Best of the Best 2

It’s time once again for the annual Best of the Best competition. It will be held on April 15th in New York City:

Michigan represents at last year’s BOB

The 2nd Annual Best of the Best Indian Dance competition with participants coming from all across the nation will be held on April 15th, 2006! The show consists of three types of Indian Dance: Bhangra, Raas-Garba and Fusion/Bollywood, where competing teams are invited after placing first at a previous competition. The landscape of Indian dance competitions is filled with a variety of shows, each highlighting a different category of Indian dance. Best of the Best is unique in that it is the first large-scale non-profit competition to bridge the gap among these different dance styles and crown one winner among the top teams. The second annual Best of the Best competition will provide an entirely new and memorable experience for the audience and competitors alike. The show consists of three categories: Bhangra, Raas-Garba and Fusion/Bollywood, where competing teams are invited after placing first at a previous competition. A total of four prizes will be awarded among the nine competing teams: a cash prize to the winning team from each category as well as an overall Best Performance prize to the team that truly is the Best of the Best. In addition to the competing teams, the show will feature internationally recognized artists.

If you have never seen Indian dance before, then Best of the Best promises to provide a birds eye view of the wide-spread landscape of Indian dance. For more information and updates please visit, or e-mail us at

Performance Schedule:
Saturday, Apr 15, 2006 at 7:30 PM… [Link]

The BOB website features some great pictures from the past show as well as more detailed event info. As usual the NYC kids get the fun events in their backyard.

See previous post: Portuguesa flips the ‘Bird’

14 thoughts on “Best of the Best 2

  1. I went to the last one — nice variety of stuff. Bhangra was only 1/3 or so of the stuff: there’s also great dandiya, fusion, and live music by young & talented desi groups.

    It’s good, because 3 straight hours of bhangra group after bhangra group can get boring.

  2. Looks like a fun show… I wonder why I didn’t hear about it last year

    perhaps b/c you weren’t reading us? 😉

  3. Anna, bring back 55Fridays or we’ll kidnap you, tie you to a chair, and force you to watch non-stop Saas-Bahu serials until your head explodes like those Martians in “Mars Attacks”.

  4. I’ve watched the UBC Vancouver Team (not just Girlz but Guys too) as well perform for years. They are great! Actually they are the best that I’ve seen … (yup there is a little pride for the alma matter involved in my part ;-). They have actually won many competitons over the years, hence these competions are not a new thing, at least 5-10 years in the running.

  5. WOOHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! balle balle oye! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM……i wish i could see the bhangra perfomaces, but i’m not sure when i’ll be in NY again. love the pic though.thanks abhi!

  6. It’s good, because 3 straight hours of bhangra group after bhangra group can get boring.

    i’ll take 3 hours of straight bhangra and never ending lassis please.