Pranav and the Bee

pranav.jpgSomething smells down in Georgia and young Pranav Mahadevan is being forced to take a deep breath of the stink in. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports on an exclusive investigation which takes a look at the seedy underbelly of spelling bee competitions in this once great country:

Pranav Mahadevan, a serious speller since second grade, had one final shot at the state spelling bee, where a win would finally give him his ticket to the national stage in Washington.

In anticipation of the Georgia Independent Schools Association spelling bee in Macon last month, the Dunwoody eighth-grader pored over word lists and studied word roots in Greek, Latin and French. But he was eliminated when the judges said he spelled the wrong word. He spelled “ivy”; the judges were looking for “ivied.”

Pranav, a student at Our Lady of the Assumption School in north Atlanta, said he misunderstood the pronouncer. He spelled the word he thought he heard, a word he repeated for the judges before he started spelling. His mother, Kalpana Mahadevan, appealed her son’s dismissal immediately, as is her right under the bee rules. But she said the judges refused to replay the tape to see whether the pronouncer had clearly articulated the word. Instead, they ruled that Pranav was out and proceeded with the contest.

This is personal. First they screw us by misrepresenting Hindus in California textbooks and now they go after our kind in Georgia. Is it Pranav’s fault that Georgians can’t properly articulate the “-ed” at the end of their words? My personal advice would be to set up a commission to look into this. Scientists could come and quantify the acoustics of the competition room and speech therapists could assess the so-called “pronouncer.” Both could later testify as expert witnesses in front of the congressional committee which overseas these matters.

All hope is not lost however. After Hurricane Katrina, the city of Houston demonstrated its limitless generosity by taking in the vast majority of Katrina victims. On a recent trip to Houston, Pranav’s mom learned that the city was also known for taking in those abused by the Spelling Bee System and the incompetent federal and state officials who are responsible for its breakdown:

In Georgia, few students pursue spelling as diligently as Pranav, who has broadcasts of past National Spelling Bees on tape and can rattle off the winning words for the past several years.

His mother networked among parents in Texas, where the Indian-American community is very active in spelling bees. They advised her to move to Texas, saying that Georgia didn’t have a reputation of taking spelling competition seriously.

Georg…ia hates brown people.

62 thoughts on “Pranav and the Bee

  1. First they screw us by misrepresenting Hindus in California textbooks…

    Please explain…


  2. Thanks, Abhi. I figured that’s what you were referring to, but I just thought I’d ask. I know this is totally off-topic, but I hope no one minds me throwing this in the mix which has some more details about the textbook controversy:

    And, on-topic: Spelers of the world unite and take over!


  3. I thought the following from the link Abhi just added was interesting.

    Anu Mandavilli, a representative of Friends of South Asia, a group that includes Hindus and that opposed the controversial changes sought by the Hindu foundations, called the board’s action “a big victory for secular history.

    Whats a secular history ??

  4. In Jawja (Georgia as you North Easterners/West Coasters know it), Houston county is pronounced “How-stun” county and “Albany” is pronounced “All-bane-ee”. Nuff said.

  5. But can he play chess?

    Spelling bee-ers and chess players usually land up playing with themselves….

  6. “I-V-Y”?

    That sure is a peculiar way to spell recreational vehicle. Are you deaf, son? I said “RV,” wadn’t asking you about your college ambitions, shoot.

  7. My moment of spelling bee drama was at our school bee in fifth grade, where the pronouncer pronounced “wrestle” as “wrastle” (as a good Texan should do). I asked for the definition, which was similar to “wrestle.” But my growing up in a house where English was spoken without a Texas accent left me confused, so that is how I spelled it. Wrastle. W-R-A-S-T-L-E. Wrastle. My dad appealed and I was reinstated and won, only to go out on the word “salicylate” at the regional bee πŸ™

    Ivy? Ivied? Didn’t the kid realize they won’t give you EASY words??? πŸ™‚

  8. georgia hates brown peeps?

