Everything’s More Fun in a Group


Meetups might just be the most delightfully unexpected dish which is made from all this flavorful brownness (which conveniently is contained in one savory packet). When liveblogging isn’t possible, sometimes the best substitute is looking at all the wacky, joyful pictures which inevitably get captured by the half-dozen or so cameras which tend to be around (80% of which are Canons– you read it here first).

Now that we’ve had several meetups in four Amreekan cities, I just know that there are potentially hundreds of pictures moldering away on your computers, pictures which could find a home in the Flickr group created just for the Mutiny. LA Mutineers, this is a gentle plea to share your pictures with the rest of us via this outlet. If you are already a member of Flickr, you may comment on the 100 photographs which are already up, all from last month’s fantastic DC meetup. If you’re not a member, you can still view all pictures by clicking here.

I PROMISE you’ll want to see what’s hiding after the jump. πŸ˜‰119275250_41e66ea6b6.jpg

This might be the most precious capture from the DC Meetup– the sought-after and much-adored Yo Dad holding up one of the many goodies he brought to the restaurant. It’s a picture of the celebrity parent himself, from a much cooler decade. See? If you had been perusing the dynamic scrapbook we’re making on Flickr, you already would’ve seen it.

Mutineers in the City of Angels: please do us the honor of updating the group with your photographic masterpieces– we can’t wait to see what we missed. Everyone else, if you have pictures from older meetups, we want those, too!

26 thoughts on “Everything’s More Fun in a Group

  1. Seeing as how, I was not blessed with the SM corporate card to have a digital camera and my personal digital camera was releived of me one lonesome night one full year ago, when it was stolen out of the car while I was inside dancing at the hood joint of Gabbah… (breathe in) Abhi took all the LA Meetup photos.

    Not having a camera made me sorely sad when last night we took who was left of the meetup to a free Mos Def show, where the mighty mos def signed my hat. If I had only had a digital camera, I could have shared that too…

  2. Not having a camera made me sorely sad when last night we took who was left of the meetup to a free Mos Def show, where the mighty mos def signed my hat. If I had only had a digital camera, I could have shared that too…

    TELL me someone else got a shot of that, please! Wow, what an unexpectedly extra-cool way to end your night.

  3. kush, we should do a NW meet up


    Sure, we could have one. I’m all up for it. However, in about four-five weeks, I am leaving for Pakistan and India till mid-June. There are quite a few serious loose ends to be tied till then.

    We could do one in July or so. Talk to Daycruz too. Let’s talk over and see what everyone agrees.

    Definitely, not an all guy meet, definitely not. This gives us 2-3 months to advertise and build up the hype. Only then.

    Corvallis has HP and OSU – both has quite a few South Asians. India Night @ OSU fills more than 1000-1100 people. They had one two weeks ago. Portland should have quite a few.

  4. i’d rather do portland. i’m a duck, i don’t want to be turned into soup in corvallis, even if it isn’t as far πŸ™‚ i’d prefer a weekend, i have a 9-5 weekday gig in july. also, if we do portland it is closer for freaks from washington state.

  5. i’d rather do portland. i’m a duck

    That is OK but I guess to suceed we will have to keep hyping it up. I am open but first a critical mass is needed.

    A Duck in Beaverland – Civil War.

  6. Hey Razib, I spent a night in Eugene last year, and was going through the phone book look for desi names. I can’t recall seeing many. What is the desi population of Eugene?

  7. Sorry guys, I have the LA meet-up pictures but I am suffering from a massive tooth-ache right now that has me almost debilitated. I have been up since 5:30a.m. waiting for my dentist’s office to open. Once I get a shot of novacaine or something I will upload the pictures this afternoon/evening. I didn’t take any pics at the Mos Def concert unfortunately.

    Houston, anyone? Austin?

    Technophobicgeek, SM has made a decision to close down its LA bureau office and open one in Houston by the end of the year. We weren’t getting the tax incentives in CA that we can get in TX.

  8. ohh.. it’s the photo i took of abhi’s dad at the best meet up ever (DC!!!)…share the pics..and good luck with the toothache…

  9. I must say not everything is more fun in groups. Take for instance enemas. Though sex is more fun in groups. I don’t know any of the people in the photo above, but if the guy even has a .05% chance of getting laid by one or more of these girls, any situation he finds himself in with them will be more fun.

  10. Alright I know this is tacky to pass comments on the attractiveness of readers who post their pictures online but the girl on the left is a babe especially her eyes, eyebrows and smile.

  11. I canÂ’t believe I missed so much! I almost regret going on vacation!!! Well at least I have weeks worth of posts to savorÂ… as always SM is awesome and their meetups are out of this world. Everyone should attend at least one!

  12. What?! You guys went to see Mos Def after the meetup!? Worst part is that I made a last minute trip home to LA for Easter, and I completely FORGOT about the meetup! grrrrrr

  13. I just uploaded the L.A. pictures, fighting through my dental pain to do so. Just to let you know I will be using my tax return to buy a better camera in case you guys aren’t too impressed with the pictures πŸ™‚

  14. Didn’t I tell you guys I was going to make sure it was a meetup not to be missed???

    No one had a camera at the show though, sux…

  15. Ya..it was great. Thanks for getting us together. We should make sure that we have one of these before Abhi decides to shutdown LA offices and move it to Texas.

  16. Austin? Hell yeah or even Houston.

    Desidudeinaustin – would you care to share this coffee/lounge place? I mean other than Mozarts.

    I like the gellato place near 45th and Duval (opposite to Asti).

  17. I might be able to make a Texas meetup (I travel there often). Although it would be hard to top our DC gathering, would be interesting to see which lucky town meets the SM Grand Council selection committee’s acrimonious criteria. We live for meetups!

  18. I am white. Very white. But I have a good friend who is brown (lenika, girl in the middle in the photo on this page). She will attest that I may be very white, but my heart is tan…

  19. Yo Dad – You look awesomely great! Thanks for bringing in nostalgia of total AmolPalekarish proportions πŸ˜€

    arrey DesiDude: just yesterday as I was mentally striking out all things on my Austin list, I thought..chaaila I am about to leave and we haven’t met yet. I didn’t see any email ID on your clogger profile too. So, ping me on “kazionline atV1agra-n-c!alisellingPr0nersAT gheemail.com”. SM or no SM, before I leave Austin I gotta meet you man. TechKnowHolicMeek, you too in Austin? Anyone else?

    How about coming Fri,21st evening? followed by some live music(no-cover gareeb students place) at BD Rileys? Joe Richardson will be belting his blues rock. chk out their timetable on the sidebar. However I am open to suggestions. Saturday I am out (tho evening/nights could be free). Again Sunday free. This is my last weekend here, so soon reply korbey. Oh yes, before I forget, shubho nobho-borsho {I picked it up from some other blog :)}. Ping me faaast. tata!

  20. SM has made a decision to close down its LA bureau office and open one in Houston by the end of the year. We weren’t getting the tax incentives in CA that we can get in TX.

    Yay!! Houston meetup, I can just feel it…