Are you paying attention? :)

Since flawless scores on the SAT are no biggieround this blog— btw, you all make me sick with your disgusting perfection– I thought I’d give you a REAL test to tussle with…


Erstwhile guest blogger Amardeep once crafted something similar to have us all put up or shut up regarding our mastery of brown music. I had a blast with the good Professor’s exam, so much so that fellow Mutineer Manish accused me of cheating. Hater. 😉

No need to cheat on my little timesuck; obviously all of your Reading Comp skills are stellar if you made 800s back in high school. This quiz covers information from posts written in the last week. Have at it, SM-heads. And if you like it, I might do it to you again. 😀

11 thoughts on “Are you paying attention? :)

  1. oh no! i only made 56%! But then again, with my 1500 SAT, I’m dumb ’round these parts.

    And I don’t read comments when they get angry and mean, so some of the questions went over my head….

    I’ll study harder next time, Teacher. Promise.

  2. Hello. I did ‘A’ levels. I know something about SATs, can someone explain? I could look it up, but I have chicken burning. I did a practice SAT paper in school, cos some kids were applying to Harvard, Yale etc as overseas students and I tagged along. I was a sad child. I think it was SAT 1, it was really easy – so are the other parts different? What’s it all about?

  3. Apparently, I’m non-mutinous….I have to say ever since the MBE, I’ve been unable to do multiple choice questions 🙁

  4. wow I suck. In my defense I was up all night and only just got my laptop back after a week + of brokenness.

    Who are all the Abhis?

  5. 67% Je suis le poseur…

    That was fun, Anna – reminded me of the “news quiz” we’d have every week in my elementary school Social Studies class 🙂

  6. seems like you guys got slammed with punks who spammed the poll.

    in a way shows your popularity. great going. nice saturday diversion !!