The Toral is Unleashed

I’ve been working like a dog the past few months & one of my few connections to pop culture has been my beloved TiVo.  So, after a day of conference calls & meetings, I decided to vege a bit and watch last week’s Apprentice and check out how Sepia Mutiny’s friend Toral Mehta was doing.

Now, in contrast to Raj who dished up the drama almost from the outset, Toral’s been disappointingly flying beneath the radar and laying low.   No longer – last week her fangs were unleashed and my-oh-my what snobby, elitist, east coast fangs they were.   A few choice quotes –

“I’m from Wharton …we’re really here to demonstrate work ethic and that’s a different style of thinking from those individuals who have not been trained by large corporate institutions

“I would have to say that there are a group of women here [pointing at a gaggle of laughing blondes] who have banded together based on the fact that they have no work experience.   I like them all on a personal level, I think they’re cute people if I had a secretary job or an administrative job, I’d happily hire any of these people”

Oh Boy.   Now that’s a good way inspire folks.  Note to The Toral, it’s one thing to not forget the little people as you rocketship takes off.   It’s a different thing to tell ’em they’re little before your ship has even left the ground. 

Last week’s episode had the contestants teaching a bunch of retirees about the post-vacuum tube world of electronics and entertainment.   Toral did her best to play Vanna White & demo a big screen TV to the audience…  alas failing miserably.   Navigating on-screen menu’s apparently isn’t her forte –

“Look I’m an investment banker on wall street, I put together multi-million dollar deals.   I wouldn’t say it’s below me but it’s not something I’d generally do”

Something tells me that’s precisely what she’s trying to say.

Predictably, when it was boardroom time, the other gals seized upon this and other failures.   Nearly to a T, they ganged up on The Toral and singled her out for The Donald’s trademark viper strike “you’re fired.”   Toral launched back in a catty, vixen-like manner demonstrating why realityTV is often better than a soap opera –

“I have a substantial knowledge of finance, accounting, and marketing.   I have impressive work experience.  The top real estate developers in the city know me.  You have in general a group of people with unimpressive work experience, [and a] poor professional education…”

Toral was, however, quite literally saved by a thread.   Her one ally in the room happened to be that week’s project manager (who, as Toral informed us, went to U. Chicago and hence shares a certain pecking level).  The PM had a soft spot for Toral and brought in 2 other gals instead – a nearly fatal decision for the PM which Trump seized upon –

“Toral has to be smart … she went to a school that’s truly the smartest people in the nation for business … the Wharton School of Finance.    Now that doesn’t mean she has common sense and it doesn’t mean she has other things”

“you can say what you want about Toral…. the fact is that the team can’t stand her and she has brought the team down… she certainly wasn’t an inspiration to the team”

Trump’s insight goes to prove the old aphorism that some of the greatest judges of human nature aren’t shrinks but rather, bar tenders and successful salesmen.   You’d better watch this week’s episode – if Toral’s team loses, it’s likely to be her last.  And I betcha she’ll go down in delicious flaming glory.

78 thoughts on “The Toral is Unleashed

  1. Vinod,

    Yes, Toral was full of fire in last week’s episode. Defending herself in face of assault from a bunch of dumb blondes.

    Only problem is: The dumb blondes were right.

    She should have been fired along with the other girl. As you mentioned, she has severely damaged her relationship with the rest of the girls and is hanging by a thread.

    What’s with a Wharton’s graduate who cannot get a TV to work?

    M. Nam

  2. I suspect the Donald isn’t as fond of her as he is of Rebecca. She’d better mend those bridges and contribute to the next task, otherwise she’ll soon be back to her boring life as a millionaire executive taking vacations in London and Florida.

  3. The pragmatist in me wants to fire her, but alas, the more dominant Desi in me wants to exchange biodata with her and see her financials..

  4. I hear she is now working @ HSBC. The credibility of the source those hasnt been established.

  5. Saw the episode too; Toral reminded me of annoying hotshot females I’ve met here in Washington DC who had impressive sounding jobs with impressive companies, but sorely lacked in common sense, manners, sophistication etc. The sad thing was that they thought they possessed all those qualities in abundance. Last week’s episode totally shattered Toral’s mystique of the previous two weeks. We know what she’s all about now — it’s all about Toral!

