Oh, All Right. But You Asked For It

READERS are blowing up the tip line asking us to cover the story below. Here’s a sampler:

  • “Where to even start?”
  • “I think the title says enough”
  • “I think this one is fairly obvious”
  • “interesting/ridiculous contrasts between public health awareness vs. outrageous journalism”
  • “I think it’s pretty self-explanatory why this is interesting. Scientific fact? Post-colonial subjugation through emasculation? What do desi women (or gay men) think?”

You asked for it. And here it is, via the BBC:

A survey of more than 1,000 men in India has concluded that condoms made according to international sizes are too large for a majority of Indian men. …

Over 1,200 volunteers from the length and breadth of the country had their penises measured precisely, down to the last millimetre.

The scientists even checked their sample was representative of India as a whole in terms of class, religion and urban and rural dwellers.

The conclusion of all this scientific endeavour is that about 60% of Indian men have penises which are between three and five centimetres shorter than international standards used in condom manufacture.

This news is the top item in William Saletan’s science round-up this morning in Slate, which offers a translation of the key finding for any macacas that aren’t down with the metric system:

Thirty percent of Indian men are 1 inch short, and another 30 percent are 2 inches short.

Cue up another round of outrage, snark, statistics, exotification and sundry manifestations of sexual anxiety. As you can see, two of the tipsters left comments questioning the reporting of this story. Media hype? Colonial plot? Lou Dobbs?

Speaking of sexual anxiety: For those of you who read this site because you are considering becoming involved with a diasporic macaca, I would caution that you not jump to any conclusions about his member until you’ve had a chance to inspect it for yourself. Emigration leads to changes in diet and other health factors, which results in changes in body type. Just because your macaca’s grandpapa might have had a teeny weeny doesn’t mean your wholesome, corn fed, suburban cul-de-sac raised American desi shares the predicament. Whew!

Discuss. [Previous Sepia jimmyhat analysis here.]

444 thoughts on “Oh, All Right. But You Asked For It

  1. It’s fabulous how much evolutionary science we’ve had to discuss this week on SM. Tonight everyone will be eying each other with a totally new perspective.

    It’s been a wretched week for youz Abhi. You entered a thread with some game, left with none and now your mojo has been marginalized and made miniscule.

  2. What? You’ve never heard the famous geet “Lundiyan to Bach Ke?”

    Dude, its your characterization. How do you generalize from one funny/dirty song to conclude that there is something known as

    The diminutive Punjabi penis

    ? It’s one thing when non-Punjabis make silly Punjabi generalizations (see any Hindi film or TV serial with a sardar in it–always the buffoon), but for a Punjabi to make such a generalization on such a topic?! Traitor! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Listen, I am not going to be at the meetup next week, because one of my new favorite desis is coming to visit me

    John Abraham is going to be in LA?

  4. not so “hard” to believe that the people who wore tights for generations would want to divert attn to those who wore dhotis and lungis for much longer…

    someone forwarded me the Reuters article on this study, with a personal disclaimer that i thought you all might appreciate:

    Don’t panic, ladies and gents. A very reliable source mentioned that Kashmiri men were not measured for the said study. The same source also told me that Kashmiris are not only blessed with long noses, but also other long appendages. Because our forefathers spent hundreds of years in Pherans, which not only kept them warm during cold months, but also allowed things to hang free, enabling gravity to help maximize growth.
  5. You’d think wouldn’t you? Fortunately I swing my bat for a high average. Game on.

    You’re batting for a woman you don’t have? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    That’s like being a fulltime pinch runner.

  6. 262 comments and not one mention of the imperialist attack on saffron balls?

    I mean, look at the, um, organ reporting this propaganda – the BBC?

  7. John Abraham is going to be in LA?

    Errr, second favorite ๐Ÿ˜‰ I actually haven’t decided if John Abraham is my utmost favorite desi. I think my #1 favorite may have been from my law school…

  8. Since I have a predilection for brown men, I can say with some confidence, that having over the years done some research on the matter, that I am more often than not, pleased with the package that my desi brothers pack. During my early university days, I did go through a period I’d like to forget, which I would refer to as my “white phase”. Have to say, that the desi men measure well ahead. And, in T.O., when I gup-shup with my various hags, the consensus is that brown is a good way to get down (except I do hear that lasting ability leaves something to be desired with our straight brothers). So, straight and gay brown men, despite this research, your rep on the street is safe still (at least in Toronto).

