Fighting Words- UPDATED

Q: What kind of person publicly threatens to hunt down and rape his rivalÂ’s four-year old daughter?

A: One of Clear ChannelÂ’s (former) finest: DJ Star, a.k.a. Troi Torain

Go ahead. Absorb. Let the nausea subside.

Yesterday, I received glad tidings of StarÂ’s termination (Thanks, TAN), but my relief quickly dissolved when I discovered just WHY he had been fired; during one of TorainÂ’s pathetic, IQ-reducing morning shows, he took a dispute he had with a nemesis– DJ Envy–to unprecedented levels of hatred by describing exactly how he wanted to hurt his rival’s innocent little girl. Wow. It is a truly special, powerful man who threatens to defile a child. If anyone needed further proof that Clear Channel was concomitantly useless and evil, look no further than their taste in employees and their amazing ability to reclassify hate as entertainment.

I understand that beef makes for tasty ratings, but apparently TorainÂ’s favorite meal came from a Mad Cow. Only a wasted, sick brain could conceive of and enthusiastically rant the following:

Star continued to digress about Envy’s child, saying, “Yes, I disrespected your seed. If you didn’t hear me, I said, I would like to do an R. Kelly on your seed, on your little baby girl. I would like to tinkle on her.” Even more, the now-removed radio jock stated, “I’m coming for your seed. Did you hear me? I want to do an R. Kelly in the mouth of your seed, fam… I want to put some mayonnaise in between your baby girl’s ass crack and take a bite.”

Quite predictably, Torain was relieved of his duty to shock listeners by spewing filth, but I want to know what took them so long. And I donÂ’t just mean the many hours which Clear Channel enjoyed before canning his ass, I mean these many months. I guess when your transgression involves an innocent Indian call center worker, itÂ’s easier to forgive and forget. No respect please, weÂ’re rat-eaters.

If Clear Channel had any kind of soul, they would have dumped Torain after that example of his intrinsic cruelty, but they donÂ’t, so they continued to remunerate him lavishly, thus ensuring that even more fecal matter would leave his worthless mouth. Much like children who have tortured kittens and puppies are practicing for future, human victims, I think that this descending spiral was predictable and thus, preventable. Shame on you Clear Channel. I rebuke you because your erstwhile star is shameless.
We live in a very nasty world, where demented people can be inspired by far less than the vitriol of a DJ with pedophilic tendencies. I don’t think DJ Envy’s Asian/African-American wife Gia Casey (who was also savaged by epithets like “lo mein eater”, “whore” and “gook”) can be faulted for fearing what Torain or someone like him might do. I also don’t think that ANY Mother should EVER have to say the following words:

“When a man says that he would like to tinkle in the mouth of your little girl and ejaculate on her face – that will make any mother extremely frightened.”

Sick, sick, sick. And just in time for Mother’s day. Did I mention that Torain bragged about how he carries a gun? Oh, wait, thereÂ’s even more to offend and horrify you: he offered $500 to any listener who could provide information about the four-year oldÂ’s whereabouts.

Somebody holla at me and tell me about his whore wife and his kid. 866-678-8270. Somebody get at me about his whore. His whore wife and his kid, this little ugly ass kid, I hear. Where does this kid go to school? I got five hundred bucks for that information.

Go ahead. Absorb. Let the nausea subside.

Perhaps this is what’s needed, to wake up radio personalities from their extended slumber in retard-land, since it often takes something as sad as being on the receiving end of pain to develop empathy for others. I know that DJ Envy was a part of that unforgettably tasteless “Miss Jones in the Morning” show which thought mocking tsunami victims was funny, which might be why he’s laying low and letting his wife speak out against Star’s verbal assault, but as enraged as I was about the unbelievable callousness of the “tsunami song“, I don’t think anyone deserves to be threatened like this, least of all a little girl who had nothing to do with any of it.

I know that the Manhattan DA is looking in to the controversy, but I canÂ’t wait for some of our resident desi esquires to weigh in with their thoughts on how probable or feasible any kind of legal action is in this case. IÂ’m obviously crossing all digits that thereÂ’s a way to punish such shittiness.

