Cell Phones of SHAME and LONGING

Damn modern technology and its capacity for conveying horniness (via the Beeb):

Bangladeshi authorities have ordered mobile phone operators to stop offering free calls after midnight, to protect the morals of young people.
A telecommunications regulator said it had received scores of complaints from parents that children were using the service to form romantic attachments.
They said children were losing sleep and some indulged in “vulgar talk”.

Oh, Razib…talk genetics to me. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Eek, didn’t mean to lose sleep while being a strumpet.

Every 40 days, a mobile phone company in Bangladesh called Grameen signs up another million customers. That number just seems insane. Predictably, the persecuted purveyors of phones in that nation are a bit perplexed:

The phone companies say they are surprised by the order, which the regulator says must be obeyed immediately.

One spokesman has been quoted as saying that if the authorities wish to stop young people meeting each other, by the same logic, fast food restaurants and universities should be shut down, too.

Whatever will the youth of Bangladesh do, if they aren’t able to lose sleep by covertly murmuring nothings sweeter than ras malai in…to plastic? The horror. The HORROR! WON’T someone think of the CHILDREN? Oh wait. That’s how this whole cluster started. ๐Ÿ˜‰

17 thoughts on “Cell Phones of SHAME and LONGING

  1. hahahah whats up with this neoconservatism on the part of our countries? Why is it two steps forward, 3 steps back?? I remember hearing about how India has always been 10 years behind the west (I’m from bombay), how yoga would become cool in India only after it did in the west (now a friend is studying to become a yoga teacher). heard about born-again virgins in femina magazine when i was 11, looks like the state has decided to restore our morality after a brief fling with freedom!

  2. LOL!

    Whats seems to be all the more bizarre is that the order is to ban free calls only. As opposed to some sort of fascistic evesdropping scheme (which, lets face it, is not exactly inconceivable). Implying that is okay to talk dirty with your girlfriend as long as you are not poor.

  3. One spokesman has been quoted as saying that if the authorities wish to stop young people meeting each other, by the same logic, fast food restaurants and universities should be shut down, too.

    He says this as if it couldn’t happen.

  4. Oh, Razibร‚โ€ฆtalk genetics to me.

    Is this what all geneticists fantasise about girls saying to them?

    I wonder what chat up lines geneticists use…

    “I want to get in your genes” “fancy some base-pairing?” or “Yo baby, what’s guanine wit’ you?”

  5. I guess this answers my question (here)

    Quote from the artice: “In some cases, Yunus has been able to attract private capital to fund socially driven businesses. GrameenPhone, a for-profit telecom outfit, is 51% owned by Norway’s Telenor (TELN ). It works with the not-for-profit Grameen Telecom to provide bulk airtime for so-called village phones. Funded by loans to individual women, these systems — built from simple handsets and solar chargers — function as pay phones in many rural areas. Now the idea of a “village phone lady” is catching on, along with other low-cost, high-tech systems, in other parts of Asia and Africa. An energy enterprise, Grameen Shakti, sells around 1,500 home solar-panel systems per month throughout rural Bangladesh and is growing 15% a year without subsidies, says Yunus.”

    Hmmm, I’m thinking if they swtiched entirely to solar-panel systems, then they could very well keep communications to within daylight hours only :p

  6. Mm-mm girl, you 3′-5′, 5′-3′ or do you go both ways? Jump in the back seat for some in-situ hybridisation.

    I’m still proud of my guanine one.

    Abhi! Where’s the post on INDIA TAKING OVER MARS?

  7. I heard that kids flirt over cell phones all the time in the Middle East too. Hey, we all need some sort of life!

  8. Abhi! Where’s the post on INDIA TAKING OVER MARS?

    I saw it a couple days ago but there wasn’t enough meat in the article. I think the spokesman said they would announce something more concrete in six months. I’ll be all over it then. ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. “Is that a GFP twinkle in your eye or are you just glad to see me?”

    “I’ve got a GAL-4 line that’ll drive U(ASS) wild”

    • courtesy ANU Genetics Lab

    horrible stuff, but UAS had to be mentioned somewhere…

  10. flygirl, that’s the geekiest (= best) yet. Hmm, now a human female is present, I could take the opportunity to ask if I could be your histone chaperone…

    OK, that’s lame. Cut me some slack, it’s still morning.

  11. Bong: Chaperone…you gonna help me fold my multiple domains?

    I win the geek AND lame departments!

  12. OMG. genetics pick up lines. so disturbing in so many ways.

    and yeah, keep ’em coming. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  13. its funny dat parents complained they should be autthoritive enough to just sieze their childerns cell phones