  9. Why is everyone taking this to mean that Indians are shorter than average? Where does it say that anywhere in the article?

    Here’s what it actually says (from Slate):

    “But data collected in Mumbai till 2001 showed that 60% of the participants measured 126 to 156 mm in length”

    Converting the above, 60% of participants are between 5″-6″

    How is this any different from what the Lifestyle Condum Survey of Americans concluded back in 2001?


    A study by Lifestyles Condom Co. shows that … about two-thirds of the 300 college-aged men ranged from between 5.1 and 6.2 inches.
  10. How do you generalize from one funny/dirty song to conclude that there is something known as The diminutive Punjabi penis

    It’s not a real song, but a pun I created by combining “Lund” with a famous caveat by Panjabi MC. Plus, desitude made that assertion, not I.

    It’s one thing when non-Punjabis make silly Punjabi generalizations (see any Hindi film or TV serial with a sardar in it–always the buffoon), but for a Punjabi to make such a generalization on such a topic?! Traitor! ๐Ÿ™‚

    For the record, I’m not Punjabi, I’m Poonjabi. @=) And I’ve always maintained that my Poonjabi brethren are hung like a an ox and even require their own gopi for proper care and maintainance.

    262 comments and not one mention of the imperialist attack on saffron balls?

    Ahem Mine are thankfully safe from crafty leftwing-cabal and commie bastards who wish destroy Assertive Nation and 20 million years of Vedic virility………..but for how long? Glorious Hindu lunds were the basis for the Egyptian pyramids 140,000 years ago but now Abrahamic pinko-fags traitors like John Abraham are diluting the Saffron Balls and thereby slowing down the Hindu Rate of Growth!

    Death to John Abraham and his chota lund! Hail PunjabiFemale and her gigantic saffron balls!

  11. Err…Northern Indian men have relatively bigger penises. Punjabis etc…mmm mountain men.

    Yes that is a generalization and yes that comes from personal experience. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Had to share of course.

  12. I don’t know if anyone has noted this, but about a year ago? there was a bbc article on E. Asian dicks. I paid attention since I was dating the owner of one. They got told their dicks were no shorter than anyone else’s. The averages broke down along the same lines as the rest of the (I’m assuming western?) population. Still its fun to see how the guys get all riled up about it.

  13. Roonie — really? there are hot desi guys in law schools??

    I back her up on that one. I eat my lunch at UCLA Law just to gawk. Pied Piper, you act surprised… ๐Ÿ˜‰

    This thread has been fun. I wonder what people’s 55 fiction on THIS topic would be…


  14. this study is a goddamn lie and when i find the evil-doers responsible for this outrage, i will beat them over the head with my gigantic indian cock.

  15. I also have to say, this is awful reporting, sensationaliized and meant to belittle south asian men. It could have instead focused on the AIDS epidemic in India and discuss how to get Indian men to use condoms rather than pushing very sensitive buttons. Ridiculous!

    I think in typical naive and oblivious desi old people’s fashion, the researchers in the study had no clue that there was anything to their research but the terribly interesting question of condom slippage frequencies. Its interesting why this article is so interesting to readers of yahoo and the bbc. Does this have anything to do with globalization? Maybe it has to do with resentment of the desi diaspora? maybe desi guys need to be taken down a peg or two? does it humanize us? is this just a welcome comic relief from the majority of international news? or is the international community really that interested in our lunds?

  16. because if they are just interested in our lunds, willing subjects are surely near at hand to dispel myths and restore faiths

  17. You cannot clap with one hand. It takes two to tango as the cliche goes. So the size of the lingam by itself is meaningless unless coupled with the right size yoni.