  6. Unbeknownst to Trump, Toral has also acted in a bollywood film, “Kehta Hai Dil Baar Baar,” with Jimmy Shergil. She played Kim Sharma’s sister, Namrata.

  7. Toral – what an idiot.

    This goes to show that not everything coming out of a great institution is as great.

    I graduated from one of the top schools, and in my experience it is people like Toral who were the junk of the graduating class… they have nothing else to leverage but the sense of entitlement they got with the college brand.

  8. “Look I’m an investment banker on wall street, I put together multi-million dollar deals. I wouldn’t say it’s below me but it’s not something I’d generally do”

    yes but anyone who is successful prepares. too bad she soured relations… no one has won yet that has been hated by their fellow contestants. a bitch is a bitch, brown skin or not.

    my vote goes for randal. the man has FIVE DEGREES (Rutgers, MITx3, Oxford), not that that’s incredibly relevant, but he’s also really likeable.

  9. last week her fangs were unleashed

    the uncle says

    fangs unleashed ? bared perhaps ?

    some possibilities
    lashes unfanged? -> glowered fiercely
    flashes unged? -> thunder and lightning, very very frightening.
    anguses flushed? -> smackdown yore beef
    anusses flughed? -> got medieval
    this thread is munged.

  10. uggh… it took this long to get this up?

    have an entire entry in my blog on friday right after watching the fiasco, she is retarded…her nickname on the blog has become oral toral.. the indian pornstar 🙂

    she is not under the radar anymore… she has a bullseye right on her forehead.. maybe she needs to go back to india to act, because she really f*cked it up last week…

    dropping outta columbia b-school, really not owning homes in miami/london… she’s really kosher.. pure kosherdom..

    i’ve seen smarter and prettier indian women out there.. and if all the laurels she can rest on is going to wharton..thats pretty sad…

    she reminds me of the finalist jennifer on season two who could only rest on her phi beta kappa princeton laurels and her complaining that the hardest thing was moving to SF.. give me a break…

    here is this link:

    laugh… cuz i sure as heck am!

  11. CP – I saw some of the gossip flying around the desiweb earlier on, but I ignored it since most of it sounded really malicious. Is this stuff for real?

  12. If she’s so smart and rich, what the hell is she doing wasting her time on a television show?

    Even she won at the end, she would be making a pittance in comparison to what she can make in investment banking.

  13. Those sound like dubious rumors to me, CP.

    At least she isn’t that chick who got fired first. Don’t remember her name, don’t care enough to look it up but you know who I mean, “I’m Hispanic! These are MY PEOPLE!”. I was far more embarassed by her antics than by Toral’s uslessness + ridiculous outburst.

    Anyway, I completely agree with Absolutgcs, Randal deserves the win.

  14. Like we need any more help perpetuating the entitled, elitist, indian girl with nice a nice bag, stereotype. Haven’t seen the show but don’t have to.

    Important people are aware that other people matter too. The hostility is amusing because it comes from a bratty refusal so see the reality of the situation — that it takes more than a big salary and a Penn degree (or an MD) to be important. Thanks for sharing and Inidan men can be substituted for the equasion’s conclusion.

  15. gosh, her website is ridiculous… that my dear is pure comedy neha… don’t think that they are rumors…

    but this is for sure: arrogant arrogant arrogant without true substance. sad.

  16. Like we need any more help perpetuating the entitled, elitist, indian girl with nice a nice bag, stereotype.

    yeah cuz there are more than enough brown girls on this planet that push the stereotype who aren’t on tv



  17. Confident as all heck, stiletto-sharp, angry but poised, AND looks down on blondes… What’s not to like? She’s sexy. Much better than the semi-lecherous, hubristic buffoon Raj.

  18. What’s not to like?

    that after blustering about the ineptitude of others, she was the weakest link?

