Hey Ram, the world is repetitive

NYT columnist Tom Friedman continues to whip it:

Some Singapore schools have adopted a math teaching program started in Chennai… some Singapore schools have adopted a math teaching program called HeyMath, which was started four years ago in Chennai, India, by two young Indian bankers… If you were a parent anywhere in the world and you noticed that Singapore kids, or Indian kids or Chinese kids, were doing really well in math, wouldn’t you like to see the best textbooks… HeyMath… which has been adopted by 35 of Singapore’s 165 schools, also provides an online tutor, based in India, to answer questions from students stuck on homework. [Link]

That’s right: instead of sending your kids to Exeter, you import mean Miss Thomas. I can tell you what’ll cure your innumeracy: six by six multiplication drills for five-year-olds. It’s joy inchoate.

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2 thoughts on “Hey Ram, the world is repetitive

  1. Recently one of the news programmes …60 minutes or Dateline, had a segment where they showed some midwestern kid speaking to a teacher in chennai via skype…

    Hope our teachers can teach the US some concrete morals !!!

  2. i read this today in the NYT as well. I am a big fan of Friedman. He is very positive on many asian/brown issues. I highly recommend other people to read his column often because he has some pretty good insight on different things happening in the world.