    According to the size and depth of their private organs male and female partners have been put in three categories. These are Shash (rabbit), Vrish (bull) and Ashva (horse) for the males and Mrigi (doe), Badava (cow) and Hastini (she-elephant) for the females. Shashak (rabbit) males have a small phallus, Vrish (bull) males have normal size phallus. While Ashva (horse) males have extremely large phallus. Mrigi (doe) females have extremely small cunt. Badava (cow females have normal sized cunt, while Hastini (she-elephant) females have extemely large cunt. A union of Shashak (rabbit) male with Mrigi (doe) female, of Vrishu (bull) male with Badava (cow) female and Ashva (horse) male with Hastini (she-elephant) female is well matched because the sizes of their private parts are equal to one another. There are six kinds of unmatched union between these types of partners, viz. Union of Shashak (rabbit) male with Hastini (she-elephant) or Badva (cow) females, union of Vrish (bull) male with Mrigi (doe) or Hastini (she-elephant) females and the union of Ashva (horse) male with Mrigi (doe) or Badava (cow) female.

    This is from the most ancient and chief saffron balls himself.

    Somewhere else, he defines small = 4 inches, normal = 6 inches and large = 8 inches as the distribution with outliers on both ends left out.

    So people it’s not one size fits all, but the matching sizes of the yoni and lingam that is important. So there!

  18. Its all funny now; but here we have tangible evidence of our ‘inferiority’, brought to you by the ‘credible’ western media. no its not about taking the brown man down, though I can see the bbc editor laughing, but it will live with us, just like desi=IQ 80 lives with us – and gets tiresome when one hears it repeated for the 500th time (that IQ biz of course is meant to take the step out of the model minority, and is also allegedly ‘credible’). and the net makes all things worse: ppl just wont say to your face what theyll say here. Hairy backs, small dicks, and stupid : sigh.

  19. So the lingam can’t find the perfect matching yoni, then go for high unions.

    but it will live with us

    risible, Only for an insecure person with an inferiority complex and who chooses to play by these rules of bigger is better. For someone secure in his sheath, it’s like water off a ducks back and an opening for some mirth and fun.

  20. “Aji Chinchpokli ke Lalubhai, aap aa jayiye. Ramji aap note kijiyega: 6 inch 4 cms. nahin, 3 cms, nahin 2 cms. Arre bhai, thanda ho rahe ho kya?”


    So vat IS the average penis size that we desi dudes fall so short of?

    Sigh. Short. Hairy. Fat. Unhealthy. Old-fashioned. Chauvinistic.

    And I thought we desi dudes had enough to deal with. Sigh.

  21. Hairy backs? Wax ’em. Aveda will charge you like $30 for the entire painful process. Or get a buddy with Nair in to do the job.

    We, the gays, despite appearances to the contrary, generally don’t have severe issues with the size of the dong, unless one’s a bottom, in which case, you learn why the phrase “size queen” was coined. Sometimes it’s nice to have something to hold on to, but it’s not really that much of a big deal. (Hee. “Big” deal.)

    But in my experience, most desi men really do need to work on that whole “lasting more than a few minutes” thing. Once in a while it’d be nice to make a night out of it.

  22. This is no surprise.

    If we men had bigger sizes India wudn’t have been bullied by every pimply neighbour

  23. If we men had bigger sizes India wudn’t have been bullied by every pimply neighbour

    Speak for yourself..

    Anyways, this whole condom misfit thing can be blamed on Congressional earmarks.. I’m looking for the link right now..

  24. From a NYTIMES article

    “The NYTimes has an excellent article on how foreign aid is often more about aiding local companies than aiding foreigners. It’s a familiar story but told with a wry look at condom production in Alabama where for decades billions of condoms have been manufactured for USAID and other programs despite the fact that costs are much lower on the world market.”


  25. Apologies to the real Spoorlam for the lame attempt.

    No, that was fun, DJ_Dirty_P. Sorry I missed your earlier reference back in #37!

    All I wish for now is an exhaustive statistical critique by Razib on the subject.

  26. After reading the info before the cut, looking at the number of comments made me laugh out loud. I had this image of hundreds of desi men going “Oh hell no…”

    In other news, anyone read about the spray-on latex condom that they’re working on?

  27. What exactly is ‘international standards’? Europeans? America?

    East asia makes about a quarter of the world population. That should certainly bring down the average international size.

    Combine that with the fact that South Asia makes for almost another quarter of the population and it seems unlikely that Indian men would deviate much from ‘international standards’ when in fact India should have the 2nd largest influence on international standards.