What’s almost as disturbing as the incident itself is how blasé some are about it; I don’t care for arguments I’ve read which dismiss this as a mindless stunt meant to shock and nothing more. I think there is something very wrong with a man who thinks such vile things about four-year old girls, especially when he’s so proud to publicize his desires on air. I’m mired in disbelief that anyone, even someone as unremittingly sadistic as Torain would think this was acceptable speech or behavior. You don’t say words like that about babies. You can’t just take them back and suggest you were kidding, because it’s beyond the realm of satire, of decency, really. I didn’t think “Star” could shock or infuriate me more than he did when he proved he was a craven, clue-free racist, but then again, I didn’t know he was also a pedophile.


UPDATED: Ever-vigilant mutineer and garbanzo bean Chick Pea reveals that Torain’s ass might just be held accountable. YES.

Via the NYT:

A syndicated disc jockey with one of the city’s leading hip-hop radio stations was arrested this afternoon for making on-air threats to track down and sexually abuse the 4-year-old daughter of a rival, the police said.
Troi Torain, the disc jockey known by the name D.J. Star, was charged with endangering the welfare of a child, the Manhattan district attorney’s office said. Law enforcement officials had launched an investigation into his remarks on Thursday after reviewing a transcript of his recent rants about D.J. Envy and his family.
The police called Mr. Torain to police headquarters in Lower Manhattan this afternoon and ordered him to surrender his target pistol license and his weapon, a .9-millimeter handgun, they said. When he arrived, he was arrested by detectives from the police department’s Hate Crimes Unit, they said…
On Thursday, council members held a second news conference and insisted that they would not be satisfied unless Mr. Torain was prosecuted. The lawmakers have also called for a Federal Communications Commission investigation.

77 thoughts on “Fighting Words- UPDATED

  1. As someone who gets threats intermittently, for his ah… strong views, I think the parents should take the DJ to court and at least get a restraining order.

    Add that to the list of grievances that all Hindus have.

    Can we put a restraining order on the Abrahamics? All of them? Men woman and child?

    To restrain them from raping Hindu civilisation? And causing intolerance?

    Can I get a lawyer for this?

    Hail Mogambo!

  2. Re: #45 Jeet

    Yeah, I posted a comment there too, which is what he responded to… not sure if I want to debate his points on his site or here. He seems to be spinning a separate issue (creative accounting practices, tax evasion) to make an argument. It’s really irrelevant to this topic.

    Does anybody here read that blog post and believe it to be the truth?

  3. Clap Clap Chickpea….about time. I just hope they don’t “slap him on the wrist” and leave him. Some time at Rikers is what is necessary.

  4. this afternoon this a$$hole was arrested by the hate crimes unit…

    Awww, thanks bean! I was thrilled to update the post accordingly. As if my Friday hadn’t been fantastic enough.

  5. If the guy’s at Rikers, I’m gonna send him a jar of mayonnaise to share with his cellmates.

  6. Awsome. I’m sure his fellow inmates will treat him well. Child molesters (or in this case, one who desired to be one) and rapists are definitely at the bottom of the totem pole.

    his weapon, a .9-millimeter handgun

    FYI to the NYT, there is no such thing as a .9mm only 9mm pistol. The former would make one hell of a dart gun.

  7. the charge is endangering the welfare of a child…which is odd – clear publicity stunt

  8. Too bad they can’t put this loser in the same cell as Moussaoui… the two of them can spend their time taking turns playing “martyr” and “virgin” with each other.

  9. the charge is endangering the welfare of a child…which is odd – clear publicity stunt

    Would you mind elaborating? To many of us, it seemed like that was exactly what he was doing, but you know more about law than I do, so…

  10. Generally, for such a charge there has to be a showing that the actions in Q were likely to harm the child – generally, mentally or physically. The child is 4 – she’s unlikely to have been mentally harmed at all simply b/c such information is unlikely to reach a child so young (I would assume) and even if she knew something of what’s going on, I’m not sure it’s clear that a mental harm resulted(again, I assume). His words alone certainly didn’t create a physical harm, and I’m not sure they would have been likely to create physical harm either.

  11. anna and those who care:

    another article from today… what a jackass… here he is saying

    “There is a philosophy behind what I do,” he said. “I have an ideology.”He called his philosophy “objective hate,” but refused to expound. “Visit,” he said. “When you start scrolling through those posts, then you’ll understand my philosophy.”


    and i love this:

    In 2004, Power 99 suspended him after he threatened to choke a call-center worker in India, and called her a “rat eater” during a segment on the air. The following year, he returned to New York on WWPR-FM, known as Power 105, (Hot 97’s rival) and received a reported four-year $17 million deal

    Run that by me again? He has an ideology? WTF? I know it’s early morning…but that isn’t ideology…it’s pure evil what he said..did..