  19. I won’t say she is without substance. She has pedigree, sticking it out in the very alpha-male dominated shark-infested waters of wall st.

    I think she is trying to aim for something much bigger. Perhaps trying to enter politics, who knows? Her caustic tongue could be attributed to certain things not happening to her in ways they are supposed to happen to girls of her age.

  20. Her caustic tongue could be attributed to certain things not happening to her in ways they are supposed to happen to girls of her age.

    such as?

  21. It’s interesting that the stereotype of the hot, snobbish, bitchy, Indian overachiever female is so pervasive, esp among Americans.

    Is there any truth to this or is this just out of spite or something?

    Of course, toral’s not being overly helpful here…

  22. Toral was, however, quite literally saved by a thread

    Literally by a thread, Vinod? I didn’t see any real threads in the episode. Did you? No, not literally, just figuratively. 🙂

  23. It’s interesting that the stereotype of the hot, snobbish, bitchy, Indian overachiever female is so pervasive, esp among Americans.

    It’s not necessarily a uniquely American thing; you find a lot of young desi women like that here in the UK too, although it seems to be more prevalent in London rather than the rest of the country.

  24. It’s not necessarily a uniquely American thing; you find a lot of young desi women like that here in the UK too, although it seems to be more prevalent in London rather than the rest of the country.

    or in india for that matter. a certain memsaheb mentality…

  25. pretty is as pretty does…

    Sorry, everyone seems to be working under the impression that Toral is pretty.

    Mr Pedant’s cousin (no relation) says this is NOT SO.


  26. it seems to be more prevalent in London


    Now, my girlfriend is hot, snobbish, overachiever Indian female. But she’s not bitchy (providing I haven’t done something stupid). My point is that what we’re really saying is that there are a lot of Indian BITCHES out there, over-achieving or not. Toral is one type. I know a helluva lot more Indian mediocre bitches.

    (That means they’re doing mediocre jobs, not that they’re mediocre at being a bitch.)

    Being snobbish is another kettle of fish. I think most of us are guilty of snobbery, in fact I’m rather proud of it. But a sense of humour goes a long way in softening the blow.

    Now get out of my way you public-sector-educated troglodytes!

  27. Sorry, everyone seems to be working under the impression that Toral is pretty. Mr Pedant’s cousin (no relation) says this is NOT SO.

    Sigh… all you have to do is watch the show and see for yerself. Then you can decide.

    On a side note, it’s funny how if people are told a person is gorgeous enough times (magazine, media), people start to believe it.

  28. oral toral is fired thank the fcking heavens hated this btch

    she ain’t pretty she ain’t smart..

    and hell she’s hindu and where the heck does it say she can’t wear a zip costume? lying in the board room and being fired without a 3 person shoot down..


    ‘self dignity’ she states in the loser cab ride back..

    ugh.. i wanted to slap her, throw my remote control at her..

    she gives brown women a bad name…

    arrogant b*tch..

    she and omarosa should be locked in a room together.. now that i’d pay to watch 🙂

  29. She’s out now as she should be. But she did a good job of representing all that is bad about indian women, and for that matter indian men

  30. Toral might have been snotty, but I thought that all the women on the team acted like they were in a highschool clique and forgot to grow up.

    Warning: shameless self publicity ahead. More right here

  31. Thank god she was fired. Yes she’s sucessful. Yes she’s smart. But she shure as hell isn’t all that. She’s definitely not attractive. Most importanty, she’ll never be sucessful in anything other than finance. I’m sure she can crunch some numbers but obviously can not work with any other human being. I hope she enjoys being a mid level banker her whole life. I hope Kristi wins, she is the anti Toral. And much better looking.

  32. I am mad. This is the abyss. How’s this even possible? How did this utterly unintelligent Toral get into Wharton? What moron gave this stammerer a job on Wall Street? For God’s sake tell me what nutjob would cast this disgraceful creature in the Apprentice. Oh and what kind of a blog has a whole section dedicated to her? Good or bad this bitch doesn’t deserve any attention.

