outs, attitude and loads of masala! The winners shall be adjudged on the basis of voting only. The contestants shall actively interact with the audience.

2. Who wins the contest and how?

– As stated earlier the contestants who remains till the end i.e the one who survives throughout the vote-outs and the contests shall be the winners. The top five shall be awarded prizes. The last remaining shall win the grand prize of Ddamas Jewelry set….

3. Can I participate?

– Ofcourse! You must follow the minimum eligibility criteria of being a girl first(Phew!). [Link]

If I use the phrase “kids these days!” does that mean I’m officially old? But seriously, what the hell? Can any dude with a web address become the next Hugh Hefner? And this little entry from their blog made me squirm:

Just a 48 hours after opening up with the registrations and a few (Indian)Broadband issues later we’re finally on! With nearly 57 registrations the moderators Raman and Ish are having a busy time compiling and reviewing profiles and sending approval mails. [Link]

“Compiling and reviewing?” Is that what they call it nowadays?

27 thoughts on “India’s Next Top Hot College Chick

  1. 11. Is this cheap? Will I need a swimsuit?

    • A Big NO! It’s an all-online contest so you don’t need your mumma-pappa permissions. Moderators shall make sure the contest is run clean throughout. You will not be made to wear swimsuits and walk the ramp unlike other beauty contests. Nudity in any form shall not be tolerated. Moderators shall make sure nothing obscene is displayed/communicated to any voter/contestant throughout the contest. Offenders shall be banned from the website.

    I personally like the following:

    1) you don’t need your mumma-pappa permissions. Thank goodness, as this adds an air of legitimacy to it; some advice though, when mumma-pappa find your picture on this contest (and that you’re a part of it) you may need help finding a new place to live!

    2) Nudity in any form shall not be tolerated. Well, I suppose nudity shall not be but let’s just see how closely they stick to the following point…

    3) You will not be made to wear swimsuits and walk the ramp unlike other beauty contests. So then what are they going to be dressed in?

    You’ll have to pardon me on this one; somehow the term “hottest” seems to beg for something “sexy”, and sure you could make the argument that these will just be gals wearing either traditional or “western” hotness factor, but if you don’t want to degrade the contest couldn’t they have just come up with a better word than “hottest”? Like “most beautiful” or something? Maybe it’s just me…

  2. Do you think it’s a coincidence that the web site is Looks a lot like PUNK’D 🙂

  3. It makes me wonder why we didn’t call our website “America’s Hottest Desi Blog-Lurker Contest” (although I may still lobby my bunkermates for this change).

    Hmmm… I’ve been lurking for months… sounds like fun! But a paradox, yes? Because anyone who participates is no longer lurking. In fact, by this comment I have disqualified myself. What a shame.

  4. ha, am I the only one waiting for them to put up the pictures? I wouldn’t mind checking out some Desi Hotties

  5. I think it’s a pretty cool idea – going through the site initially I actually didn’t get the same vibe you did. I would never participate in something like this, but I think it’s a fun way to take something that traditionally happens in a real world setting, and move it online. But maybe I’m being a bit too naive =)

  6. I think its a brilliant concept. His only problem is the age limit of the participants which says they should be 16+. I’m not sure about this but the age of consent in India is 18, I think.

  7. Sounds like a good idea if they actually follow the rules. Makes me wonder are there any websites like Facebook for colleges in India?

  8. what is the difference between ‘India’s Next Top Hot College Chick’ and an indian pageant in the US? bunch of kids came up with it and organized it? and use simple terms like ‘hot’and ‘Phew!’? i give props to them

    besides the fact that they allow 16-years-olds on their website, i don’t feel there is anything wrong on this website. the pics haven’t even been uploaded and it’s already a controversy. wait for it show up. you’ll see it is not all that bad.