  12. Chick Pea, have you any links? I’m quite swamped this Saturday morning and if I don’t have to find them myself, that’s more time for me to attack the monkey poo.

  13. Holy shit – he’s an Objectivist! He’s claiming to be a follower of Ayn Rand, a reader of “Atlas Shrugged” and “The Fountainhead”

  14. Holy shit – he’s an Objectivist! He’s claiming to be a follower of Ayn Rand, a reader of “Atlas Shrugged” and “The Fountainhead”

    Haha…lock ’em all up and throw away the key. Clearly this ideology is dangerous to children and needs to be thoroughly investigated by the FBI, CIA, and other law enforcement agencies. I hope everyone who’s ever attended an objectivist “camp” gets detained indefinitely without trial as a material witness.

  15. I am sickened at reading this. I have nothing but contempt for “Hip – Hop” radio. I firmly believe that nothing useful can ever come out of “Hip-Hop”. Anti-establishment, anti-intellectual BS. I have no sympathy for the “Hip-Hop” artists who kill each other at the “award ceremony”.

    And also I was hoping that the insane amount of money they paid Howard Stern (whom I detest at all levels) to go on Sirius Satellite will bite them in the a$$. But there are a lot of stupid suckers in this nation. and Sirius Sattelite did increase subscriber base Now all I can hope is that they arent able to control their bottom line and have to kick stern out.

  16. A syndicated disc jockey with one of the cityÂ’s leading hip-hop radio stations was arrested this afternoon for making on-air threats to track down and sexually abuse the 4-year-old daughter of a rival, the police said.

    I guess the DA does agree with me. Oh well!

  17. Troi explains:

    Mr. Torain, 42, said that he was no shock jock. “There is a philosophy behind what I do,” he said. “I have an ideology.” He called his philosophy “objective hate,” but refused to expound. “Visit,” he said. “When you start scrolling through those posts, then you’ll understand my philosophy.” In one of several messages posted on the Web site, Mr. Torain, who has described himself as a die-hard fan of the author Ayn Rand, wrote, “Soon, I will indeed explain how the cheap emotion of hate, a common subliminal thread in all men including myself, can only be fully understood by way of Objectivism.”
  18. I can’t believe this true listeners of either station would know that this is truly a long time battle that ended sadly this week. This was all started by the Tsunami song creator Dj Envy. The majority of the Tsunami victims are considered asian. He also was on air telling of how he had gone up earlier that week to attack and assault Star with 50 dudes. The ways of Shot 97. He also threatened to abduct Star’s mom and throw he off of a bridge. He then ended his rants by shrugging off the personal verbal attacks of Star by saying that he doesn’t care as long as Star doesn;t disrespect his wife and SEED?, i guess that his child. In return wanting to entice Envy to come back to the studio and face him like a man. He disrespected the wife and child. As requested. Thats why when you read the transcripts, after he says all of this vile disgusting ish….. He says now you have to come see me…. then the gun comes into play. “don’t worry the only perso in my camp that carries is me”. Not liek he was threatening the wife and or child with a gun….. Oh the people involved in this writing this are actually all victims…. The true culprits are the producers and owners of the show..who when seeing the situation getting out f control had the power to stop the dispute. Fire them.

  19. Now don’t get me wrong, what was said is distasteful and diswgusting and all synonyms of those words i’m sure, however every action has a reaction. And that is what has occured here. Mr. Torain at times was an ass, but if you took time to go beyond the that part of that 4 hour show. He offered more. I don’t even consider him Hip Hop radio. He rarely played music. He attacked some of the most rediculous hip hop, and he used most of the terminology of the streets just to show how stupid it sounds. I’m guilty of this too. My niece and nephew are of this fouled up generation, and I always speak to them using the hip hop terms like son, kid , aight…… just to show how uneducated it sounds. He also played all types of music. Not just hip hop.

