Today is Jay Day- VOTE

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Attention Houston-area Mutineers: Today, Saturday December 10th is the day– get out and VOTE for Jay Aiyer. Donating money is fantastic, and I’m thrilled we inspired many of you to do so, but at the end of election day, the only thing which counts is VOTES. So move it. I know, it’s out of your way, it’s not what you had planned for your Saturday, you need more time to peruse their platforms, you don’t think you should vote when you haven’t…save the excuses for another, less important day.

Today you take a stand against ignorant, pathetic, politics-as-usual. We are not dot-headed terrorists and we do not fly planes in to buildings. When people cravenly suggest such outrageous things, we call them out on their bullshit as they scurry behind technicalities which don’t matter to anyone with a functioning brain.

Don’t live in Houston? No problem. You and I are going to engage in that most important aspect of political campaigning– Getting out the VOTE. I have a few dozen relatives in Houston, so do you. Today’s the day you make a phone call and tell them to get to the polls to vote for Jay. What are you waiting for?

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