    hey now… i’ve lived in ehem….georgia around 4 yrs now…granted i’m known as the gal who hates georgia with a passion–with a one way ticket back to the west coast after my time is up here.. (not selling alcohol on sundays, WTF?), and other ehem… absurdities..(can we say how REPUBLICAN this state is….to wanting to remove the word evolution from the text books)…. but GA doesn’t really hate brown people per say….we’re the milk choco in between the white and the dark choco here and used as an intermediary between the two ….

    but i must admit this kids parents are a little psycho..similar to the scene in spellbound where that indian boys father paid a village in india to do chants for him to win for a week or something ridiculous like that.. honestly i wanted to shrink away into oblivion in the movie theater at that moment… implode is more like it… oh well…indian parents at times are um… psychotic themselves when it comes to being at the pinnacle of an academic/nerdy award…it’s scary… like stage parents..but the iq version at that…

    okay enuff about my ranting…better load up on the etoh before sun 12am… the usual drill… cheers.

  9. “not selling alcohol on sundays, WTF?”

    chick_pea, a good number of counties/ parishes in deep south have no alcohol on Sunday rule. In Georgia, is it state-wide. I thought it entirely depended on the local government/ people.

    to everyone, What is with this spelling bee? It is totally nerdy and I think it is not even fun…….Does it help get laid ?

  10. wow I didn’t know Texas was a state involved in spelling bees. I myself was in the spelling bee for 3 years in middle school but I could never achieve top levels like the desi prodigies.

  11. Kush: Yeah, I live in the middle of the Baptist Bible Belt…I just didn’t understand the absurdity when i first moved here from the more diverse/liberal west coast…..but over time, i’ve accepted the fact, and laugh when i go to grocery store and see the lights turned off on the wine/etoh lane on Sundays.. pretty damn amusing….and i dont’ think the nerdy bee winners get laid more often.. hehe… that was humorous..and almost poetic πŸ˜‰

  12. i say this in good humour :)….

    Spelers of the world unite and take over!

    am i the only one who sees the irony in this? πŸ™‚

  13. Spelers of the world unite and take over!
    am i the only one who sees the irony in this? πŸ™‚

    Nope. You are the one who said it ;-).

    But can we add a dyslexic march on Apr 1st in Los Angeles please. I want to lead that one.

  14. What is with this spelling bee? It is totally nerdy and I think it is not even fun…….Does it help get laid ?

    Ha! Kush, that was the funniest thing I have ever read on SM… and why do you ask? πŸ˜‰

    And CP: I know!! They have that same silly law in Minnesota. It’s so weird and totally hard to get used to. There used to be a 24 hour liquor store in my apartment building.

    As far as the spelling bees, for those qualifying rounds (for the Scripps-Howard) they actually give you a little book with like 2,000 words. All the words they use at the regional and national level come from that book. Shame on him for not having every word memorized… Bad desi!

  15. “and why do you ask? ;)”

    Just wanted to be sure not only for me but for my future kids too.

    You know why I took chewing tobacco, I listened to Jesse Ventura.

    Bunch a slackjawed faggots around here. This stuff will make you a goddamned Sexual Tyrannosaurus, just like me.” —Jessie Ventura in Predator

    Good luck kids, with spelling bee.

  16. What is with this spelling bee? It is totally nerdy and I think it is not even fun…….Does it help get laid ?

    funny you should say that…guess it does after all πŸ™‚ at least these people are in for a big disappointment…

  17. Aren’t bars closed in MA or at least Cambridge on Sundays too? Or at least liquor stores? I have some vague memory of this being a problem one night.

  18. Don’t worry. Georgia hated black people before they hated us. The skin color standard is just getting lighter as each decade passes. Eventually, they’ll be hating each other. That’s when the real fun will start. ;]

  19. What is with this spelling bee? It is totally nerdy and I think it is not even fun…….Does it help get laid ?

    Maybe it fine-tunes their minds for when they grow up and decide to do Masters and PhDs in Applied Physics, get a job as a quant with an investment bank, and end up earning an insane amount of money at a ridiculously young age. So I guess it does have the potential to help them get some action, albeit not for a long time.

