Guest Blogger: Saheli

I am going to keep this intro short and sweet since her reputation precedes her (I mean the clean version of her reputation of course).  We took Saheli snipe hunting in the woods near our North Dakota HQ last night as a way to haze her in to the family.  We were just going to let her wander around out there for hours as we drove off.  The joke of course is that there is no such thing as a “snipe.”    Or so we thought.  Saheli once again demonstrated her encyclopedic knowledge by telling us the entire history of the snipe on our way into the field.  She even had pictures of seven species of snipe in her purse.  Ennis and I just turned the SMobile back toward HQ after that.  We decided to go the more traditional paddle-spanking route.

May I present to you the newest guest blogger, Saheli…

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