    This lying daughter of a…… . Her Gujarati Hindu heritage prevents her from dressing up in a costume. Really? Shame on her and shame on all those self segregating Indians who’ll now play up her disgusting Apprentice gig just because she is Indian. They will write about her, talk about her and even invite her to fancy opening receptions to lure even dumber Indians. Hey guess what some of them will even say she was a victim of White Racism.

  33. I know I swore not to watch, but I couldn’t help myself.

    She reiterated an intro marketing course in the boardroom for crying out loud – the 4 P’s – aaaargh – I expect more from a Wharton graduate; such as actually demonstrating their strategic application. AND she talked herself into a hole: not very smart. I didn’t find her to be eloquent, or intelligent or even all that knowledgable. And working with other people is def not her forte. Yup, she asked for it. I don’t think “I’d hire her for my administrative assistant“. Such lack of maturity – older than me for goodness sake, but has less tact than my 10 year old cousin.

    Anyways, I hope it’s all an act. I have no idea where these reality shows get their contestants.

  34. Hey Chick Pea You’re right – Toral is a bitch. But more than that, she comes off as totally insecure and that’s why she’s so bitchy and hard. She seems like she’s had to fight for everything (whatever that is) and she’s still fighting… and maybe one day she’ll turn around and realize that whatever she was fighting for doesn’t matter because nobody LIKES HER!!!!!!!

    P.S. A Wharton UNDERGRAD degree only gets you so far… you’ve got to be a leader, empathetic, sympathetic, strong and ethical to succeed. You have to inspire loyalty as opposed to hatred.

    Note to Toral: Your condescending and judgemental attitude will be your downfall!

  35. This writer watched the show for the pleasure of hearing Donald say “You’re fired” to the beast.

  36. hehe…

    i agree with dan, i had mentioned it on an earlier comment above about her lying about her homes and getting kicked outta b-school.. who the hell gets kicked out of b-school?

    she talked her way into getting FIRED as i predicted above as well…

    toral–you’re a self aggrandizing bitch with no substance–whether it be looks, intelligence, or just character…. you give brown women, and brown hindus a bad name… shame on you!

    i think sepia mutiny readers should pool together and get her a zip costume for halloween..

    oral toral costume—200 bucks getting oral toral to wear it after doing a hindu puja to get rid of her cultural/religious so called refusal to wear—1000 bucks seeing her in it—priceless

  37. I wish she had more class, but she shouldn’t have the burden of rep’ing all of us brown gals for the American public…though, regardless of how I wish things were, her nonsense about the suit does cheapen genuine claims to religious insensitivity.

    silly girl.

    She was entertaining to watch though! And she really wasn’t the reason they lost.

  38. a tug and a tweak

    The quality of mercy is not strained. It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath. It is twice blessed. It blesseth him who gives, and him who akes… It is an attribute to God Himself; and earthly power doth then show likest God’s when mercy seasons justice. Therefore, Hindoo, though justice be thy plea, consider this, that, in the course of justice, none of us should see salvation. We do pray for mercy; and that same prayer doth teach us all to render the deeds of mercy
  39. puh-leaze. I’m glad I didn’t give Toral a minute of tv time, instead opting to watch the real bitches of P.Diddy’s Making The Band 3.

    I’d like to see Toral up in their apartment. She’s not even a real diva, she’s a poser. She’d get maybe 3 chances to say something moronic about her imaginary other houses, or stupid Wharton [cough]undergrad [cough], before the band hopefuls attacked her by slingshotting H&M Halter tops at her, rapid fire. They’re ghetto, some of those dancer-girls– one crack from The Toral about something being beneath her and they’d clean the toilet with her mascara brush, not rinse it, and put it back. Businesswoman… Bah!

  40. I rarely agree with the Donald, but based on Toral’s horrible performance on last night’s episode, I’m reminded of what he said last week: just because you graduated from the best business school in the country, doesn’t mean you have common sense. Unfortunately, Toral proved him to be absolutely correct.

    Ta-ta, Toral. We’ll see you on The Surreal Life 12 duking it out with Pamela Anderson and Pee-Wee Herman.