    You know why I took chewing tobacco, I listened to Jesse Ventura. “Bunch a slackjawed faggots around here. This stuff will make you a goddamned Sexual Tyrannosaurus, just like me.”

    Kush is either pulling everone’s leg or he sounds like the biggest all-round pimp, player, and hustler on SM. And you thought geologists were boring. They must be like accountants — well-behaved, meek & mild image on the outside, a seething tangle of sexual perversion and excess on the inside. “Double-entry book-keeping” probably isn’t just financial jargon, y’know…..

  20. arre yaar; this story (and subsequent comments) has aroused a plethora of emotions within me. i am unable to seperate my tendencies toward laughter at certain comments or shaking an open palm while cocking my head from side to side as an enraged uncle/aunty..

  21. First they screw us by misrepresenting Hindus in California textbooks…

    Are you insane? PropaMcGandhi is right, go figure the facts

  22. Did anybody see Spellbound? That was a great documentary on the spelling bee subculture, following about 6 kids of different ethinicities (desis over-represented again).

    Very entertaining with some very interesting characters. One that stayed in my head was this desi kid who barely scraped by “darjeeling” while his dad was having conniptions in the audience. There was a latina whose farm-hand parents do not speak english.

    Just rent the damn thing if you haven’t alredy. I can’t recommend it enough. It also answers the question Kush Tandon asked in #23.

  23. Jai, And you thought geologists were boring.

    They never are.

    I am not sure about spelling skills.

    We all need to check out the movie “spellbound” – about spelling bee contestants. The preview looked very interesting. It showed some of the things chick_pea was talking about.

  24. And you thought geologists were boring.

    How can they be boring? Geologists play hero in the movie such as Dante’s Peak starring Pierce Brosnan. On the other hand software people are damned to be shown as geeky for eternity πŸ™‚

  25. I guess I somehow have to accept that Spelling Bees are interesting πŸ™ If I ever have kids I hope I never get my kicks out of watching them succeed at this kinda stuff.

  26. On the other hand software people are damned to be shown as geeky for eternity πŸ™‚

    Huh?????? The Matrix????? Trinity!!!!??? Geeky????

  27. Huh?????? The Matrix????? Trinity!!!!??? Geeky????

    Sigh… it’s art imitating life, obviously.

  28. I have to disagree with chick pea #30.

    Admittedlly the indian parents in the flick were more into it than the other folk if I remember correctly. But as an ethnic group we have always had more than our share of pushy parents for whom academic success was paramount. And again, if I remember correctly, the kid didn’t seem stressed out at all. His big sister shows up and vouches for him as well. Something about karate and how he is not a nerdy kid at all.

    The other desi kid who shows up in a cameo (who goes on to win the whole shebang next year) came across a bit off though. He was home schooled by his folks who think that america is full of lazy slackers who are probably going to hell (my memory may be off on the last sentiment).

    If you want crazy parents look out for an old documentary following young beauty queens in training (I think the one that I saw follwed them Texas, NC and FL).

  29. admittedly jay, brown parents are more ‘pushy’ in academic success as compared to other ethnicities… but to pay priests in india for your childs success in a spelling bee? i’m just grateful to the higher being my parents were outta my academic life (didn’t even know what i majored in, to what grades i was getting…) and just let me do my thing… i think i would’ve suffocated/imploded if i had all that academic pressure placed upon me..

    having a latin teacher, french teacher, and all those other teachers to be coached for the spelling be alone is crazy… karate kid fine.. but there is more than karate in being a normal kid.. hell spend all day saturday and watch cartoons, eat sugary cereal, playing with the neighborhood kids, and just enjoy life as a kid for a time being.. you only get that time once…

  30. I don’t know, I saw Spellbound and I have to agree with Ms. Pea. I think there were multiple desi contestants (was it the girl who ended up winning all of it?) but the dude whose dad paid a 1000 people in India to pray for him round the clock took the cake. I remember watching the scene where one of his parents quizzed him on all the words and timed him too. As a former regular on the spelling bee circuit, I can vouch for the fact that most of the kids who really succeed in the spelling bees eat, sleep, and breathe it. They go through some serious training. They take it as seriously as any sport.

