Watch Out Now, Hrithik

We go from the strangely disturbing to the just plain strange today on the Mutiny. Right on time for dinner!

An Indian boy considers his rare birth defect to be an advantage. Devender Harne, 10, was born with 25 fingers and toes — six fingers on each hand, six toes on one foot and seven on the other.

Video of the child here. Of course he’s going to take the brown view of things: at school.jpg

Though it would be considered an abnormality to some, Devender says it allows him to work faster than the average child.

Despite his super powers, Devender is a pretty ordinary kid:

The extra digits on his hands and feet don’t hinder his daily life. Like any normal 10-year-old, he goes to school, plays sports and spends time with his friends.

As tipster BJ said– another one twenty-five for the world of Guiness. Brilliant!

The Guinness Book of World Records has contacted the boy’s family and is investigating whether he has the most useful fingers and toes in the world.

20 thoughts on “Watch Out Now, Hrithik

  1. you’re going to love this… so my aunt is semi-famous and we were at a dinner a couple of years ago. so i pestered her to introduce me to hrithik [a very uncharacteristic move for me…] and he ended up giving me an autograph, but the entire time…all i could stare at was his hand! how mortifying is that?

    god i’m such a dork.

  2. Three of the last four posts are about world records …

    Didnt u know this is a conspiracy by SM to capture the world…. 🙂

    aaah !! what the heck…humour !!

  3. oops the comment was by ENNIS

    In light of that my statement is now a rhetoric. :):)

    On a more topical note. Having more digits was always considered freaky when i was growing up as a kid in the 80’s of Bombay. I had a friend who had a 6th toe on one foot and he was the butt of some of the nastiest jokes in town…to the extent that he contemplated having it surgically removed. Of course this was in 6th grade…and we were the immatue juveniles then….for teasing him !!

  4. too funny… damn i’m sure he can type like 1000 words a minute ;), see yet another world record at his fingertips… oh gosh… bad punny day…

  5. This child has a bright future as my secretary, provided he can line up that next Guiness for typing speed.

    Question: when he’s pissed, which finger does he use to flip a body off?

  6. That foot with the seven toes looks like it would be very uncomfortable in a shoe…

    he could be a Bata flipflop spokesmodel!

    a (somewhat) related aside: rumor has it that Halle Berry’s got 6 toes on a foot. hrithik lowe match!

    They’d make such beautifully polydactyly children together!

  7. I like the brown view of things.

    He’s so chipper and happy! All, “I’ve got mutant digits and that makes me even more awesome! What self-esteem problem?!”

    Doctors here would have urged his parents to get those sliced off right in the delivery room.

    Maybe my typing would improve with an extra index finger or two..

  8. Sorry, I can’t see the video for some reason, but can someone tell me if it looks like he has bones in the extra fingers? The picture put up in SM doesn’t show any abnormality at all.

  9. that is so weird man r a freak how did that happen uggg thats gross!!!!!!!!!!!!!