A couple of us will be in Manhattan this weekend & thought it would be cool to call a mutineer meetup. So come one and come all and find out if the other beloved commentors / readers and the bloggers themselves are as dumb / smart / mean / funny / lame in real life as we appear on your computer screens –
What: Lazy afternoon desi snacks and barely witty repartee with bigger geeks than yourself
When: Sunday, July 10, 3pm
Where: The Indian Bread Co in the village – 194 Bleecker St.
If you can make it, leave a comment or drop us a note so we know to look out for you & to give us a rough idea of how many folks to expect.
If, on the other hand, you find yourself in LA this weekend, you may be interested in chasing down Abhi who’s helping put on the Artwallah festival. Continue reading