See you macacas tomorrow

Social life: Macaques troops average 20 with many males and females. Separate troops may sometimes join to form temporary groups of more than 100. All members in the troop have a well-defined rank. In many, the rank is inherited from the mother. … Females form the permanent core of the group, while males transfer from among groups at least once in their lives, usually before they breed. They are fierce primates and will offer stout resistance to potential predators. [Link]

Your final friendly reminder for the NYC meet-up.

35 thoughts on “See you macacas tomorrow

  1. Hehehe more….

    Females mature at 2.5-4 years, males at 5.5-7 years. Female to male ratio about 2-3:1. Males transfer from among groups at least once in their lives, usually before they breed. Females appear to form the core of the group and males are fiercer among each other.

    George Allen did not realize how aptly he described the brown race 😉

  2. do any of you guys have an idea if they’re screening the michigan vs. ohio state game at the cafe ?? lol

  3. There’s one line of macaques (in a snowy, cold climate area) that has a habit of lounging in natural hotspring pools munching on fruit. Macaques are cool. They like chillaxin’. 😉

  4. so I just got home after the meetup. Holy shit. y’all are good people, and I’ve missed you much.

  5. so I just got home after the meetup. Holy shit. y’all are good people, and I’ve missed you much.

    Timestamp on that says 4:48 AM, so that’s what, like 5 or 6:48 AM in New York? Holy shit indeed.

  6. Early verdict on the meet-up: a solid success.Probably 40-50 people came through at various points. Details to come, along with hopefully photos from Preston + JOAT a.k.a. the Almighty Queens Posse.

  7. OK I just woke up hung over as hell and I cant remember the last time I got home at 5:30 am!! And I swear it only ended for us cause we were falling apart and turning into pumpkins. Pics should be up in a little bit 🙂 You guys are da bomb!

  8. I can’t believe u guys beat me to it! I just woke up at 415 pm after going to bed at 600 am. My body doesn’t recover as quickly as it did a few weeks ago. JOAT, was the pumpkin comment a jab at my govinda orange sweater?

    i mentioned this last night but what an incredibly un-nerdy group of ppl the mutineers are and ahem ahem good looking too. Maybe it’s a NYC thing. Oh no he di’nt. Unfortunately there was no flame throwing which is what a lot of lurkers were hoping for.

  9. Next time I’ll def. stick around longer – but I had such a great time meeting some of you. Didn’t get around to all the big name, but it was worth the trip nonetheless.

    Heart you, JoAT!

  10. JOAT, was the pumpkin comment a jab at my govinda orange sweater?

    You of all peeps my eyecandy are anything but a pumpkin!

    Heart you, JoAT!

    Girl I heart you too!

    JoaT – we need names with those pictures!

    Hmmm I need the peeps in those pics to tell me its cool to reveal their supersecret identity and I’ll put them on there 🙂 Until then everyone is free to guess the picture and the identity it goes with.

  11. sorry i missed it… looks like it was a great time. sadly, i was much too hungover from the previous night’s celebration of my, ahem, 30th bday – old is old, and two nights in a row is just so much harder these days…

  12. Was interseting meeting you all. didnt think i would have had as much fun as i did meeting a bunch of people off the internet.

  13. I thought you are not supposed to like it as much the “first-time” but to my surprise this exceeded any of my expectations. It was a pleasure to meet you guys.

  14. Hmmm I need the peeps in those pics to tell me its cool to reveal their supersecret identity and I’ll put them on there 🙂 Until then everyone is free to guess the picture and the identity it goes with.

    im down…

  15. [1]“so if the forefinger is the current, the middle finger is the magnetic field,…” “uh… yessss. excuse me while i peruse the menu. again”.

    [2] “I think I can smell the curry here” “eegh. I dont think i can breathe”

    [3] “Yes. Ve met at bindidates. How’d you guess.”

    [4] “These nice folks are telling me about this quixtar company. i am so excited”.

    [5] “where’s the party yaar”.

    [6] “Coatchecks for just $2 per hour”. -thinks-“$2 x 23 x 4.5 hrs x 70% attrition + 43% probablty of tips = 1.32% of monthly mortgage pmt. sweet”.

    [7] “I vil break you.”

    [8] “I see London. I see France”.

    [9] “maddam khusrau’s vax museum”

    [10] “oops. that just snuck out.” “ooh. stinky” “pee-yyooo”

    [11] “Yes. Giggle. They’re mine. All mine”

    [12] “If I hold this just right, Siddharth looks like a little people”.

    [13] … and Tokyo.

    [14] “Was that your drink I pinched… erm hehe..?!” “all these nasty people..mummeee”.

    etc. etc. just having some idle fun. Tried my best to not cause hurt. thanks for sharing the good times and i hope you enjoyed yerselves.

  16. Coatchecks for just $2 per hour”. -thinks-“$2 x 23 x 4.5 hrs x 70% attrition + 43% probablty of tips = 1.32% of monthly mortgage pmt. sweet


    [10] “oops. that just snuck out.” “ooh. stinky” “pee-yyooo”

    the wind was blowing just right

  17. Good times y’all. After elbowing through the throngs of women waiting to be taught the French tongue & savor the harmonies of a Rosso di Montalcino, got to meet several intriguing people – a stand up comedian/author, a film maker/producer of adult films for women over 35, who’s now focusing on childrens’ films, numerous lawyers, JOAT the social shutterfly and our wonderful hosts.

    Looking forward to the next one.

  18. Brooklyn Brown, there was one young lady quite disappointed to know you didn’t make it. She was just dying to meet you 🙁

    Ha! Thanks for letting me know, JOAT. SM should definitely take a strong stance against the use of hallucinogens at meet-ups…;-)

  19. Thanks so much again, Jeet, for taking me along – and Puliogre it was so nice stomping through fish juice with you!

    To all the other new folks I met, I hope to see you again soon!

    And how’s no one going to mention the psuedo-cameo by Ms. Mississippi Masala? 😛

  20. It was my pleasure..and gettin lost in SOHO was even more fun

    ps. my shoes still smell like fishies 🙁

  21. [1]”so if the forefinger is the current, the middle finger is the magnetic field,…” “uh… yessss. excuse me while i peruse the menu. again”.

    When I saw the pics I thought the same thing! Good ol physics class. How I miss thee.

  22. I wonder who else I know on here. Two degrees, you know. Wouldn’t it be creepy if I saw one of my uncles or aunties in a meet-up picture gettin’ fresh with some young blood… or worse, if I’ve made scandalous jokes or revealed something about myself I shouldn’t have to a relative of mine… eewwwww