  9. But seriously, what the hell? Can any dude with a web address become the next Hugh Hefner?

    If so many people that too in the west can easily send money to Mrs Mombasa in Nigeria to win Mr Dead Mombasa’s multi million dollar fortune what’s so hard about stupid chicks sending semi nude pictures to a website? Come on Abhi you gettin ole! 🙂

  10. Makes me wonder are there any websites like Facebook for colleges in India?

    jeet: there is..i read about it while in india in november in india today or something like that.. i can’t remember what it was called offhand, however they were mentioning how they were ‘behind the times’ compared to the US and other countries with friendster/myspace etc..

  11. A lot of folks in the motherland, or recently out of it, use Orkut. A friend reeled me into it a few years back, but I’ve left my account idle, checking it maybe once in a year, if that. It’s kind of lame, but whatever floats your boat, I suppose.

  12. I’m not sure about this but the age of consent in India is 18, I think

    What the heck does that have to do with anything? All anyone’s doing is sending a photo in, right?

  13. The grand prize is jewelry worth about $600. Little Asha will not be sending her photo in for another 17 years and 5 months. Now America’s cutest baby, as Jay-Z says on Panjabi MC’s Mundian To Bach Ke “that’s another storaay”

  14. Hah. Don’t have much to say about it except that this idea is a tad pathetic.

    I used to have facebook and orkut and such, but it became pretty lame after a while (especially after facebook was opened to non-collegiates).

  15. These things always turn into barely legal photoshop porn. It’s a sad state of affairs when Indian college women, who already have to beat out thousands of other students to get the remaining seats in their respective institutions, feel the need to add “India’s Hottest College Chick” to their resume before moving onto higher learning, the workforce, or more predictably, And for jewelry? Really? Why can’t anyone encourage “India’s Most Sensible College Chick”? Maybe she doesn’t own a grainy webcam…or like being referred to as a chick….

    Oh well. I suppose this is what people call the halcyon days of youth and we should somehow label this is as “progress” and let kids feel the repercussion-free joys of being kids.

    And for the sake of being ironic, I’m 20 years old.

  16. @Antahkarana

    because there is no market for such contest? Also who cares whether is progress or not. Not everything we do is progressive. We do something for fun. Its another matter that this is not your idea of fun 😀

  17. Not everything we do is progressive. We do something for fun.

    Yeah, I know. But somehow the idea of 16 year old girls sending in their pics to guys no one has heard of before makes me uncomfortable.

  18. I think its a brilliant concept. His only problem is the age limit of the participants which says they should be 16+. I’m not sure about this but the age of consent in India is 18, I think.

    I don’t think anyone in India really pays attention to laws regarding the age of consent. It would be a bit hard to have child marraiges if the laws are followed

    [sarcasm] Besides, everyone knows that a girl becomes a woman on her 16th birthday. She starts menstruating, the boobs pop out, the whole she-bang, everything on her 16th birthday. One day before her 16th birthday, she is a girl. As soon as the clock hits midnight, she transforms into a maal. It’s magical actually . The magic lasts for exactly 8 years, though!! On the 24th birthday, she somehow loses her “charm” (and hence becomes unmarraigable) Every woman in India magically transforms from maal, to bhenji on her 24th birthday. [/sarcasm]

  19. [sarcasm] Besides, everyone knows that a girl becomes a woman on her 16th birthday. She starts menstruating, the boobs pop out, the whole she-bang, everything on her 16th birthday. One day before her 16th birthday, she is a girl. As soon as the clock hits midnight, she transforms into a maal. It’s magical actually . The magic lasts for exactly 8 years, though!! On the 24th birthday, she somehow loses her “charm” (and hence becomes unmarraigable) Every woman in India magically transforms from maal, to bhenji on her 24th birthday. [/sarcasm]

    hahaha =)

  20. But somehow the idea of 16 year old girls sending in their pics to guys no one has heard of before makes me uncomfortable.

    Myspace? Internet chat? Hot or not?

    Let the kids be kids!