  28. 267 ร‚ยท VJ on December 8, 2006 08:38 PM ร‚ยท Direct link Why is everyone taking this to mean that Indians are shorter than average? Where does it say that anywhere in the article?

    Here’s what it actually says (from Slate):

    “But data collected in Mumbai till 2001 showed that 60% of the participants measured 126 to 156 mm in length” Converting the above, 60% of participants are between 5″-6″

    Is that what the study indictaes??????? Can anyone else testify to this please? And if that is so, then this some more bullshit. The article illustrates a totally different picture! Post-colonial subjugation through emasculation? I definetly think so! The “theme” of this article of course will be added to the many negative stereotypes of Desi men. I think it’s time to create stereotypes of white western people not only to “clap back” at them like they shoot at us but also to deconstruct white hegemony which I think is going to be reinforced using the bullshit conclusions of this study. Here is an small example of such a tactic, please note, that this mock site of wikipedia takes shots at everyone and everything! http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/index.php/White_people

    Macacca’s stand up!

    And if someone says that you have a small penis because your Desi, either a) measure your penis on their forehead b) slap them in the face with it c) knock them the F*#!$ out (with fists or if your not like that then with words) or d) be a chumcha, coward or kutha and accept it and do nothing.

  29. razib writes:

    i’ll go first, i have a 21 inch cock

    I think the expression is: I am a living, walking tripod.

    M. Nam

  30. Glad someone mentioned this:

    i think there was a reference to bhojpuri baingan (eggplant of bhojpur) in that. hmm… i take it biharis do quite well in this space. somebody got lucky there. *wink*wink* *nudge*nudge*

    I’m reliably informed, however, that “bhojpuri baingan” is a reference to the rondure of Bhojpuri breasts. Anyone want to back me up on this one ?

    Back in the `80s, the top folk smash-hits in the Hindi heartland were two casettes entitled “Harami Kela” and “Bhojpuri Baingan”. The former is somewhat more germane to this thread, right ?

  31. Mahesh,

    I think the study indicates nothing , and there are so many things not said. Its a litmus test. Non desi people are interested in our lunds. For some reason. Why? I don’t know. We all know we have nothing to worry about in this department, I am firmly convinced.

  32. Is that what the study indictaes??????? Can anyone else testify to this please? And if that is so, then this some more bullshit. The article illustrates a totally different picture!

    Its really shoddy reporting on the part of yahoo, bbc, and the TOI. They put a definite negative spin on the subject.

    To add to what I said in my first post, based on the international standard condom size (160-180 mm) and the following data (reposted):

    A study by Lifestyles Condom Co. shows that … about two-thirds of the 300 college-aged men ranged from between 5.1 and 6.2 inches.

    we can come to the same conclusions about Americans:

    “Condoms made according to international sizes are too large for a majority” Americans (66% to be exact)


    Condoms designed to meet international size specifications are too big for many American men as their penises fall short of what manufacturers had anticipated


    Initial findings of a Lifestyle Condoms Co penis survey revealed that 66 percent of American men on spring break in Cancun had penises about 2.4 cm (one inch) shorter than those condoms catered for.

  33. “But in my experience, most desi men really do need to work on that whole “lasting more than a few minutes” thing. Once in a while it’d be nice to make a night out of it.”

    That’s hardly a brown phenomenon. Remember Missy Elliot’s “One Minute Man”? She wasn’t rapping about Indians.

    Richard Pryor had a great take on it – that most men lie about their stamina, but he was honest with himself. “I’m good for about 4 minutes of serious f******, and then I need 8 hours of sleep. And a bowl of Wheaties.”

    Seinfeld – Of course people lie about sex. People lie during sex.

  34. GOOD JOB VJ!!! I HOPE PEOPLE READ YOUR POSTS TO UNDERSTAND THE WHOLE TRUTH. And I think that Sepia Mutiny should blog about this issue once again TO SHOW THE WHOLE TRUTH. No disrespect to Sepia Mutiny of course, keep doing your thing!

    Like I previously wrote, if anyone questions your shlong because your a Desi, put them in their place and smack them with it in the face!!! yeaaaaa boi!!! And NO I don’t have an infatuation or fetish with hitting people in the face with shlongs.