Fatty fatwa

From the showing-up-on-the-radar dep’t: The Colbert Report, a Daily Show spinoff, satirizes religious outrage:

My fatwa was issued by certain religious leaders because… I happened to say that Halloween was a better holiday than Romadon…

After I slammed Gandhi for his eating disorder, the Hindus came after me with an eight-armed Sheeva squeeze…

I got the Dolly Lama to take a punch at me just because I said Boodism is a religion for chubby chasers…

Nazi pope Benedict the 16th wanted to excommunicate me just because I called him a Nazi pope.

(The names are spelled the way he pronounced ’em .)

That’s not a Shiva image I recognize, though maybe it’s a style I’m unfamiliar with. The reference strikes me as a bit Temple of Doom-ish — Americans make a beeline for death cults. But hey, a funny mention is better than no mention. Watch the video.

8 thoughts on “Fatty fatwa

  1. Funny stuff…. though the ultra religious crowd is known to lack a funny bone when it comes to such satire.

  2. the reference strikes me as a bit Temple of Doom-ish, but hey.

    Was I the only one rooting for the Thugees in the Temple of Doom?

  3. That was hillarious. Man, I need to get cable back… I am missing out on the Daily Show (loved that “This week in God”, done by Colbert before he got his own show) and Colbert Report.

    Is it just me or playing back videos on comedycentral site is a pain in the ass?? The site might be getting overwhelmed .. but all the time ??? Anyone ????

  4. Colbert was funny but aren’t you pathetic and hungry for attention… Mr. “funny mention is better than no mention”