  20. It’s still not okay. It’s never okay to threatean a four-year old with such torment, no matter the context.

  21. Star’s comments towards DJ Envy’s wife and daughter were wrong. But let’s not forget that DJ Envy set the whole situation off. It’s quite admirable of DJ Envy to lay in the cut while his wife is leading an assult against Star. Wasn’t it DJ Envy who started this trouble in the first place with the comments he made on his morning show. They say you reap was you sow. Well DJ Envy seemed to get more then he could handle. It is quite obvious that Star made those comments only to provoke DJ Envy into a confrontation. In my opinion if you’re going to open your mouth and talk junk don’t be suprised if you get punched in the face. Why isn’t DJ Envy handling his business like a man? He put up and now he shut up. None of this would have went on if it weren’t for DJ Envy’s on-air comments towards Star. DJ Envy is the real cause to the pain and suffering his wife and daughter are enduring. If you’re going to talk the talk then walk the walk.

  22. I wrote the following piece more than a year ago never to see it published( the issue never was big enough to get on the radar of mainstream media ),so I thought I will share it with the readers of this Blog. It might be interesting. What’s really interesting is the kneejerk assumption of many ( not a few )of what a racist looks like.

    A recent email in my in-box screams for action against racism. Its author belongs to an Indian-American theater group in New York. As a budding Indian actor I once joined this group’s mailing list to tap into its pool of ethnically favorable audition calls.

    The email directs me to a nasty sound clip reeking of racism, sexism, and cowardice all at once. It is a recording of a male radio disc jockey who dials a female call center worker in India to order some trinket. He then abruptly jumps to his pre-planned course of action and calls the helpless woman a bitch and a filthy rat eater. He even threatens to choke her to death. He does this while comfortably sitting in his studio, thousands of miles away from his unseen victim. The call center woman, whose name is Tina, keeps addressing the DJ as “ma’am” throughout the conversation, innocently believing him to be one of her own gender. So much for his attempt to sound like a menacingly macho thug!

    I ask the sender of the email for the DJ’s name and a few other details, including his race. “HeÂ’s as White as can be,” she shoots back. I ask if she has bothered to confirm. She doesn’t think it’s necessary. In her eyes the racist person is White by default and the victim is anyone but White. It wouldn’t take too long for the media in Tina’s country to play up this issue. The Times of India dated January 13, 2005 has already run the story. The average person in India, not to mention here in America, thinks of America as a predominantly White culture and society, particularly when referring to quarters from which racism springs. That was where the finger was pointed after 9/11 when acts of hate were perpetrated against Middle Eastern looking people.

    A google search reveals that the radio DJ’s name is Troy Torain, a.k.a STAR whose morning show, The Star & Buc Wild Show is currently syndicated to two other Hip-Hop and R&B stations besides Philadelphia’s WUSL-Power 99 FM. It turns out he is a Black man who once hypocritically blasted Jennifer Lopez for uttering the N word. This on-air incident, which took place on December 15, 2004, would have passed into oblivion were it not for an alert internet browser to have chanced upon a sound clip on Philadelphia’s Power 99 website. Besides the Philadelphia Inquirer no major media outlets have picked up the story. Sympathizing with an American job stealer won’t make for a popular read, it seems.

    In many cultures and not the least in India, human beings, particularly women can be very sensitive and prone to take insults personally. Did the call center employee, Tina, fear for her life? Probably so. Even to this day she might not know her nightmare was caused by some cruel American DJ’s attempt to jack up his ratings. I hope Tina’s countrymen will be able to tell one sick American anomaly apart from the multitudes who have poured out their hearts and wallets to the millions stricken by the recent Tsunami. The radio show guy didn’t just give hell to a poor woman from another country. He slurred the entire Indian-American community that proudly calls America home.

    In keeping with the spirit of the upcoming Martin Luther King Day, African-American leaders should be the first to publicly condemn this reprehensible act of ethnic hatred. The radio station’s owners should discipline Troy Torain or fire him altogether. And finally with his now infamous radio program set to broadcast in New York City from Power 105.1 starting January 17, can I expect any prospective listeners to vote with their feet – and their ears as well?


  23. It turns out he is a Black man who once hypocritically blasted Jennifer Lopez for uttering the N word.

    Actually, he’s both African-American and Italian. And the the N-word wasn’t just uttered by Jennifer Lopez, it was recorded in a song. Her defense was that the lyrics were written by Ja Rule, so that made it OK for her.