Real Life Russian Dolls

russian_dolls_semyenov_c.jpgThe shiznit rarely gets weirder than this

Doctors in Bangladesh say they have removed a long-dead foetus from the abdomen of a teenage boy who was complaining of stomach pains. They said the foetus would have become the boy’s twin had it grown normally in their mother’s womb. They said it was a case of an extremely rare condition where two foetuses are conceived as conjoined twins but one absorbs the other. …”Apart from the head, all other limbs of the baby were developed.”

Ewww. Just plain ewww. The villagers reacted as villagers in da homeland usually do – not content to wait for the Enquirer to put its alien autopsy spin on the story, they flocked to see it first hand –

Hundreds of curious locals flocked to the hospital on hearing a rumour that a boy had given birth to a baby.

Kuato Lives!

7 thoughts on “Real Life Russian Dolls

  1. For a long time the only Xfiles episode I had seen featured this phenomena, and when I tried to watch another one, it was a repeat of that episode.

  2. I am very curious to know how many clever readers pick up on the Kuato reference.

    Not that hard.

    These could have been more interesting references The other half and The dark half a sort of remake of The Other Half.

    But I concur with Vinod…ewww….

  3. For a whole year now I have been waiting to work in a Kuato reference somehow. Good show Vinod. Good show I say.

  4. I always suspected men had their own time of the month, but the above post is too bizarre.