NYC Mutineer Meetup – Saturday Jan 21, 1pm – UPDATED (again)

Calling one and all to the first mutineer meetup of ’06. Turns out that this weekend, we’ve got a triple threat lined up – Anna, Manish & I are all in NYC…

WhereKati Roll – 140 W 46th between 6th & 7th [Note updated place!]

WhenSaturday, January 21, 1pm [Note updated date/time! We moved this from Sunday to ensure the lovely AJP could join the festivities]

Lassi opened to some fanfare last April, and NY metro’s Underground Gourmet gave it rather favorable reviews praising it’s nouveau take on classic Indian street food and “inexpensive” prices. Others, including a few mutineers, weren’t entirely happy with the nouveau.

Several readers (particular thanks to NYCDesi, Ace, Sank, Emily, and others) have pointed out that Lassi is probably too small for our plans for world domination. So we’re moving to the new Kati Roll

As usual, given previous meetups, worst case – the food sux but the company will titillate.

As usual, if you can make it, leave a comment or drop us a note so we have some idea of how many folks to expect & how much space to cordon off @ the restaurant.

87 thoughts on “NYC Mutineer Meetup – Saturday Jan 21, 1pm – UPDATED (again)

  1. Um, Razib, I believe Kenyandesi is a “she”-

    Not that there’s anything wrong with that…

  2. I seldom blog here but I am a regular reader. So I would love to be there and put faces to names

  3. Its a good place for a meet up if all but 3 people are attending, else I would recommend an alternate venue.

  4. Oh man (stamping foot on ground like a spoiled brat)! I’m going to be in NYC the following weekend. 🙁 Hope you all have fun!

  5. Awesome, meetup posts are like request lines…WHAT ABOUT T.O.? Any Southern Ontario love to be had? I have access to a gt sno racer. We can go racing!

    (not taking any responsibility for injuries, racer was purchased for $2.50 from a carnie in stratford)

  6. Uh oh….after wishing for exactly this I’m now nervous meeting the gods of SM! But I will definitely try to be there. Will let you guys know in advance 🙂

  7. Lassi sucks, and it’s really just a counter. Don’t you guys know anything about the spots in NYC? If you have to be in Manhattan – go to Haandi.

  8. Will there ever, ever be a “Mute-Up” (Mutineer + Meet-up = Mute-Up….sorry, I’m feeling extremely dorky) in L.A?

  9. Lassi sucks, and it’s really just a counter. Don’t you guys know anything about the spots in NYC? If you have to be in Manhattan – go to Haandi.

    Ayyoooo it isn’t about the location, it’s about the peeps. I’m sure they’ll move it if it ends up being 40 people!!

  10. Oh yeah… I was just going to suggest a SM party, but a meetup will do. I think you guys should go for a party next time!

  11. Badmash ji, that’s the best news I’ve heard all day. Summer sounds like a plan! The racer works on gravel too, I’m sure 🙂

  12. Will there ever, ever be a “Mute-Up” (Mutineer + Meet-up = Mute-Up….sorry, I’m feeling extremely dorky) in L.A?

    Is there actually a demand for a meet-up in L.A.? There CAN be a meetup here at any time. I just figured there were no LA readers since nobody from LA ever seems to leave comment. That and the fact that I have no experience at running a meet-up mute-up. I would have to rent the movies Braveheart and Glory the week before, just so that I would know the right words to say so that people wouldn’t just get bored and wander away. Plus, what do we say if the wait-staff at the restaurant or cafe asks why we are there in the first place? “We all read the same blog,” seems way to suspicious if you ask me. Frankly, nobody is going to buy it and I’d want to make sure that we get our stories straight in advance. Also is there a dress code? Should we all be wearing business casual or are SM t-shirts more appropriate? Also who will keep the meeting minutes? I’ve always HATED that job. Until I am able to resolve these challenging questions I am a bit apprehensive about holding a meet-up in LA. I am open to suggestions though.

  13. In the immortal words of John Cusack, Abhi, “You must chill.” That solves the LA mystery. Thank goodness slightly more relaxed A N N A arranges the meet-ups in SF when she’s visiting. 🙂

  14. Lassi sucks, and it’s really just a counter. Don’t you guys know anything about the spots in NYC? If you have to be in Manhattan – go to Haandi.

    I’ve never seen a woman in Haandi, but damn good place to watch the India-Pak matches.

  15. Can you guys do a webcast of highlights of your meetups ? It may not be that complicated if the place has WiFi.

    It will be awesome to hear (and see if possible) you all.

  16. Abhi

    Plus, what do we say if the wait-staff at the restaurant or cafe asks why we are there in the first place? “We all read the same blog,” seems way to suspicious if you ask me.Frankly, nobody is going to buy it and I’d want to make sure that we get our stories straight in advance.

    I agree. When they get suspicious, somebody should shout, ‘They’re onto us’, throw down the backpacks we are carrying and run out of the place screaming. At least, thats what I would have done. Seriously though, as someone who has wait-staffed before, we dont really care as long as you dont get too whiny ( Desi Customer – Hey, we can get this same dish in NY for much less and it comes with a side dish,
    Me – Really!!! let me go find somebody in the kitchen who gives a flying f@#k). I’m just sayin’….

  17. Sounds great! I’ve been VERY CURIOUS to meet you guys! I can be there too.

    —EMMA (regular reader)

  18. seconding the idea of an LA meetup, particularly if it was walking distance from ucla =)…

  19. Nux2, you are ON my friend, my email’s on my blog if you want to send me your deets. Badmash, I can send out (spam out) invitations to Dhaavak and Ananthan on their blogs once the summer nears…oh how far it seems. I know I’ve seen a few more canucks here, just don’t know where they’re at.

  20. Rightey then. At current count it looks like it’s only going to be a threesome in L.A if there ever were a Mute-Up. May I suggest the ostentatious celebrity haunt Electric Lotus in Los Feliz? Or we could be more down to earth and just chill at Ambala Dhaba on Westwood — a bit more than a stone’s throw away from UCLA.

  21. I want a DC meetup to! We can make it a threesome!!! 🙂 Show some love for the most powerful city in the world!

  22. Like I said, I’ll be there, but seriously – I can come with ghungroo on if you’d like.

    Like Umrao Jaan, or Meena Kumari in Pakeezah ?


    They’ll be able to hear you coming from 2 blocks away…..

  23. Let’s go with Meena Kumari.

    They’ll be able to hear you coming from 2 blocks away…..

    At least we won’t have any trouble finding each other…

  24. seconding the idea of an LA meetup, particularly if it was walking distance from ucla =)…
    At current count it looks like it’s only going to be a threesome in L.A if there ever were a Mute-Up.
    I’m down for LA…bored of reading the blogs and not experiencing you all.

    Sigh. It seems a line in the sand has been drawn. There comes a moment in every man’s life where he needs to take a stand and be accountable. It seems that time has arrived for me, and at a much younger age than I had imagined. I will try to put a mute-up together in early February here in LA.

  25. weather looks pretty good (high of 58)…but let’s find a place a bit more inclusive than lassi…

  26. i’m brown AND i’m down… but must it be a “brown” locale as well? there are several other places.. it’s nyc after all… but beware of timings… brunch is killer on sats… 11-4.. no seating at the good spots so closets like lassi are considered… better if it’s 3-4pm onward… unless brunch was the idea…

  27. I’m surprised msichana hasn’t chimed in on a dc mute-up…I’m sure she’d be down 🙂 Pweese ANNA 😛