Musharraf on ‘60 Minutes’ (updated)

A 60 Minutes segment tonight on the search for Osama bin Laden needled Musharraf and the head of Pakistan’s ISI on their strategy to play the U.S. for arms and aid.

The reporter asked if they would hold bin Laden’s capture back for maximum publicity or move him to Afghanistan so Dubya could take credit. Musharraf laughed uncomfortably and stuttered a reply. He then wisecracked, ‘But we would like to take the money part.’

The interviewer asked, ‘The $25 million [reward]?’

Musharraf: ‘Not bad. Good money.’

Check out the subtitle during the bin Laden discussion. Is that a show promo, or political commentary?

Watch the clip (19 MB DivX; you need a BitTorrent downloader: Windows, Mac). Here’s the press release.

Update: Here’s who CBS misidentifies as Musharraf on their Web site. Apparently they’ve been taking lessons from both the Times of India and George W.:

Interviewer: “Can you name the general who is in charge of Pakistan?” …

Bush: “General. I can’t name the general. General.”

Interviewer: “And the prime minister of India?”

Bush: “The new prime minister of India is – (pause) No… Can you name the foreign minister of Mexico?”

Interviewer: “No sir, but I would say to that, I’m not running for President…” [Link]

3 thoughts on “Musharraf on ‘60 Minutes’ (updated)

  1. Oy wait! He didn’t say what I just read did he, President Bush…? Well I checked;the post is in “politics” and not humor and the link goes to a Lori’s humor webpage. Incredulous! But then again if you read Slate’s Bushisms you will know anything can come outta his mouth. Here’s a gem: “There’s an old saying in Tennessee—I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee—that says, fool me once, shame on—shame on you. Fool me—you can’t get fooled again.”—Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 17, 2002

    Shame on ya Dubya..

  2. Su that quote that Manish is not only true, it’s legendary. Bush is an imbecile. A stupid, stupid, moronic, war-mongering f*cking philistine. Who has won two elections.

    Needed a little rant. Not a long one mind – so you can’t delete it!