  31. congressional committee which overseas these matters.

    “overseas” . Is that an intended pun πŸ™‚

  32. Spelling Bees! I wrote a piece last year on the desi spelling bee champs– and in my research learned in that ‘mutineers will so find this fascinating’ kind of way about the North Star Foundation…

    And these kids didnÂ’t achieve this feat alone — the North South Foundation, founded in Chicago in 1993, has 60 chapters around the country to hold regional spelling bees for students of Indian descent! A foundation created for Indian American kids to compete in regional spelling bees against other Indian American kids.

    Here’s the link to the Foundation’s site.

    And I thought Spellbound was an awesome movie. Funny like Best in Show, but real.

  33. but to pay priests in india for your childs success in a spelling bee?

    Is this for real?? Man thats fucked up. Is this for “education” ?? Will that kid become “educated”??

  34. I, for one, concur with the statement:

    GeorgÂ…ia hates brown people

    First Operation Meth Merchant stakes out and takes out innocent little Aunties & Uncles at convenience stores all across the Deep South, and now this Shpelling Bee outrage. Give me a break! Their deshi accents got ’em in a heap o’ trouble, yet spelling bee judges accents are all (Georgia) peaches-and-cream.

    Dammit…. in the words of that dream-boat of a crooner John Mayer…

    Why Georgia? Why???

  35. pravasi:

    i asked myself the same question…why ga why…but then listned to ‘welcome to atlanta where da playas play’ to get me in the mood to move down here.. hehe…

    and yes, RC his parents are completely MESSED up… craziness..that ain’t normal behavior…

  36. I blame the kid. If he was confused, why didn’t he ask the pronouncer to put the word in a sentence?

    “I could tell that I was among Northeastern intellectuals because their sarcasm was dripping with ivy.”


    “I’ve noticed our college’s ivied buildings ever since they hired away Princeton’s head landscaper.”

  37. IndiaTruth!!! For the morons by the morons and a complete oxymoron.

    If you have something intelligent and intelligible to say, then say it. Until then, shut your jalebihole.


  38. I once spelt the word ‘harrowing’ as ‘heroin’ in a provincial spelling bee final. I was 11 and not a user.

  39. And you thought geologists were boring.


    Check in with me after one field trip with a few.

    Georgia didnÂ’t have a reputation of taking spelling competition seriously

    Is there anything Georgia takes seriously besides naming everything after peaches and CNN?

  40. Ah caint b’leev hwhat y’all dun bin sayin’ ’bout Jawjer. Y’all from “Nooo Yoik”, where they carry dem “Poises” so y’ll kin git muhged? Ah hope ah don’t “hoit” y’all feelings now, ya heah?

    “IndiaTruth” is like “South Asia Scholar” or Oxymoron. Did you know that most of the “IndiaTruth” types are former AID (Allahs for India’s Destruction) “jeevan-saathis” or FOSA communists? Don’t move to Georgia, folks. Around here, sodomy is a felony, which makes all FOSA Felons On Sodomy Arrest. They put sodomists and communists in chain gangs, where more of the same will probably be done to you.

    For the Spelling Bee, I have the following advice.

    “I have a Spilling Chequer It works on my Pee Sea. It planely marx for my revue Miss steaks eye cannot see.”

  41. Hey Arun, Didn’t Witzel say something about NRIs not taking care of their kids or them not being interested in their kids education (I mean (in)famous IER post #2300) Maybe our PedaMcGandu here will take this Witzel so that real India truth shines up the place uncharted by regular sun rays.